15–19 Nov 2021
Fukuoka Convention Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Bi-2212 Coil Technology

17 Nov 2021, 10:15
Fukuoka Convention Center

Fukuoka Convention Center


Ulf Trociewitz (Applied Superconductivity Center/National High Magnetic Field L)


From a magnet designer’s point of view Bi-2212 round conductor is, in many aspects, the ideal candidate for high field magnets. Besides very high critical current densities that exceed specification for conductor of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) of 1500 A/mm2 in 16 T background, it offers two particular advantages over other HTS conductors, namely that it is available as an up to one mile long round wire, that it has many finely distributed filaments, which can be twisted to reduce AC losses, that it behaves electromagnetically isotropic thus eliminating the need of distributing graded conductor throughout a coil, that it offers a very flexible and adaptable architecture, and that it can be cabled easily to provide conductor for high current carrying coils with low inductance. These advantages, however, come at the cost of low mechanical properties of the bare conductor, which are similar to Nb3Sn strand. In very high field magnet systems above 30 T extremely high stresses will have to be mitigated and a thorough understanding and control of the coil mechanics is paramount. In this presentation we will present an update of our coil R&D efforts with a focus on coil reinforcement.
This work is supported by the US DOE Office of High Energy Physics under grant number DE-SC0010421 and DE-SC0018683, and by the National Science Foundation under NSF/DMR-1644779 and by the State of Florida. Collaborations within the US Magnet Development Program supported by DOE-OHEP, especially with LBNL are gratefully acknowledged.


Ulf Trociewitz (Applied Superconductivity Center/National High Magnetic Field L) Youngjae Kim (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory) Daniel Davis (FSU/NHMFL) Ernesto Bosque (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory) Lamar English (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory) Jozef Kvitkovic (Florida State University) Griffin Bradford (FSU - NHMFL - ASC) Emma Martin (Applied Superconductivity Center/National High Magnetic Field L) Jianyi Jiang (Florida State University) Eric Hellstrom (Florida) S Imam Hossain (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, FL 32310, USA) Shaon Barua (Florida State University) George Miller (ASC, NHMFL) Jun Lu (NHMFL) Jeremy Levitan (National High Magnetic Field Lab) David Larbalestier (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)

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