15–19 Nov 2021
Fukuoka Convention Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone

BSCCO geometrical and soldering optimisation for high current lead application

18 Nov 2021, 10:00
Fukuoka Convention Center

Fukuoka Convention Center


Dr Alessio Capelluto (ASG Superconductors)Dr Martina Neri (ASG Superconductors)Mr Lorenzo Mauro (ASG Superconductors)


In a big admount of superconductive applications it is necessary to introduce an high temperature superconductivity stage, in order to realize the current lead.
In particular, in the superconductivity industial applications, it is also necessary to find the best compromise between the cost and the technical performance.
This paper presents the result of a geometrical and soldering techniques optimisation in order to built an high current superconductive lead minimizing the admount of the expansive materials and avoiding the use of the helium gas.


Dr Alessio Capelluto (ASG Superconductors) Dr Martina Neri (ASG Superconductors) Mr Lorenzo Mauro (ASG Superconductors)

Presentation materials