The detection of natural radio-nuclides is of interest in several applications, for example for natural environmental monitoring or for the identification and tracing of illegal radioactive materials. We designed and developed a camera for gamma-ray imaging based on the coded mask technique. The camera proposed is a compact instrument, ideal for real-time analysis, with a low power consumption. It consists of 16 CsI(Tl) scintillators arranged in a 4x4 matrix and coupled to photo-multiplier tubes (PMTs) with a digital readout. We used a 7×7 mask composed by transparent and opaque tiles to allow the position reconstruction of a radioactive gamma-ray point source. Measurements were conducted using radioactive sources placed at a fixed distance from the mask. We will present the performance of this prototype camera in terms of energy and spatial resolutions. Different reconstruction algorithms were used to decode the source images and their performance will be compared.
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