A brief overview of the development of the idea of colliding electron-positron beams is given. It led to the appearance of many modern installations-factories with extremely high productivity-luminosity. This development progressed as complexity increased from simple single ring machines with a single bunch in the beam to two ring machines with hundreds or even thousands of circulating bunches...
A Higgs factory is considered the highest-priority next collider in the EPPSU 2020 strategy update. Two linear colliders projects, the International Linear Collider (ILC) and the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC), currently under study are among the candidates being considered. Although the linacs accelerating the particles use different RF technologies they share similar challenges, for example...
The axion dark matter search, even up a few years ago, looked nearly impossible to reach theoretically interesting sensitivities due to very feeble coupling strengths with ordinary matter and with itself. Recently, ADMX has reached DFSZ level sensitivities for frequencies below 1 GHz. Above 1 GHz, the situation becomes again very difficult very rapidly, but our recent breakthrough innovations...
Understanding the properties of nuclear matter and its emergence through the underlying partonic structure and dynamics of quarks and gluons requires a new experimental facility in hadronic physics known as the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). The EIC will address some of the most profound questions concerning the emergence of nuclear properties by precisely imaging gluons and quarks inside...
The HL-LHC poses some serious challenges to particle detectors, with a luminosity of 5x10^34 cm^-2s-1, a pileup of up to 200 pp collisions per bunch-crossing and hadron fluence of up to 2x10^16 cm^-2 in the most exposed silicon sensors. The LHC community is at this moment preparing the detector upgrades for this project to be installed in the middle of this decade. The FCC-hh is a 100TeV next...
Total-body imaging with positron emission tomography (PET) was recently developed through a large, international collaboration (EXPLORER), that has so far resulted in the construction of several prototype and preclinical total-body PET systems for research purposes, along with the FDA-approved uEXPLORER total-body PET/CT system. Here, total-body PET imaging is achieved by extending the...
Precision comparisons of properties of well-studied hydrogen with its antimatter counterpart, antihydrogen, provide opportunities for testing foundational principles of modern physics – such as CPT invariance and Weak Equivalence Principle. Since the beginning of the Antiproton Declarator facility at CERN in 1999, significant progress has been made in developing techniques for synthesizing,...
The nature of dark matter in the Universe is the Holy Grail for most particle physicists. It is a crucial element that is still missing in our understanding of the Universe and would provide a chance to discover physics beyond the standard model. Currently many experiments around the world are searching for dark matter and utilize detectors with large mass in extremely low background...
This talk will survey technology needs (detector and source) for next-generation neutrino experiments, and prospects for their development
Reaching a complete understanding of thermal signal pulse formation in low-temperature calorimeters can contribute to the improvement of their performance, both in the identification of low energy events and in the optimized choice of geometry and materials for future experiments.
We performed dedicated measurements with TeO$_2$ crystals read-out by Ge-NTDs hosted in copper and PMMA...
We present a hardware tool that is capable of measuring wire tensions in particle physics detectors in a rapid and automatic way, greatly improving on the time required to perform quality control measurements compared to the traditional method of physically stimulating the wires. The instrument measures a wire tension by applying a combination of AC and DC current on the neighboring wires,...
Xenon scintillation has been widely used in recent particle physics experiments. However, information on primary scintillation yield in the absence of recombination is still scarce and dispersed. The mean energy required to produce a VUV scintillation photon (Wsc) in gaseous Xe has been measured in the range of 30-120 eV. Lower Wsc-values are often reported for alpha particles compared to...
The ARCADIA collaboration is developing Fully-Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (FD-MAPS) with an innovative sensor design, providing efficient charge collection and fast timing over a wide range of operational and environmental conditions. The design targets very low power consumption, of the order of 20 mW cm$^{-2}$ at 100 MHz cm$^{-2}$ hit flux, to enable air-cooled operation. In...
As a precursor to setting up a Dark Matter (DM) direct search experiment involving scintillators at low temperatures, we have investigated the change in characteristic properties of the photon readout channel. Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM), known for its high gain, miniature size, and low mass was studied. Leakage current of SiPM was found to have sensitive dependence on the temperature and...
Both the current upgrades to accelerator-based HEP detectors (e.g. ATLAS, CMS) and also future projects (e.g. CEPC, FCC) feature large-area silicon-based tracking detectors. We are investigating the feasibility of using CMOS foundries to fabricate silicon radiation detectors, both for pixels and for large-area strip sensors. The availability of multi-layer routing will provide the freedom to...
The LHC will be upgraded in several phases that will allow significant expansion of its physics program. The luminosity of the accelerator is expected to exceed 5×1034cm−2s−1. In order to sustain the harsher conditions and to help maintaining good trigger efficiency and performance the Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) system of the CMS experiment will be upgraded.
The present RPC system would...
This manuscript aims to use two ultra-fast photomultiplier tubes (FPMT) coupled with Lu1.8Y2SiO5:Ce (LYSO) crystals to perform a coincidence time resolution (CTR) test applied to Time of Flight- Positron Emission Tomography (TOF-PET). The FPMT used in this work refers to a Micro Channel Plate-PMT(MCP-PMT) with rise time of 100ps, TTS of 46ps in a single photon mode. The scintillation light...
In this work, we report the progress in the design and construction of an RPC detector fully built using additive manufacturing technology, an emerging/interdisciplinary engineering domain only partially utilized in HEP.
Our novel design of the 3D detector stack can be automatically and fully constructed in short time, ensuring repeatability and accuracy, while minimizing construction...
LaBr3:Ce crystals are used for radiation imaging in medical physics, with PMT or SiPM readout. A R&D was pursued with 1/2 and 1" crystals to realize compact large area detectors (up to some cm$^2$ area) with SiPM array readout, aiming at high light yields, good energy resolution/linearity and fast time response for low-energy X-rays. The study was triggered by the FAMU experiment at RIKEN-RAL...
Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM)-based detectors using a layer of $^{10}B$ as a neutron converter is becoming popular for thermal neutron detection. A common strategy to simulate this kind of detector is based on two frameworks: Geant4 and Garfield++. The first one provides the simulation of the nuclear interaction between neutrons and the $^{10}B$ layer, while the last allows the simulation of...
We present measurements on AC-LGADs (aka Resistive Silicon Detectors RSD), a version of LGAD which has shown to provide spatial resolution on the few 10‘s of micrometer scale. This is achieved by un-segmented (p-type) gain layer and (n-type) N-layer, and a di-electric layer separating the metal readout pads. The high spatial precision is achieved by using the information from multiple pads,...
The majority of future large-scale neutrino and dark matter experiments are based on liquid argon detectors. Since liquid argon is also a very effective scintillator, these experiments also have light detection systems. The fact that none of the existing photodetectors alone is sensitive to the liquid argon scintillation wavelength of 127 nm leads to the development of specialized light...
T2K is a long-baseline neutrino experiment that aims to investigate the CP violation in the neutrino sector. An upgrade of the ND280, which is one of the T2K near detectors, is in progress. The active target detector of the upgraded ND280 is a segmented highly granular plastic scintillation detector (SuperFGD) consisting of about two million cubes. About sixty thousand silicon...
To optimize the exploration of Super Heavy Elements (SHE), the key challenge is to understand the dynamics of fusion-fission reactions through the measurement of mass and angular distributions of the fission fragments. For the detection of the fission fragments, position-sensitive Multi-Wire Proportional Counters are usually used due to their high gain, good temporal and position resolutions....
The krypton electroluminescence yield was studied, at room temperature, as a function of electric field in the gas scintillation gap. A large area avalanche photodiode has been used to allow the simultaneous detection of the electroluminescence pulses as well as the direct interaction of x-rays, the latter being used as a reference for the calculation of the number of charge carriers produced...
Future HEP experiments at the energy and intensity frontiers require fast and ultrafast inorganic scintillators with excellent radiation hardness to face the challenges of unprecedented event rate and severe radiation environment. We report recent progress in fast and ultrafast inorganic scintillators for future HEP experiments. Examples are LYSO crystals and LuAG ceramics for an...
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will restart in 2022 (Run-3), colliding protons with an instantaneous luminosity of 2 − 3 × 10^{34} cm^{−2} s^{−1}. A subsequent upgrade in 2025-27 (Long Shutdown 3 - LS3) will increase the luminosity up to 5 × 10^{34} cm^{−2} s^{−1}. The CMS muon system must enable a physics program that maintains sensitivity for electroweak measurements and for Beyond the...
Increasing demand for security scanners and medical imaging techniques has risen with the advancement of technology based on silicon sensors. However, these technologies are much expensive and require critical handling. The Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) foil based detector has been attempted to use as an imaging detector. GEM foil is generally constructed using 50 $\mu$m highly insulating film...
In the CMS Muon System gaseous detectors, the increase in luminosity will produce a particle background ten times higher than at the LHC. To cope with the high rate environment and maintain the actual performance, the triple-Gas Electron Multiplier technology is a promising candidate as high-rate capable detectors for the CMS-ME0 project. An intense R&D and prototype phase is currently ongoing...
Japan’s KEK laboratory started developing silica aerogels as a Cherenkov radiator around 1980. The high-energy physics group at Chiba University began aerogel R&D ~15 years ago, collaborating with KEK. Improving aerogel transparency enables the design of state-of-the-art ring-imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detectors. This study was first motivated by the radiator R&D for the Belle II Aerogel RICH...
A hybrid readout Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is a TPC which is simultaneously read out by means of optical readout and charge readout. Optical readout of the device provides 2D images of particle tracks in the active volume, while the charge readout provides additional information on the particle position perpendicular to the image plane. Such a hybrid TPC working at high pressure is an...
The dynamics of electrons and ions in gaseous ionization detectors have been studied reasonably well with particle simulation models developed using the Garfield++ numerical simulation framework. This is an important area of study since it allows prediction of the detector response in a given experimental situation. In this work, a fluid simulation model has been developed in the COMSOL...
Several upgrades of the CMS Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) system are currently being implemented to ensure a highly performing muon system during the upcoming High Luminosity phase of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) which will have an increased integrated luminosity of 3000 fb$^{-1}$. An improved version of the existing RPCs (iRPCs) will be installed in the forward region of the 3rd and 4th...
The last couple of years have seen the development of Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (DMAPS) fabricated in TowerJazz 180nm with a process modification to increase the radiation tolerance. While many of MAPS developments focus on low radiation environment, we have taken the development to high radiation environment like pp-experiments at High Luminosity LHC. DMAPS are a cost effective...
PEN and PET (polyethylene naphthalate and teraphthalate) are common plastics used for drink
bottles and plastic food containers. They are also good scintillators. Their ubiquity has made
them of interest for high energy physics applications, as generally plastic scintillators can be
very expensive. However, detailed studies on the performance of the scintillators has not yet been...
Low- Gain Avalanche Detector (LGAD) with time resolution better than 50ps has been choose as the sensors for HGTD project and have so far been developed by several institutes. This talk will show the measurement results about 50um thick IHEP-IMEv1 LGAD sensors designed by the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) and fabricated by Institute of Micro Electronics (IME). Beta source measurement...
We will be using approximately 500 multi-PMTs (mPMTs) as the photosensors for the Intermediate Water Cherenkov Detector (IWCD), a new near detector for the approved Hyper-Kamiodande experiment that will be built by 2025. The IWCD mPMT design has nineteen 3" PMTs enclosed in a water-tight pressure vessel, along with the associated electronics. The 3" PMTs provide excellent spatial imaging of...
Micromegas (MM) are being used as tracking detectors in HEP experiment upgrades. For applications at future accelerator experiments, we are developing the MM technology to increase its rate capability and reach a stable and efficient operation up to particle fluxes of 10 MHz/cm2.
In resistive MM, the anode plane hosts the readout elements overlayed by an insulator and a resistive plane to...
Silicon pixel detectors are at the core of the current and planned upgrade of the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). As the closest detector component to the interaction point, these detectors will be subjected to a significant amount of radiation over their lifetime: prior to the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), the innermost layers will receive a fluence of 1-5 1015 1 MeV...
Long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments are currently limited by systematic error due to nuclear effects of neutrino interactions. Obtaining new input data, especially of nuclear-free neutrino interactions at MeV tracking threshold for protons, could help to reduce these uncertainties.
A suitable detector that could provide a large number of neutrino-hydrogen interactions is the...
In direct searches for dark matter, a dedicated, precise, and in-situ measurement of the neutron flux in underground laboratories is of paramount importance, as neutron induced backgrounds can mimic the standard dark matter signal.
We investigate the development of novel neutron spectroscopy technique, using spherical proportional counters (SPC) operated with N$_2$-based gas mixtures. This...
A collaboration involving a US National Laboratory (Brookhaven National Laboratory), a private-sector technology company (Cactus Materials, Inc.) and a University institute (the Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics at the University of California, Santa Cruz) has been working on new approaches to the development of highly-granular timing layers for minimum-ionizing particle and X-Ray...
Detectors based on Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) diamond have been used successfully in beam conditions monitors in the highest radiation areas of the LHC. Future experiments at CERN will to accumulate an order of magnitude larger fluence. As a result, an enormous effort is underway to identify detector materials that will operate after fluences of >10^{16}/cm^2.
Diamond is one candidate...
We propose a photon trap designed for improved photon detection efficiency in a cost-efficient way. A Wavelength Shifting plastic sheets (WLS) are deployed at the bottom of a PMT, surrounded by dichroic film by which photons are efficiently trapped and guided to the PMT. We measured wave-length dependent transmittance of a commercially available dichroic film in water, a key variable...
The introduction of resistive elements in gaseous detectors has been a real breakthrough, since it provided them with auto-triggering capabilities, spark protection and long term stability. Though, it adds a limitation on the maximum flux of particles that can be measured without efficiency loss, and this is of major relevance both for the operation of the experiments at the High Luminosity...
It is important to understand the calculation of electric field and current in RPC in order to envisage the working of the device. This is useful in optimizing its design and operation for specific applications. A method of calculating the 3D electric field using the law of full current conservation showed that the voltage drop across the gas gap is same as that applied across the resistive...
Photomultipliers (PMTs) are widely used in scintillation and Cherenkov detectors for their great performances on photon detection. For example, the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) will use ~18,000 20-inch PMTs in its central detector to achieve an unprecedented energy resolution of 3%/√(E(MeV)). A key parameter of PMT is its detection efficiency (DE), which will be strongly...
In order to investigate options for a future high rate TPC we have tested various gas gain structures and gas mixtures. Our goal was to focus on crucial TPC parameters: ion back flow, energy resolution (dE/dx), electron and ion drift speed, electron diffusion (in E- and B-fields), and stability. We concentrated on two options for the gain structure: 4 GEMs and MMG+2GEMs. We investigated a...
Excellent particle identification (PID) will be essential for the PANDA experiment at FAIR. The Barrel DIRC will separate kaons and pions with at least 3 s.d. for momenta up to 3.5 GeV/c and polar angles between 22 and 140 deg.
After successful validation of the final design in the CERN PS/T9 beam line, the tendering process for the two most time- and cost-intensive items, radiator bars and...
Two current issues with Silicon particle sensors are the high cost, making them a cost driver, and the limited availability from only a few manufacturers. Most CMOS foundries are equipped for producing small chips only. To obtain larger sensors as required in strip trackers, reticles have to be connected by stitching. In our study, passive strip sensors were developed in p-CMOS 150 nm...
The muon telescopes of the Extreme Energy Events (EEE) Project are made up of 3 Multigap Resistive Plate Chambers (MRPC). The whole array is composed of 61 telescopes installed in Italian High Schools, constructed and operated by students and teachers, constantly supervised by CREF and INFN researchers.
The unconventional working sites are a unique test field for checking the robustness and...
The ATLASpix_Simple is a high-voltage monolithic active pixel sensor (HV-MAPS), which was initially designed as a candidate for the ATLAS ITk Upgrade and the CLIC tracking detector. In this contribution new results from test-beam campaigns with inclined tracks are presented, in which the performance is compared for different substrate resistivities and the active charge collection depth is...
Ultra-Fast Silicon Detectors (UFSD) are sensors based on the LGAD technology and designed to achieve concurrent precise timing and position measurements.
In the past 5 years, an intense R&D program has been carried out at FBK-Trento to optimize the design of UFSD, exploring specific features such as the gain layer design, radiation hardness, time resolution, production uniformity, and...
New compact PMT have rate capability >300MHz, able to survive ~GigaRad radiation doses, and time resolution <50 ps. This study investigates high gain quartz window metal envelope compact multi-anode photomultipliers as direct in-situ light and particle sensors. In addition to the Cerenkov light generated in the quartz window (or as coupled to Cerenkov or scintillator tiles), the...
Development of semiconductor technology has enabled engineering of ultrafast, high-yield, and radiation-tolerant quantum dot (QD) based scintillation materials with sub-nanosecond emission time and light yield > 2x10^5 photons/MeV. Such materials could be very attractive for various HEP applications, particularly for fast timing and low-mass tracking detectors. We present results on a...
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is a general-purpose particle detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) designed to study a wide range of particles produced in high energy collisions. These particles interact with the beam pipe, shielding and detector supporting materials to produce neutrons, gammas, electrons and positrons, forming a common background radiation field for CMS. A Monte-Carlo...
Optical scintillating fibers lose their transparencies when exposed to radiation. Nearly all studies of radiation damage to optical fibers so far only characterize this darkening with a single period of irradiation. Following the irradiation, fibers undergo room temperature annealing, and regain some of their transparencies. We tested the irradiation-recovery characteristics of scintillating...
RD53 is the research and development group at CERN, responsible for developing and producing the next generation of readout chips for the ATLAS and CMS pixel detector upgrades at the HL-LHC. Its most recent development, ITkPix is the first full-scale 65 nm hybrid pixel-detector.
ITkPix consists of more than one billion transistors with a high triplication ratio in...
Recent results on a new ion identification technique for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS), based on measuring the ion track ranges in low-pressure TPC, are presented. As a proof of principle, a low-pressure TPC with THGEM-based charge readout has been recently developed. In this work we developed a new, larger version of the TPC, with a dedicated thin silicon nitride window for efficient...
The Silicon Geiger Hybrid Tube (SiGHT) is a novel photosensor designed for future generations of rare event search experiments using noble liquids. The idea is to replace conventional multi-dynode photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) with a hybrid technology, consisting of a low temperature sensitive bi-alkali photocathode for conversion of photons into photoelectrons and a low dark count Silicon...
Pixel detectors are an integral part of medical imaging, particle physics, and many other research areas. Sensors are made from various types of materials such as GaAs, Si, CdTe. Current research tends to use CdTe as X-ray sensors due to its high absorption coefficient in the X-ray spectrum. With decreasing size of pixels, charge diffusion causes charge sharing between neighboring pixels. That...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multi-purpose neutrino experiment. The primary physics goal of JUNO is determination of the neutrino mass ordering by detecting the reactor antineutrinos. There will be 20000 20-inch PMTs equipped for JUNO, including 15000 MCP PMTs from NNVT company and 5000 dynode PMTs from Hamamatsu company. To achieve the designed energy resolution...
Scintillating homogeneous detectors represent the state of the art in electromagnetic calorimetry. Moreover, the currently neglected crystalline nature of the most common inorganic scintillators can be exploited to achieve an outstanding performance boost in terms of compactness and energy resolution. In fact, it was recently demostrated by the AXIAL/ELIOT experiments that a strong reduction...
The time-dependent variation of detector response in MPGDs, especially THGEMs, is a challenging problem that has been attributed to the "charging up" and "charging down" processes of insulating materials present in these detector. Experimental studies of stabilization of gain with time due to these phenomena under various experimental conditions have been given in the presentation. Effects of...
At the CERN LHC experiments several gaseous detectors are operated with Freon based gas mixtures. CF4 is used for wire chambers and Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors while C2H2F4 and SF6 for Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs). Under the effects of electric field and radiation, these gases undergo radiolytic dissociation producing new molecules and radicals, which could be detrimental to...
Super-Kamiokande (Super-K) is a neutrino detector located in Japan. Its research program includes search for proton decay and measurement of neutrino oscillations among others. It contains ~11,000 20 inches photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) surrounding a massive tank filled with 50 ktonne of ultra-pure water. A detailed understanding of the PMTs and their response to environmental effects, is...
The radiation damage in optical materials, mostly manifest as the loss of optical transmission, recovers to some extent in the presence of natural light, and at a faster rate in the presence of stimulating light. On the other hand, the systematic study of the dynamics of the recovery as a function of the stimulating light parameters such as its wavelength, intensity and exposure duration and...
Abstract: Micro-channel plate photomultiplier tube (MCP-PMT) is a kind of photosensitive device with single photon detection capability and great time resolution, which is also called Fast-PMT (FPMT). The MCP is the electron multiplier structure and in order to achieve single photon detection, two layers of MCPs are always used together. Due to the new-generation particle accelerators with...
The FOOT (FragmentatiOn Of Target) experiment aims to measure the fragmentation cross-section of protons into H, C, O targets at beam energies of interest for hadrontherapy (50–250 MeV for H and 50–400 MeV/u for C ions).
Given the short range of the fragments, an inverse kinematic approach requiring precise tracking capabilities in a magnetic volume has been chosen.
A key subsystem of...
The scintillator can be seen as a wavelength shifter which converts the incident particle into a number of photons. The decay time of scintillators is measured by coupling the scintillation with the photosensitive device. Through the scintillation light waveform sampling and the decay time exponential fitting, we can obtain the decay time of the scintillation. Traditionally the photosensitive...
The large scalar neutrino detectors (JUNO, HyperK), need the 20 inch area PMTs as the photo-detection device for their large photocathode coverage and less electronic channels. In 2009, the researchers at IHEP have conceived a new concept of large area PMTs, of which the small MCP units replace the bulky Dynode chain. After several years R&D, the 20 inch MCP-PMT was successfully produced. This...
The two LHCb RICH detectors have provided excellent particle ID until the end of Run2 in 2018 operating at the luminosity of $\sim 4 \times 10^{32}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$. From the beginning of Run3 in 2022, the Level 0 hardware trigger of the experiment will be removed to allow data readout at the full LHC collision rate of 40 MHz and the luminosity will be increased to $\sim 2 \times 10^{33}$...
Aerogel RICH currently identifies charged particles in the Belle II spectrometer. Cherenkov photons, emitted in the aerogel radiator are detected by single-photon Hybrid Avalanche Photon sensors working in a 1.5 T magnetic field and occupying an area of 4.5 m$^2$. By 2030 the Belle II will reach its design goal of 50 ab$^{-1}$ and the HAPD performance will degrade. The upgrade of the...
Liquid argon is commonly used as a detector medium for neutrino physics and dark matter experiments in part due to its copious scintillation light production in response to its excitation and ionization by charged particle interactions. As argon scintillation appears in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) regime and is difficult to detect, wavelength-shifting materials are typically used to convert...
Low energy anti-deuterons in cosmic rays are considered a golden channel for the search of Dark matter annihilations in the galaxy.
Anti Deuteron Helium Detector (ADHD) project is aiming to study the signatures offered by an high pressure He target for the identification of anti-deuterons in space.
In particular exotic atoms are produced by stopping anti-protons/anti-deuterons in the gas and...
The ITkPix-V1 readout front-end (FE) chip, based on 65 nm CMOS technology, is designed by the RD53 collaboration as the pre-production chip for the upgraded ATLAS Inner Tracker Pixel detector operating with extreme rates and radiation at the High-Luminosity LHC. The ITkPix-V1 chip uses a novel differential analog FE design featuring low noise and small time-walk. ITkPix-V1 was submitted in...
The International Large Detector (ILD) is a detector designed primarily for the International Linear Collider (ILC), a high-luminosity linear electron-positron collider with an initial center-of-mass energy of 250 GeV, extendable to 1 TeV. The ILD concept is based on particle flow for overall event reconstruction, which requests outstanding detector capabilities including superb tracking, very...
The PiHe collaboration recently used the 590 MeV ring cyclotron facility of Paul Scherrer Institute to carry out laser spectroscopy of metastable pionic helium atoms [1,2]. This is a three-body atom consisting of a helium nucleus, a ground-state electron, and a negatively-charged pion occupying a Rydberg state of principal and orbital angular momentum quantum numbers of around n=17 and l=16....
The PandaX-4T is a dark matter direct detection experiment with a dual-phase xenon detector. It is located at Jinping underground laboratory in Sichuan, China. In the 2.8-tonne fiducial mass and energy region of interest (1-10 keV), the total electron recoil and nuclear recoil backgrounds are supposed to be (4.9±0.5)×10^(-2) mDRU and (2.8±0.5)×10^(-4) mDRU. With an exposure of 5.6 ton-years,...
The discovery of gravitational waves and their gamma bursts has opened the era of multi messenger astronomy. China's Gravitational wave high energy Electromagnetic Counterpart All-sky Monitor (GECAM) uses two small satellites to monitor gamma-ray bursts in an all-sky field of view. It has a quasi-real-time gamma-ray burst broadcast capability and will play an important role in the location of...
BESIII experiment, which is the only tau-charm factory running in the world, has been working for more than 10 years, and published a lot of physics results about charmed hadron, exotic hadron states, tau lepton and light hadrons. In this talk, the current performance of the detector will be mentioned, including the tracking system, particle identification system, and calorimeter system. The...
We currently developed a new front-end electronics for a liquid argon time projection chamber (LAr-TPC) detector, which has been developed for neutrino oscillation and nuclear decay search experiments.
We developed the electronics (LTARS 2018) to have a wide dynamic range for input charge up to 1600 fC and a function to output a signal with an appropriate time constant for signals having...
Despite the multiple and convincing evidence of the existence of Dark Matter (DM) in our Universe, its detection is still one of the most pressing questions in particle physics. For this reason, in recent years a large fraction of the direct detection scientific community started to explore the possibility of detecting DM with mass in the sub-GeV range. Cryogenic diamond detectors have the...
40K is one of very few isotopes that allow comparison of a third-forbidden unique decay with first-forbidden unique decay. It is also a source of uncertainty in certain dark matter searches, and in K-based geochronology dating techniques. In particular, one decay branch of 40K has never been experimentally measured: the electron capture directly to the ground state of 40Ar, expected to be of...
As the leading-edge international experiment for neutrino science and proton decay studies, Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is based on the LArTPC technology. The first 10-kton DUNE far detector module will employ wired-based anode planes with cold readout electronics (CE) installed inside the cryostat. The CE developed for cryogenic temperatures (77K-89K) operation is an optimal...
A major worldwide effort is underway to procure the radiopure argon needed for DarkSide-20k (DS-20k), the first large scale detector of the new Global Argon Dark Matter Collaboration. The Urania project will extract and purify underground argon (UAr) from CO2 wells in the USA at a production rate of ~300 kg/day. Additional chemical purification of the UAr will be required prior to its use in...
Modern rocket launchers such as Falcon Heavy are able to lift up to 30–40 t payloads to medium (approximately 500 km) circular Earth orbits. Therefore, it is timely to consider a concept of a very massive space gamma-ray telescope that could in future serve as a successor to the Fermi-LAT instrument. We propose a new gamma-ray telescope called MAST (an abbreviation from “Massive Argon Space...
The PADME experiment aims at searching signals of a dark photon A’. This is done evaluating the final state missing mass of the process e+ e− → A'γ by knowing the beam energy and measuring the four-momentum of the ordinary recoil photon. The determination of this quantity, and the capability to reject the background, are the key points for the success of the experiment.
Three charged particle...
The Mu2e experiment is designed to search for the charged-lepton-flavor-violating
process, $\mu^-$ to a $e^-$, with unprecedented sensitivity. The single 105-MeV
electron that results from this process can be mimicked by electrons produced by
cosmic-ray muons traversing the detector. An active veto detector surrounding
the apparatus is used to detect incoming cosmic-ray muons. To reduce...
Next-generation experiments for dark matter detection such as liquid xenon (LXe) time projection chambers (TPC) have the main goal of probing the experimentally accessible parameter space for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) as a dark matter candidate. The realization of such large detectors requires the demonstration of a series of technologies. We, therefore, aimed to built a...
The Phase-2 upgrades of ATLAS and CMS will require a new tracker with readout electronics operating in extremely harsh radiation environment and high data rate readout.
The RD53 collaboration, a joint effort between the ATLAS and CMS experiments, developed in 2017 a large size demonstrator, called RD53A, to qualify the chosen 65nm CMOS technology and compare different analog front-ends and...
The Super tau-Charm facility (STCF) project, which is an electron-positron collider at the center-of-mass 2~7 GeV, is under exploring and will play crucial role in the high density frontier of elementary particle physics. The PID detector in STCF serves an excellent PID capability for charged hadrons. The effective PID is required to reach a statistical separation power better than 3 sigma to...
The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection facility (HERD) will be one of the future astronomy missions on board the Chinese Space Station (CSS).
The installation of HERD on the CSS is planned for 2025, for an operation of at least 10 years. HERD is composed of an almost cubic calorimeter, a tracking system, plastic scintillator detectors, silicon charge detectors, and a transition radiation...
NEWS-G is an experiment searching for dark matter using the Spherical Proportional Counter (SPC) technique. Such detectors can operate significant mass of target while keeping single ionization electron detection sensitivity. They can use light target gases such as hydrogen, helium, and neon. NEWS-G aspires to extend the sensitivity of direct dark matter searches to the mass range from 0.1 GeV...
To meet new TDAQ buffering requirements and withstand the high expected radiation doses at the high-luminosity LHC, the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter readout electronics will be upgraded. Developments of low-power preamplifiers and shapers to meet low noise and excellent linearity requirements are ongoing in 130nm CMOS technology. In order to digitize the analogue signals on two gains after...
We report on the tracker of the High Energy Particle Detector, to be launched on board the second China Seismo Electromagnetic Satellite in mid 2022. The tracking module will be made of ALPIDE Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors, a 3.0x1.5 $\mathrm{\ cm^2}$ ASIC, fabricated with a 180 nm CMOS process. The use of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors is unprecedented in space applications and demands for...
J-PET is the first facility of its kind developed for applications in both medical and particle physics [1]. Recently, a new prototype based on modular construction (24 modules) is commissioned [2]. Each module is made of 13 plastic scintillators and can be used as a standalone, compact, and portable detection unit. In the framework of J-PET, the decays of positronium atoms in their ground...
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is undergoing an extensive Phase II upgrade program to prepare for the challenging conditions of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). A new timing detector in CMS will measure minimum ionizing particles (MIPs) with a time resolution of 30-40 ps for MIP signals at a rate of 2.5 Mhit/s per channel at the beginning of...
KamLAND is a 1 kton liquid scintillator detector implementing 1879 of PMTs and the experiment have been exploring various neutrino physics. Based on the requirements from observations, we are designing a new DAQ system for KamLAND2, the next phase of KamLAND, to overcome the limitations on high event rate and successive data acquisition. For example, the impact of spallation backgrounds are...
We will discuss recent progress in making sub-keV nuclear recoil calibrations practical in a university lab environment. First, we will describe a 124SbBe (gamma,n) neutron source in which a novel Fe shielding method suppresses the outgoing gamma flux while allowing the unmoderated escape of the 24keV neutrons. Second, we will describe a method to moderate and then filter neutrons from a...
Telescope Array (TA) is the largest ultrahigh energy cosmic-ray (UHECR) observatory in the Northern Hemisphere. It explores the origin of UHECRs by measuring their energy spectrum, arrival-direction distribution, and mass composition using a surface detector (SD) array covering approximately 700 km$^2$ and fluorescence detector (FD) stations. TA has found evidence for a cluster of cosmic rays...
After 9 years of successful operation in proton-proton collisions reaching up to $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV, the ATLAS detector started in 2018 the preparations for an ambitious physics project, aiming the exploration of very rare processes and extreme phase spaces, an endeavor that will require a substantial increase in the integrated luminosity. To accomplish this purpose, a comprehensive upgrade...
To achieve the challenging target of 1% precision on luminosity determination at the high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) with instantaneous luminosity up to 7.5 × 10^{34} cm^{−2} s^{−1}, the CMS experiment will employ multiple luminometers with orthogonal systematics. A key component of the proposed system is a stand-alone luminometer, the Fast Beam Condition Monitor (FBCM), which is fully...
The Pierre Auger Observatory measures the spectrum of cosmic rays at energies well beyond 10$^{19}$eV with unprecedented accuracy. Currently, it is being upgraded to increase its mass-composition sensitivity. The upgrade includes the installation of a radio antenna on top of each of the 1661 autonomously operating water-Cherenkov detector stations, covering an area of 3000km$^2$. The radio...
The muon campus program at Fermilab includes the Mu2e experiment that will search for a charged-lepton flavor violating processes where a negative muon converts into an electron in the field of an aluminum nucleus, improving by four orders of magnitude the search sensitivity reached so far.
Mu2e’s Trigger and Data Acquisition System (TDAQ) uses {\it otsdaq} as its solution. Developed at...
The increase of the particle flux (pile-up)at the HL-LHC with luminosities of L≃ 7.5×1034 cm−2s−1 will have a severe impact on the ATLAS detector reconstruction and trigger performance. The end-cap and forward region where the liquid Argon calorimeter has coarser granularity and the inner tracker has poorer momentum resolution will be particularly affected. A High Granularity Timing Detector...
Fast imaging of optical photons may play important role not only in particle physics experiments but also in astronomical observations. It has been recently suggested that optical interferometers would not require a phase-stable optical link between the stations if instead sources of quantum-mechanically entangled pairs could be provided to them, enabling extra-long baselines and, therefore,...
For dual-phase xenon time projection chambers such as LUX, signatures of low-mass DM interactions would be $\sim$keV scatters that ionize only a few xenon atoms and seldom produce detectable scintillation signals. In this regime, extra precaution is required to reject a complex set of low-energy backgrounds that have long been observed in this class of detector. Noticing backgrounds from the...
The Project 8 collaboration seeks to measure the absolute neutrino mass using tritium beta decays and a new spectroscopy technique, Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy (CRES). The initial phases of Project 8 demonstrated that CRES could be used to detect single-electron cyclotron radiation, and could be applied to measure the tritium beta-decay spectrum. The current phase of Project 8...
The Intermediate Water Cherenkov Detector (IWCD) will be a new near detector for the approved Hyper-Kamiodande experiment. It will use approx. 500 multi-PMT modules (mPMTs) as its photosensors. Each mPMT will house nineteen 3" PMTs enclosed in a water-tight pressure vessel, along with the associated electronics. In this talk, we will briefly describe the overall architecture of the electronics...
The GlueX experiment at Jefferson Laboratory aims to perform quantitative tests of non-perturbative QCD by studying the spectrum of light-quark mesons and baryons. A Detector of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light (DIRC) was installed to enhance the particle identification (PID) capability of the GlueX experiment by providing clean π/K separation up to 3.7 GeV/c momentum in the forward region...
Nuclear recoil (NR) calibrations are vital for understanding detector responses to dark matter candidates and neutrino-nucleus signals in direct detection experiments. Low-mass (<5 GeV) dark matter candidates and $^8$B neutrinos drive the need for high-statistics/low-systematic calibrations at sub-keV NR energies.
We report the results of NR calibrations in the LUX dark matter detector using...
The IceCube Collaboration plans to upgrade IceTop, the surface array located on the South Pole glacier, with scintillation detectors augmented by radio antennas. The enhancements will help measure and mitigate the effects of snow accumulation on the IceTop tanks, as well as improve the measurements of high-energy cosmic rays. The enhancements also provide R&D experience for the next generation...
Radon and its daughter decays continue to limit the sensitivity of WIMP direct dark matter searches, despite extensive screening programs, careful material selection and specialized Rn-reduction systems. This problem is only expected to worsen as experiments grow in size. For liquid xenon TPCs, we propose to address this through crystallizing the xenon. Once solid, the xenon will no longer...
Crystal Eye is an innovative detector that aims to provide more information about the electromagnetic counterpart of gravitational waves by detecting X and γ-rays events, improving the event localization of concurrent detectors. The detector consists of LYSO scintillation crystals, each one read by an array of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) and it has been positively evaluated to fly onboard...
In 2018, astrophysicists found the first compelling evidence for a link between high energy cosmic neutrinos and one of the most extreme astrophysical objects, a blazar. This observation was the result of an extensive campaign by the world's largest neutrinos telescope - IceCube at the South Pole - opening a new window to view the universe. The time is now apt to guide the rapidly evolving...
The TORCH time-of-flight detector is designed to provide a 15 ps timing resolution for charged particles, resulting in pi/K particle identification up to 10 GeV/c momentum over a 10 m flight path. Cherenkov photons, produced in a quartz plate of 10 mm thickness, are focused onto an array of micro-channel plate photomultipliers (MCP-PMTs) which measure the photon arrival times and spatial...
An alternative pixel-detector hybridization technology based on Anisotropic Conductive Films (ACF) is under development to replace the conventional fine-pitch flip-chip bump bonding. The new process takes advantage of the recent progress in industrial applications of ACF and is suitable for time- and cost-effective in-house processing of single devices. This new bonding technique developed can...
SHiP (Search for Hidden Particles) is a proposed beam dump experiment at CERN SPS, with the aim of exploring the so-called Hidden Sector. Since a large neutrino flux is expected to be produced at the beam dump, the experiment could also allow for the study of neutrino physics with unprecedented statistics. A dedicated Scattering and Neutrino Detector (SND), equipped with a downstream Muon...
A highly granular silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter (SiW-ECAL) is the reference design of the ECAL for International Large Detector (ILD) concept, one of the two detector concepts for the detector(s) at the future International Linear Collider. Prototypes for this type of detector are developed within the CALICE Collaboration. The technological prototype addresses technical...
Accelerator-based neutrino experiments have historically discounted neutron detection as beyond the scope of their calorimeters and trackers. The MINERvA experiment has detected signals from 10-100 MeV neutrons from neutrino interactions in its polystyrene scintillator tracker. Energy deposit, timing, and distance from neutrino interaction point are explored for access to neutron kinematics....
The "Ice Ray Sampler X" (IRSX) is a low-power 8-channel waveform sampling frontend ASIC designed for HEP applications, fabricated by TSMC in a 250nm CMOS process. Each input channel samples into a switched capacitor array (SCA) of 32,768 samples depth at an adjustable rate of 2-4GSa/s, for an effective sample buffer depth of 8-16μs. Stored samples can be digitised with 12bit resolution using...
An extensive research and development program for a ILC TPC has been carried out within the framework of the LCTPC collaboration. A Large Prototype TPC in a 1 T magnetic field, which allows to accommodate up to seven identical Micropattern Gas Detector (MPGD) readout modules of the near-final proposed design for the ILD detector at ILC, has been built as a demonstrator at the 5 GeV electron...
A highly granular silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter (SiW-ECAL) is the reference design for the ECAL of the International Large Detector (ILD) concept, one of the two detector concepts for the detector(s) at the future International Linear Collider. Prototypes for this type of detector are developed within the CALICE Collaboration.
The contribution will report for the first time...
In gaseous detectors it is possible to determine the polarisation of an X-Ray beam by tracking photoelectrons which are created in photoelectric interactions of the photons with the gas molecules. In this interaction the emission angle of the photoelectrons is correlated with the polarisation plane of the beam.
Depending on the photon energy and on scattering of the photoelectrons on gas...
In this work we present a low noise high speed readout electronics for large area Silicon Photomultipiers (SiPMs) to be used in a cryogenic environment. The board is able to manage the signals coming from a ~ 25 cm$^2$ SiPM tile, showing <10% SPE resolution and wide dynamic. The sub-nanosecond timing properties make them suitable to work with the typical mixtures of Liquid Scintillators...
The Hyper-Kamiokande (HK) experiment will detect neutrinos produced at an upgraded 1.3 MW J-PARC 30 GeV accelerator with a new water Cherenkov detector that is 8 times larger than Super-Kamiokande. This will allow HK to accumulate neutrino events 20 times faster than the currently operating T2K experiment. To take advantage of the high statistics HK will collect, systematic uncertainties on...
We present a readout chip prototype for future pixel detectors with timing capabilities. The prototype is intended for characterizing 4D pixel arrays with a pixel size of 100x100 µm², where the sensors are LGADs. The long term focus is towards a possible replacement of disks in the extended forward pixel system (TEPX) of the CMS experiment during the HL-LHC. The requirements for this ASIC are...
A novel background identification detector is under development for the MEG II experiment, aiming for further sensitivity improvement in the $\mu\to e\gamma$ search. This detector needs to detect MIP positrons in a high-intensity low-momentum muon beam up to $10^8~\mu/\text{s}$. Hence, ultra-low material budget and high rate capability are required.
The detector under development is a new...
DUNE requires a capable near detector system to achieve its ambitious physics goals. One subsystem is the ND-GAr detector, which will consist of a high pressure Ar TPC and an ECAL in a magnetic field. The calorimeter complements the capabilities of the TPC with photon and neutron reconstruction to enable a precise reconstruction of neutrino interactions. The ECAL will use highly granular...
Many physics analyses using the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the LHC require accurate, high resolution electron and photon energy measurements. The CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) is a fundamental instrument for these analyses and its energy resolution is crucial for the Higgs boson mass measurement. Recently the energy response of the calorimeter has been precisely...
Time projection chambers read by gaseous detectors are widely used but the gaseous amplification has several drawbacks: constraints on the gas mixture, energy resolution degradation, ion backflow. The present project proposes to detect directly the primary ionization electrons without gaseous amplification, for several applications: hydrogen TPC as proton active target, search for neutrinoless...
Plastic scintillators are widely used for anti-coincidence systems and nuclei identification in satellite experiments. For this reason, a plastic scintillator detector (PSD) must have a high detection efficiency for charged cosmic rays and a very good capability in measuring nuclei charge. We implemented a full and customizable simulation tool to investigate the performance of a PSD coupled to...
The transfer to satellite-based applications of the silicon monolithic pixel technology can enable a higher particle detector granularity without increasing the number of bonding interconnections. However, power consumption and heat dissipation are issues to be dealt with for enabling such developments. This contribution will present a low-power sparsified readout architecture for the...
ALICE is the CERN LHC experiment optimised for the study of the strongly interacting matter produced in heavy-ion collisions and devoted to the characterisation of the quark-gluon plasma. To achieve the physics program for LHC Run 3, a major upgrade of the experimental apparatus is ongoing. A key element of the upgrade is the substitution of the Inner Tracking System (ITS) with a completely...
The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE) is a 26-ton gadolinium-doped water Cherenkov detector located on-axis of Fermilab's Booster Neutrino Beam. ANNIE’s main physics goal is to measure the final state neutron multiplicity of neutrino-nucleus interactions as a function of momentum transfer. This measurement will improve our understanding of these complex interactions...
Theia is a proposed large-scale novel neutrino detector designed with the ability to discriminate between Cherenkov and scintillation signals. The baseline design consists of a cylindrical tank viewed by inward-looking PMTs and filled with water-based liquid scintillator (WbLS), a novel target which would combine reconstruction of particle direction from the Cherenkov signal, with the energy...
Satellite experiments for gamma-ray and cosmic ray detection employ plastic scintillators to discriminate charged from neutral particles for gamma-ray identification. The future High Energy Cosmic Radiation Detection (HERD) facility will be able to detect cosmic rays and gamma rays up to TeV energies. The plastic scintillator detector (PSD) will consist of scintillator tiles or bars coupled to...
The SND is a non-magnetic detector deployed at the VEPP-2000 e+e− collider (BINP, Novosibirsk) for hadronic cross-section measurements in the center of mass energy range below 2 GeV. The important part of the detector is a hodoscopic electromagnetic calorimeter (EMC) with three layers of NaI(Tl) counters. EMC signal shaping and digitizing electronics based on FADC allow us to obtain both the...
New technologies have enabled the development of granular calorimeters with millions of channels. The signal of the ultra-sampled shower produced by these devices is thought to provide greater discriminating power to event reconstruction. Combining sub-nanosecond digitization with small area photosensors in a fiber calorimeter, we propose an enhancement to the traditional dual readout design...
Crystal Eye is a new generation all sky monitor for the observation of 10keV-30MeV cosmic photons exploiting a new detection technique, which foresees enhanced localization capability with respect to current instruments. This is now possible thanks to the use of new materials and sensors.
The proposed detection module is designed to be easily installed either on free flyer satellites or...
n preparation for the coming years of LHC running at higher luminosity, two upgrade projects of the ATLAS Muon spectrometer have been developed: the New Small Wheel project, improving the trigger in the end-cap regions, and the BIS78 project, dedicated to the transition region between barrel and the endcaps (1<|eta|<1.3).
The BIS78 project will add 32 RPC triplets along z on the edges of...
To achieve the physical goals in the future circular collider, Time Projection Chamber(TPC) is one of the main concept proposal of the central tracker detector, it has an excellent performance on the moment, dE/dx and the spation resolution.
the TPC prototype with a MPGD detector module integrated the laser calibration system has been developed in Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP). This...
The BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) is the fixed target experiment at NICA-Nuclotron (JINR, Dubna, Russia) accelerator complex. The main goal of the experiment is studying the properties of dense nuclear matter produced in ion-ion collisions. New Forward Hadron Calorimeter (FHCal) with modular structure and a beam hole in the center has been developed and constructed to measure the...
The AEgIS experiment located at the Antiproton Decelerator at CERN aims to measure the gravitational fall of a cold antihydrogen pulsed beam. The precise observation of the antiatoms in the Earth gravitational field requires a controlled production and manipulation of antihydrogen. The neutral antimatter is obtained via a charge exchange reaction between a cold plasma of antiprotons from ELENA...
A 51-kt magnetised Iron Calorimeter (ICAL), using Resistive Plate Chambers, is the flagship experiment at the India based Neutrino Observatory (INO). A prototype - 1/600 of the weight of ICAL, called mini-ICAL was installed in the INO transit campus at Madurai. A cosmic muon veto around the mini-ICAL is now being planned. The veto walls will be built using three staggered layers of extruded...
The innermost end-cap muon station of the ATLAS detector is being upgraded with the New Small Wheel (NSW) using new technology for precision tracking and triggering: Micromegas (MM) and small-strip Thin Gas Chamber (sTGC). Each of the two NSWs will consist 8 large and 8 small sectors. A sector is a combination of the sTGC wedges on either side of a double Micromegas wedge. Four Micromegas...
CYGNO is a project realising a cubic meter demonstrator to study the scalability of the optical readout concept for a large-volume, GEM-equipped gaseous TPC to be operated at atmospheric pressure that represents an ideal candidate to be employed as directional detectors for rare events studies.
The combined use of high-granularity sCMOS and fast sensors for reading out the light produced in...
The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility will be installed aboard the China's Space Station around 2025. Thanks to its innovative design, based on a large, homogeneous and isotropic calorimeter, HERD will extend the direct measurement of cosmic rays by one order of magnitude in energy. In this talk, we will describe the solution that will be used for the read-out of the about...
The Super Tau-Charm Facility (STCF) in China is a future electron-positron collider, which has a very broad important physics programs and provides a unique platform to study the $\tau$ and charm physics. Excellent particle identification (PID) ability is one of the most important parts for the high energy particles experiment in the physics research of STCF. The effective PID over the full...
Modern $e^{+}e^{-}$ colliders will reach an exceedingly high level of luminosity, like SuperKEKB, Super Charm-Tau Factory (SCTF) proposed by Russia, and Super Tau-Charm Facility (STCF) proposed by China. Under such a high event rate and additional beam background, the electromagnetic calorimeter should be capable of maintaining good energy and position resolution while dealing with pile-up...
The primary goal of the AEgIS experiment at CERN is to measure the gravitational acceleration on neutral antimatter. Positronium (Ps), the metastable bound state of an electron and a positron, is a suitable candidate for a force-sensitive inertial measurement by means of deflectometry/interferometry. In order to conduct such an experiment, the impact position and time of arrival at the...
The NA61/SHINE, CBM, BM@N and MPD experiments are devoted to the study of the hot dense quark-gluon matter, which is formed in collisions of heavy nuclei. In all the mentioned experiments, forward hadron calorimeters will be used to determine the collision geometry. Due to the absence of a muon beam in the overwhelming majority of mentioned experiments, it is not possible to calibrate the...
The TAIGA gamma observatory is continuing its deployment at Tunka valley, close to Baikal lake. The new, original detectors, able to work in severe conditions of Siberia were developed to increase the TAIGA power for the study of gamma-quanta at energies about 1 PeV and above. The distinguishing feature of the detectors is the use of the wavelength shifting light guides for scintillation light...
The Mu2e calorimeter employs 1348 CsI crystals readout by SiPM and fast FE and DAQ electronics assembled in two annular disks positioned downstream the aluminum target along the beamline.
The operational conditions (radiation levels, 1 tesla magnetic field and 10^-4 Torr vacuum) have posed tight design constraints. The support structure of the two 674 crystals matrices employs two aluminum...
LHCb has recently submitted a physics case to upgrade the detector to be able to run at instantaneous luminosities of 1.5$\times 10^{34} cm^{-2}s^{-1}$, an order of magnitude above Upgrade I, and accumulate a sample of more than 300 fb$^{-1}$. At this intensity, the mean number of interactions per crossing would be 42, producing around 2000 charged particles within the LHCb acceptance. The...
Determining the ratio of carbon-to-oxygen produced at the end of the helium burning in stars is a paramount importance problem for nuclear astrophysics. In recent years, the advent of high-intensity $\gamma$-ray beams opened a new opportunity to study the $^{12}$C($\alpha$,$\gamma$)$^{16}$O reaction regulating the ration by investigating the time-reversal photodisintegration reaction.
To take...
The ATLAS tracking system will be replaced by an all-silicon detector for the HL-LHC upgrade around 2025.
The innermost five layers of the detector system will be pixel detector layers which will be most challenging
in terms of radiation hardness, data rate and readout speed. A serial power scheme will be used for the pixel
layers to reduce the radiation length and power consumption in...
The purpose of the MPD experiment at NICA is to study dense baryonic matter, and the facility is now under construction. The operating energy range at the MPD is 4–11 AGeV. One of the MPD detectors is the forward hadron calorimeter (FHCal), which is designed to study the collisions geometry, primarily, the orientation of the reaction plane and the centrality of heavy ion collisions. The...
The scintillator and quartz hodoscopes for BM@N experiment at Dubna (Russia) are discussed. They will detect the nuclear fragments produced in ion-ion collisions near the beam axis. The scintillator or quartz types will be used depending on the atomic number of beam ions and on the radiation conditions near the beam axis. The hodoscope consists of 16 scintillator or quartz strips with the...
FOOT is a portable setup to measure fragmentation cross sections in beam-tissue nuclear interactions typical for hadron therapy, with fragment energies reaching 400 MeV/A. The energy will be measured by a homogeneous calorimeter using 320 BGO scintillating crystals as active material and SiPM for light-detection. A series of tests using energetic proton and Carbon beams at the CNAO facility in...
A possible solution to cope with the increased pile-up achieved at the HL-LHC and beyond is the 4D tracking, using time measurements in addition to space.
New sensor technologies are being explored to achieve the time resolution required for this new approach.
In this presentation we show the most recent results obtained with devices under test studied with tracks reconstructed by the...
ATLAS endcap inner station muon detector is being replaced with a New Small Wheel (NSW) detector to handle the increase in data rates and radiation expected at HL-LHC. The NSW will feature two new detector technologies, Resistive Micromegas (MM) and small-strip Thin Gap Chambers (sTGC). Both detector technologies will provide trigger and tracking primitives. The sTGC detector is composed of...
During Run 3, the LHCb experiment will collect data at a higher luminosity with respect to the previous decade of data taking. The Radiation Monitoring System (RMS-R3) will display the interaction rate of the LHC’s beams along with its background in LHCb. The RMS-R3 comprises four detector modules based on the Metal-Foil Detectors radiation hard technology that can withstand fluences up to...
Optical neutrino detectors have long provided landmark physics results. With the advent of hybrid detector technologies deployable at large scales, the future remains bright. Recent advancements in novel scintillating targets, fast photo-sensors, and chromatic sorting are among the techniques under study for the proposed Theia hybrid detector. By utilizing both Cherenkov radiation and...
The technique of material budget imaging (MBI) uses multi-GeV electrons to directly measure the material budget $ε=X/X_0$ of a material with thickness $X$ and its radiation length $X_0$. The beam particles are deflected by multiple Coulomb scattering and the deflection angle distribution is centered at zero with a width depending on the traversed material.
Hence, a reconstruction of kink...
Mini-EUSO is a telescope launched on August 2019 with the Soyuz MS-14, hosted on board the Russian Zvezda module of the International Space Station, facing a UV-transparent window in Nadir mode. It belongs to a novel set of missions committed to evaluate, for the first time, the capability of observing Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays from a space-based point of view but also to search for...
In HL-LHC operation the instantaneous luminosity will reach unprecedented values, resulting in about 200
proton-proton interactions in a typical bunch crossing. The current ATLAS Inner Detector will be replaced
by an all-silicon system, the Inner Tracker (ITk). The innermost part of ITk will consist of a state-of-the-art
pixel detector.
Several different silicon sensor technologies will be...
The NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS is undergoing a major upgrade during the LHC Long Shutdown 2 period (2019-2021). The upgrade is essential to fulfill the requirements of the new open charm and neutrino programs. In these programs the NA61/SHINE will operate with the data acquisition rate increased by a factor of 10, which requires an upgrade of current Beam Position Detectors (BPDs)....
Low Gain Avalanche Diodes (LGAD) is a consolidated technology developed for particle detectors at colliders which allows for simultaneous and accurate time (<100 ps) and position (< 10 µm) resolutions with segmented Si-pixel sensors. It is a candidate technology that could enable for the first time 4D tracking (position and time) in space using LGAD Si-microstrip tracking systems. The...
Evaporative CO$_2$ cooling is a promising solution for the cooling of high-energy particle detectors, such as the new ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) for the high-luminosity upgrade of the LHC.
CO$_2$ offers a high latent heat transfer at reasonable flow parameters and is an environment friendly alternative to many other currently used coolants.
At the same time, the operation in the dual-phase...
The high-luminosity upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC) is foreseen to reach an instantaneous luminosity a factor of five to seven times the nominal LHC design value. The resulting, unprecedented requirements for background monitoring and luminosity measurement create the need for new high-precision instrumentation at CMS, using radiation-hard detector technologies. This contribution presents the...
The muon end-cap inner station of the ATLAS detector is being replaced by New Small Wheels (NSWs). The NSWs will effectively improve the online muon identification and maintain the current muon transverse momentum resolution despite the increased detector hit rates. The NSWs combine the Micromegas and small-strip Thin Gap Chambers(sTGC) technologies. The sTGC detector modules are arranged inw...
The LHCb detector is currently being upgraded to cope with higher instantaneous luminosities and to read out data at 40 MHz using a trigger-less read-out system. The new main tracker consists of 250µm thick scintillating fibres (SciFi) and covers an area of 340 m$^2$. The tracker provides a spatial resolution for charged particles better than 80 µm. The scintillation light is recorded with...
In this contribution, the Compton scattering of entangled annihilation photons is discussed. The pairs of gammas with energy 511 keV are born in electron-positron annihilation and have the entangled polarization states. Since the Compton scattering depends on the polarization of the initial photon, one can expect to observe the peculiar properties of the Compton scattering of entangled gammas....
The Extreme Energy Events (EEE) experiment consists in a network of cosmic muon trackers, each made of three MRPC, able to precisely measure the absolute muon crossing time and the muon integrated angular flux at the ground level. To study the Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chambers (MRPC) telescope response and assess the detector performance, a simulation tool implementing the Multi-gap Resistive...
The current status of the equipment development for the new wide-angle gamma-ray imaging air Cherenkov telescope for TAIGA hybrid installation is presented. A front-end electronic and data acquisition system board based on the Zynq family Xilinx FPGA chips specially designed for this project have been produced and are being tested. A detailed description of the internal structure of the four...
The Pierre Auger Observatory consists of a detector system to study ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. These cosmic rays can be detected only through the observation of extensive air showers, i.e. cascades of secondary particles induced in the atmosphere. The hybrid detection of air showers at the Observatory is based on the Surface Detector (SD) - an array of about 1660 water-Cherenkov detectors,...
Here we present the current status of the SPHERE project’s new detector technical design. The SPHERE project is aimed at the primary cosmic ray studies in 1-1000 PeV energy range using the reflected Cherenkov light method. The concept is discussed of a drone mounted detector with a photosensitive camera based on silicon photomultipliers. The design details of a small scale prototype of such a...
In order to cope with the occupancy and radiation doses expected at the HL-LHC, the ATLAS experiment will replace its Inner Detector with an all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk). The ITk strip subsystem will be built from modules, consisting of one n+-in-p silicon sensor, one or two PCB hybrids with the front-end electronics, and one powerboard. To validate the detector performance, a series of...
The New Small Wheels (NSW) are replacing the innermost stations of the two endcap sides of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer. NSW are equipped with 2 new detector technologies: small strips Thin Gap Chambers (sTGC) and Micromegas (MM). The assembly of the first wheel, composed by 64 Micromegas and 64 sTGC modules, is almost completed. The software for simulation and reconstruction is also well...
The Bern medical cyclotron is a robust proton accelerator facility used for isotope production, research and HEP radiation hardness studies. A beam-transfer line is used to extract the beam from the cyclotron into a second bunker, where the device under test is located. This unique setup provides tuneable beam parameters with a maximal energy of 18 MeV in vacuum (16 MeV in air) and an...
The CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) is a high resolution, high granularity scintillating crystal calorimeter. Improvements to the CMS ECAL energy reconstruction algorithms are required to maintain the ECAL performance in the more challenging environment of the upcoming LHC Run 3 (2021-2024). We propose to mitigate the increase in the noise, due to the ECAL barrel front-end readout...
Based on the particle-flow algorithm, a highly granular sampling hadron calorimeter (HCAL) with scintillator tiles as active layers and stainless steel as absorber is proposed to achieve an unprecedented jet energy resolution to address major challenges of precision measurements at future lepton colliders, including the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC). A wide range of R&D efforts...
The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility will be installed aboard the China's Space Station (CSS) around 2025, and it will extend the direct measurements on cosmic rays by one order of magnitude in energy. This will be possible thanks to an innovative design that was carefully optimized to overcome the limitations that affect the experiments currently operating in space. In...
The Penetrating particle ANalyzer, an instrument designed to operate in space, will provide precise measurements and monitoring of the flux, composition, and direction of highly penetrating particles with energy ranging from 100MeV/n to 20 GeV/n. The concept of the detector is based on a modular magnetic spectrometer of small size, reduced power consumption and low weight to make the...
To search a dark photon A’ in the process e+ e− → A'γ, the PADME apparatus has been built at the Frascati National Laboratory of INFN. The core of PADME detector is an e.m. calorimeter to detect the signal and background photons produced in the positron annihilations on the electrons of a thin target.
The PADME calorimeter consists of two components: ECAL and SAC. ECAL is a homogeneous...
The PANDA detector at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) is currently being constructed in Darmstadt, Germany. It contains a fixed proton target and an antiproton beam with a momentum range between 1.5 GeV/c to 15 GeV/c. Two Cherenkov detectors are used to identify charged hadrons. The Disc DIRC (EDD) covers polar angles between 5$^\circ$ to 22$^\circ$ in the endcap...
The performance of ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker (SCT) in Run-2 at Large
Hadron Collider (LHC) has been reviewed during the current long shutdown.
The LHC successfully completed its Run-2 operation (2015-2018) with a total
integrated delivered luminosity of 156 fb−1 at the centre-of-mass pp collision
energy of 13 TeV. The LHC high performance provide us a good opportunity for
The near detector ND280 of the T2K experiment will be upgraded in 2022 with the aim of measuring precisely CP violation in neutrinos. The ND280 upgrade consists of the installation of 3 new sub-detector types including SuperFGD, a novel neutrino active target concept.
SuperFGD (Super-Fine-Grained-Detector) will have 2million 1x1x1cm$^3$ plastic scintillator cubes forming a cube array of...
The High-Energy Particle Detector (HEPD) module is designed to measure the pitch angle and energy of electrons and protons fluxes trapped in the Earth Magnetosphere with energies 3-100 MeV and 30-300 MeV respectively. In view of the launch of CSES-02 satellite, an interesting option for improving the HEPD is to endow the tracking module with ALPIDE monolithic active pixel, specifically...
The most promising probe to establish the Majorana or Dirac nature of the neutrino is the neutrinoless double beta decay and the effective neutrino mass would be evaluated by the knowledge of the corresponding nuclear matrix elements.
Also measurements of the DCE interactions of heavy ion beams can get information on them.
The NUMEN experiment based on the pre-existing large acceptance...
The SHiP-charm experiment is designed to measure the charm production cross section, including cascade production, of 400 GeV/c protons hitting a thick, SHiP-like target. For the detection of production and decay of heavy charmed particles, emulsion films are employed in a multilayered moving target, forming an emulsion cloud chamber. While the emulsion films provide excellent spatial...
Projectile Spectator Detector (PSD) is a modular sampling hadron calorimeter used in the NA61/SHINE experiment to measure collision centrality and event plane reconstruction independently from tracking detectors. Each PSD module has longitudinal segmentation with read out by ten Hamamatsu MPPCs. A fast-analog signal from PSD modules allows selecting events with required centrality on-line at...
Determination of neutrino mass ordering and precise measurement of oscillation parameters $\sin^2\theta_{12}$, $\Delta m^2_{21}$ and $\Delta m^2_{31}$ are the main goals of JUNO experiment. A rich physics program such as solar neutrinos, supernova neutrinos, geo-neutrinos, and atmosphere neutrinos is foreseen. The ability to accurately reconstruct events in JUNO is critical to the success of...
KamLAND-Zen searches for neutrinoless double-beta decay with an ultra-pure liquid-scintillator (LS) filled with a custom-made clean nylon balloon. The primary backgrounds are radioactive impurities such as uranium and thorium series.
To reduce them, we developed a self-vetoing balloon vessel for a future upgrade program, "KamLAND2-Zen", instead of the current nylon-made balloon.
A novel design of Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs), using only a single resistive plate, was developed and tested. Based on this design, prototype chambers of size ranging from 10 cm x 10 cm to 32 cm x 48 cm were constructed and tested with cosmic rays and particle beams. The tests confirmed the viability of this new approach for calorimetric applications where the particle rates do not exceed...
The project 4DInSiDe has the ambitious goal to implement several technological breakthroughs in the fabrication of the Low Gain Avalanche Diode (LGAD). In this work the results of device-level simulations, carried out with the state-of-the-art Synopsys Sentaurus Technology CAD (TCAD) tool, of non-irradiated and irradiated LGAD will be presented. In order to have a predictive insight into the...
A prototype of a digital pixel EM calorimeter, EPICAL-2, has been designed and constructed, following up on a previous prototype [1]. It consists of alternating W absorber and Si sensor layers, with a total thickness of ~20 radiation lengths, an area of $\mathrm{30mm\times30mm}$, and ~25 million pixels. The new EPICAL-2 detector employs the ALPIDE pixel sensors developed for the ALICE ITS...
The T2K collaboration is preparing for an increase of the exposure aimed at establishing leptonic CP violation at 3 $\sigma$ level for a significant fraction of the possible $\delta_{CP}$ values. To reach this goal, an upgrade of the T2K near detector ND280 will be installed at J-PARC in 2022, with the aim of reducing the overall statistical and systematic uncertainties at the level of better...
We report on the design, simulation and test of Low Gain Avalanche Diodes (LGADs) which utilize a buried gain layer. The buried layer is formed by patterned implantation of a 50-micron thick float zone substrate wafer-bonded to a low resistivity carrier. This is then followed by epitaxial deposition of a ~3 micron-thick high resistivity amplification region. The topside is then processed with...
The Time-Of-Propagation (TOP) counter is a novel ring-imaging
Cherenkov detector that primarily consists of a quartz bar radiator,
micro-channel plate photomultipliers and front-end readout
electronics. These TOP counters are installed in the central region of
the Belle II detector to provide the crucial information on charged
particle identification (PID).
Here we present an overview of...
Dual Calorimetry is a technique designed for high precision control of detector calorimetry systematics. It is embodied at JUNO as two independent photosensors and readout systems with different photon occupancy regimes surrounding the 20 kton liquid scintillator. One is the ~18,000 20-inch large PMTs (LPMTs) system, and the other is the ~26,000 3-inch small PMTs (SPMTs) system. The LPMT...
The instrumentation of large areas in experiments at future colliders will require an advancement in the present micro-pattern gaseous detector technologies, particularly focused for various applications (ranging from muon spectrometers to calorimeter readout) in sustaining higher expected pile-ups while maintaining good rate capability and space resolution. The development of the fast timing...
A prototype of a digital pixel electromagnetic calorimeter, EPICAL-2, has been designed and constructed. It consists of alternating W absorber and Si sensor layers, with a total thickness of ~20 radiation lengths, an area of 30mm x 30mm, and ~25 million pixels. The design is the next step in pixel calorimetry following up on a previous prototype using MIMOSA sensors [1]. The new EPICAL-2...
The future $e^{-}e^{+}$ Super Charm-Tau Factory (SCTF) to be built at Novosibirsk will cover an energy range of 2 -- 6 GeV. The projected record luminosity of $10^{35}$ cm $^{-2} s^{-1}$ and the longitudinal polarization of the electrons will enable a wide range of standard model precision tests and options for the discovery of flavor violating decays beyond the standard model. A 4$\pi$...
A new readout scheme allowing the exploitation of Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) spatial precision while using a limited number of electronic channels was designed. The new scheme that exploits the spread of the RPC induced charge on several adjacent inter-connected pads, allows the simultaneous detection of several particles without ambiguity. In this scheme, pads are connected in rows...
A highly granular electromagnetic calorimeter has been designed and optimised with particle flow algorithms within the CALICE collaboration for precision measurements of Higgs and electroweak physics at future lepton collider experiments, including the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC). Scintillator strips and silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) are instrumented as sensitive layers and...
The search for neutrinoless double beta decay could cast light on one critical piece missing in our knowledge i.e. the nature of the neutrino mass. Its observation is indeed the most sensitive experimental way to prove that neutrino is a Majorana particle. The observation of such a potentially rare process demands a detector with an excellent energy resolution, an extremely low radioactivity...
We report on the layout and performance of Low-Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) produced by HPK as prototypes for the HGTD in ATLAS. The HGTD is a multi-layer upgrade of the ATLAS detector of total area of 6.4m2 covering the pseudo-rapidity region between 2.4 and 4.0 with timing sensors with time resolution of 50 ps, representing the first large scale application of the LGAD.
Sensors with an...
Particle Flow Algorithms (PFAs) attempt to measure each particle in a hadronic jet individually, using the detector subsystem that provides the best energy/momentum resolution. Calorimeters that can exploit the power of PFAs emphasize spatial granularity over single particle energy resolution. In this context, the CALICE collaboration developed the Digital Hadron Calorimeter (DHCAL). The DHCAL...
The CMS experiment collected 162 fb^-1 of proton-proton collision data at sqrt(s)=13 TeV during the Run-2 data taking period of LHC. The CMS RPC system provided redundant information for robust muon triggering, reconstruction and identification. To ensure stable data taking, the CMS RPC collaboration has performed detector operation, calibration and performance studies. After the end of Run-2,...
Timepix3 detectors are hybrid pixel detectors (256 x 256 pixels, pixel-pitch: 55 µm) providing simultaneous ToT and ToA measurement in each pixel with negligible dead time (~475 ns). Ionizing particle interactions in the sensor are seen as tracks with a rich set of features which can be exploited for particle identification and trajectory reconstruction (even with single layer setups). The...
NEXT is an experimental program aiming at the detection of 0νββ decay in $^{136}$Xe using a high-pressure gaseous xenon electroluminescent TPC. The technique allows for superb energy resolution, 1% FWHM at Qββ, and topological discrimination based on the unique signature that a double electron produces in a gaseous medium.
With ~0.5 m in each dimension, NEXT-White (NEW) is operating...
The sPHENIX detector to be installed at RHIC in 2022 is designed to precisely measure jets, jet correlations, and dilepton pairs in heavy-ion collisions. With these measurements in mind, sPHENIX will employ a compact TPC covering 20cm < r < 78 cm and |𝜂| < 1.1 as the central tracker. Utilizing an optimized Ne-CF4 gas mixture, zigzag readout pads, a 1.4T solenoid, and a modified SAMPA chip for...
The FCAL collaboration is preparing large-scale prototypes of special calorimeters to be used in the very forward region at a future electron-positron collider for a precise and fast luminosity measurement and beam-tuning. The LumiCal is designed as a silicon-tungsten sandwich calorimeter with very thin sensor planes to keep the Moliere radius small, facilitating the measurement of electron...
A large R&D program has been underway to develop silicon sensors with sufficient radiation tolerance for LHC-Phase-II trackers and the next generation of collision experiments. Key areas of recent RD50 research include new technologies such as CMOS and Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs), where a dedicated multiplication layer to create a high field region is built into the sensor. We also...
In this manuscript, we investigated the possibility of cerium-doped galuminum gallium garnet (GAGG: Ce) coupled to an ultrafast photomultiplier tube (FPMT) to achieve neutron gamma discrimination. The rise time of the FPMT used in this manuscript is 100ps, and the Transit Time Spread (TTS) in single-photon mode can reach 46ps, which can distinguish neutron signals from gamma signals. Using a...
Charging-up is a phenomenon observed while working with gaseous ionization detector having dielectric. It is comprised of two processes: the polarization of dielectric due to exposure to high electric field and collection of charges on dielectric surface. Both these charging-up processes affect the gain of the detector as they change the local field configuration around the dielectric. Here,...
In this contribution, we present a new development of radiation-resistant silicon sensors produced by the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK, Italy). The design of the sensors exploits the recently observed saturation of radiation damage effects on silicon, together with the usage of thin substrates, intrinsically less affected by radiation. To cope with the small-signal coming from thin sensors,...
ProtoDUNE-DP is a 6x6x6 m3 liquid argon time-projection-chamber (LArTPC) operated at the Neutrino Platform at CERN in 2019-2020 as a prototype of the DUNE Far Detector. DUNE is a dual-site experiment for long-baseline neutrino oscillation studies, neutrino astrophysics and nucleon decay searches. The light signal in these detectors is crucial to provide precise timing capabilities. In...
For the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider era, the trigger and data acquisition system of the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment will be entirely replaced. Novel design choices have been explored, including ATCA prototyping platforms with SoC controllers and newly available intercon- nect technologies with serial optical links with data rates up to 28 Gb/s. Trigger data analysis will be...
The Analogue Hadron Calorimeter (AHCAL) of the CALICE collaboration is a technological prototype for future linear collider detectors, addressing scalability, integration and engineering challenges imposed by the experimental environment. It is based on the SiPM-on-tile technology, where the active layers of the calorimeter are formed by 3x3 cm2 plastic scintillator tiles placed on top of...
The Muon Drift Tube chambers provide very precise and reliable muon tracking and momentum measurement in the ATLAS spectrometer. They have to cope with very high background counting rates up to 500 Hz/cm2. At HL-LHC the background rates are expected to increase by almost a factor of 10. New small (15 mm)-diameter Muon Drift Tube detectors have been developed to provide higher rate capability...
DUNE is a next-generation long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment based on liquid argon TPC (LArTPC) technology. A key component of calibration for LArTPC is the drift electron lifetime in LAr, which corrects the charge attenuation caused by drift electrons captured by impurities. A purity monitor is a miniature TPC that measures the drifting electron lifetime. I will discuss new...
The current LHCb Tracker Turicensis is being upgraded to gain spatial resolution, accommodate higher occupancy and use a trigger-less data flow. The enhanced detector is called the Upstream Tracker (UT). A core part of the UT electronics is the SALT ASIC: a device tailored to the task with several transmission modes to optimize the number of differential pairs. This optimizes copper traces...
MIMOSIS is a CMOS Pixel Sensor developed at IPHC, Goethe University Frankfurt and GSI for high granularity and large hit rate capability. These features meet the requirements of the Micro-Vertex Detector of the Compressed Baryonic Matter, a future experiments at FAIR: spatial resolution of ~5 µm, minimum radiation tolerance to 7×10^13neq/cm² and 5Mrad, operation in vacuum, and continuous...
Charge sharing technique for various types of 1D (strip) gaseous detectors was applied several times in the past in an ad hoc fashion with varying results. If realized properly it allows one to reduce the number of instrumented channels, maintain a spatial resolution several times better than the canonical sigma ~ pitch/√12 estimate, and eliminate the differential non-linearity in the detector...
The Micro Booster Neutrino Experiment (MicroBooNE) is a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) neutrino detector at Fermilab that has been collecting data since 2015. It aims to perform ν-Ar cross-section measurements, explore the low-energy excess in the νe spectrum reported by the MiniBooNE experiment and perform a combined search for sterile neutrino oscillations as part of three...
The ALICE ZDCs provide information about event geometry in heavy ion hadronic collisions through the detection of spectator nucleons and allow to estimate the delivered luminosity. They are also very useful in p-A collisions, allowing an unbiased estimation of collision centrality.
The Run 3 operating conditions will involve a tenfold increase in instantaneous luminosity in heavy-ion...
As nuclear and particle physics facilities move to higher intensities, the detectors used there must be more radiation tolerant. Diamond is in use at many facilities due to its inherent radiation tolerance and ease of use. We will present radiation tolerance measurements of the highest quality poly-crystalline Chemical Vapor Deposition (pCVD) diamond material for irradiations from a range of...
The new CMS High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL), being built for HL-LHC, will have unprecedented transverse and longitudinal readout and trigger segmentation. In regions of low radiation, HGCAL will be equipped with small plastic scintillator tiles as active material coupled to on-tile silicon photomultipliers. With respect to earlier developments targeted at a future e+e- collider,...
CYGNO (a CYGNus TPC with Optical readout) fits into the wider CYGNUS proto-collaboration, developing a ton scale Galactic Nuclear Recoil Observatory with directional sensitivity for Dark Matter searches below the Neutrino Floor and Solar Neutrino Physics. Located at Gran Sasso National Laboratory (Italy), CYGNO will operate a TPC readout by a Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector ensuring charge...
Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) are thin silicon detectors with moderate internal signal amplification. LGADs are capable of providing measurements of minimum-ionizing particles with time resolution as good as 17 pico-seconds. The first implementation of this technology will be with the high luminosity upgrade at the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). Past publications have proven the vast...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is the next largest-scale neutrino science and proton decay experiment. DUNE will consist of large-scale near and far detectors. The core elements of these detector systems are Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) and light readout systems. Two prototype far detectors were built and operated at CERN Neutrino Platform and extensive developments are...
The HIBEAM/NNBAR experiment is a free-neutron search for n→nbar and n→sterile n oscillations to be housed at the ESS in Lund, Sweden. The detector will be capable of identifying n-nbar annihilation events, which will produce on average ~4 pions with a final state invariant mass of ~1.9 GeV. The detector will feature a novel calorimeter design, which must provide good resolution of the point of...
We propose an algorithm, deployable on a highly-parallelized graph computing architecture, to perform rapid triggering on high-momentum charged particles at the Large Hadron Collider and future colliders. We use software emulation to show that the algorithm can achieve an efficiency in excess of 99.95% for reconstruction with good accuracy. The algorithm can be implemented on silicon-based...
Ultra Fast Silicon Detector (UFSD) is an innovative thin silicon sensor, based on Low Gain Avalanche Diode technology, able to measure the time of a hit with a temporal precision of ~30 ps. The application of this technology in HL-LHC experiments requires unaltered temporal performances at fluences of the order of 1E15 neq/cm2, making the radiation resistance a key point of this technology....
The use of xenon-doped liquid argon is a promising alternative for large pure liquid-argon TPCs. Not only xenon-doped liquid argon enhances the light production, mitigating the possible suppression due to impurities, but also it increases the wavelength of the scintillation light, enlarging the effective Rayleigh scattering length and improving the detection uniformity. ProtoDUNE Dual-Phase is...
NEWS-G (New Experiments With Spheres-Gas) is an experiment searching for dark matter using the Spherical Proportional Counter (SPC) technique. SPCs are low capacitance detectors which allow the detection of gas ionisation with very low (single electron) thresholds. It consists in a grounded metal sphere with a small sensing anode at the center, creating a radial electric field.
Using a UV...
CLAS12 detector is installed at JLab and the purpose of its huge science program is to provide substantial progress in understanding the QCD. Such a detector requires a sophisticated trigger and current experiments use an on-line FPGA-based system that relies upon custom firmware and electronics both of which are difficult reconfigure from one experiment to the next. To overcome these...
Mu2e will search for the CLFV conversion of a muon into an electron in the field of a nucleus. A clean discovery signature is provided by the mono-energetic conversion electron (Ee= 104.967 MeV). If no events are observed, Mu2e will set a limit of the ratio between the conversion and the capture rate below 6×10$^{−17}$ (@ 90% C.L.). The calorimeter requirements are to provide Eres < 10%, Tres...
We present recent results of the R&D for a novel 4D fast tracking system based on rad-hard pixel detectors and front-end electronics capable of reconstructing 4-dimensional particle trajectories in real time. The detector features excellent timing resolution of 30 ps, recently measured on a beam test, and 55 micron pitch for the 3D silicon pixel sensor. A stub-based fast tracking algorithm...
Particle therapy is an established method to treat deep-seated tumours, using accelerator-produced ion beams. For treatment planning, the precise knowledge of the stopping power (SP) within the patient is vital. Conversion errors from x-ray CT measurements to SP introduce uncertainties in the applied dose distribution. Using a proton Computed Tomography (pCT) system to directly measure the SP...
The SoLID project at Jefferson Laboratory will use a light gas Cherenkov detector for electron identification as part of their trigger. Due to the very high luminosity of the proposed experiments, the expected single-photon background rate is exceptionally high. It is essential to validate the planned photosensors and readout electronics to determine the limits of these sensors and mitigate...
Directional sensitivity to nuclear recoils would provide a smoking gun for a possible discovery of dark matter in the form of WIMPs. Given this potential importance, a new dedicated experiment, ReD (Recoil Directionality), was designed in the framework of the DarkSide Collaboration. A small dual-phase liquid argon TPC is irradiated with neutrons produced by the p(Li7,Be7)n reaction at the INFN...
The advanced imaging and accelerator techniques in proton therapy allow conformal high dose irradiation of tumors with precision using pencil beam scanning or beam shaping apertures. These irradiation methods increasingly include small radiation fields with large dose gradients, which require the development of small field dosimetry systems with high spatial resolution for quality...
The recent announcement of the construction of an Electron Ion Collider (EIC) at Brookhaven National Lab by the U.S. Department of Energy makes the reality of a long-sought experimental effort to explore the structure and properties of proton and nuclei. Particle identification (PID) of the final state hadrons is a key requirement for EIC. A compact, projective, and modular ring imaging...
Proportional electroluminescence (EL) in noble gases is used in two-phase detectors for dark matter search to record ionization signals in the gas phase induced by particle scattering in the liquid phase (S2 signals). The fast component and two unusual slow components have been previously observed in the EL pulse shapes of a two-phase argon detector, with time constants of about 5 $\mu$s and...
The CMS pixel subdetector was upgraded at the beginning of 2017. CMS has seen a delivered integrated luminosity of 120 $fb^{-1}$, resulting in a fluence of $1 \times 10^{15} n_{eq}/cm^{2}$ received by the innermost layer of the Phase-1 pixel detector, after two years of operation in 2017-2018. Studies of radiation damage effects are essential to understand their implications on the detector...
The detection of natural radio-nuclides is of interest in several applications, for example for natural environmental monitoring or for the identification and tracing of illegal radioactive materials. We designed and developed a camera for gamma-ray imaging based on the coded mask technique. The camera proposed is a compact instrument, ideal for real-time analysis, with a low power...
Large volumes of liquid Argon constitute an excellent medium for the detection of neutrino interactions.
As an alternative or a complement to the established readout method based on charge collection, the scintillation light produced by Argon may allow to reconstruct charged particle tracks by means of an imaging detector. Constructing such a device presents several challenges: the...
The proposed Short-Baseline Neutrino experiment (SBN) at Fermilab (USA) uses three Liquid-Argon Time Projection chambers (LArTPCs) located along the Booster Neutrino Beamline (BNB) to search for anomalies in low energy electron neutrino appearance signals. The ICARUS T600 detector, with its active volume of 760t of liquid Argon, will act as a far detector for the experiment. During 2021, the...
The ATLAS collaboration at LHC has chosen the Large size multi-gap resistive strips Micromegas technology along with the small-strip Thin Gap Chambers (sTGC) for the high luminosity upgrade of the first muon station in the high-rapidity region, the so called New Small Wheel (NSW) project.
The NSW system is currently under construction and will be installed in the ATLAS underground cavern...
Liquid noble detectors are a critical piece of the international particle physics landscape, and multiple community-led processes (including the 2020 U.S. BRN for HEP Detector R&D) have identified them as one of our most promising tools for discovering new physics. In particular, the two-phase liquid/gas xenon time projection chamber is a leading technology for dark matter direct detection. A...
Due to the advantageous characteristics of charged particles' energy deposition in matter, protons in the energy range of 70-230 MeV or $^{12}$C beams with energy up to 400 MeV/u are used in hadrotherapy to treat deep-seated solid tumors. Using these beams, the maximum of the dose is released to the tumor tissues at the end of the beam range. In this process nevertheless, fragmentation of both...
We have measured, for the first time in pure Xe, non-excimer-based secondary scintillation, Neutral Bremsstrahlung (NBrS), in a dedicated setup based on a Gas Proportional Scintillation Counter.
The emission of NBrS by drifting electrons occurs even for electric field values below the gas excitation threshold. We have shown the presence of NBrS in the NEXT-White TPC, at present the largest...
We propose a novel detector for quality assurance in hadron therapy, for which an accurate dose calculation and verification with high spatial accuracy are required. For this purpose, a promising tool is the GEMPix detector, which combines a triple GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) and a quad Timepix ASIC used as highly pixelated readout. The GEMPix (active area 28x28 mm2) is capable of providing...
MAGIX is a new precision experiment, currently being developed at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, that will explore fundamental nuclear and particle physics at energies up to 100 MeV at the MESA high intensity electron beam.
To achieve its goals, MAGIX requires two short-drift, low material budget TPCs. Those detectors will feature a novel open field-cage concept to reduce the...
The Light only Liquid Xenon experiment (LoLX) is a few cm scale octagon housing of 96 Hamamatsu VUV4 Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) packaged by group of 4, with radioactive needles (β-source Sr-90 or α-source Po-210) in the centre. The project aims to study light production and transport and the operating of SiPMs in liquid xenon. In the first phase, 22 out of the 24 SiPM groups are covered...
Future neutrino detectors, whether answering questions of fundamental physics or exercising nuclear monitoring techniques, will require advanced technologies for optimal performance. One such candidate technology is water-based liquid scintillator (WbLS), a material for which Cherenkov and scintillation light may be discriminated and examined independently. We present a measurement of the...
This paper presents the design and test results of a radiation tolerant PLL ASIC as part of the optical link ASICs in the Nuclotron-based Ion Collider Facility (NICA) front-end readout electronics. To obtain low DC leakage current and reduce dynamic mismatch, the charge pump uses two unity-gain feedback operational amplifiers to keep the output common mode voltage constant. The LCVCO employs a...
We demonstrate an RF receiver that achieves 25 ppm uncertainty in measuring the amplitude of a 1497 MHz sinosoidal signal in a 0.5 ms integration window. The receiver employs a direct digital sampling architecture. The signal comes from beam intensity monitoring cavities on the beamline of the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at Jefferson Lab. The signal strength,...
Diamond detectors are suitable for accelerator beam monitor owing to the better radiation hardness compared to silicon detectors. But the smaller deposited energy and larger band gap cause the decrease of signals, which brings difficulties to readout system. In this paper, a low noise electronics based on charge sensitive amplifier (CSA) reading out the signal of diamond microstrip detectors...
This contribution presents results on the Analytical Method (AM) algorithm for trigger primitive (TP) generation in the CMS Drift Tube (DT) chambers during the High Luminosity LHC operation (HL-LHC or LHC Phase 2). The algorithm has been developed and validated both in software with an emulation approach, and through hardware implementation tests. The obtained performance on Phase 2 simulated...
The upcoming High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter (TileCal) includes a complete replacement of all on- and off-detector electronics with a new read-out architecture. Detector signal digitized by the on-detector electronics will be transferred to Pre-processors (PPr) located off-detector that will interface with the ATLAS trigger and data acquisition...
The Mu2e Cosmic Ray Veto must veto cosmic-ray muons over a large area with an efficiency of 99.99\% in the presence of high background rates. It consists of 5,376 scintillator extrusions with embedded 1.4\,mm wavelength-shifting fibers coupled to $2{\times}2$\,mm$^2$ silicon photomultipliers. A custom readout system consists of: (1) small circuit board, the Counter Mother Board, which...
The TAO (Taishan Antineutrino Observatory) is a ton-level Gadolinium doped liquid scintillator (GdLS) detector located ~30 m far from one of the Taishan reactor cores in China serving the JUNO (Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory) neutrino experiment. The goal of TAO is the measurement of the reactor antineutrino spectrum with very high energy resolution (~ 1.5% at 1 MeV). In order to...
The paper would present the design and test results of a 16Gbps 1:16 deserializer chip fabricated in 55 nm CMOS technology,which is a part of the optical link ASICs in the Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAсility (NICA) front-end readout electronics.The input equalizer stage is used to compensate for the high frequency loss caused by the transmission line on PCB and the bonding wire.The strength...
The back-streaming white neutrons (Back-n) at China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS), which has excellent energy spectrum and good time resolution, provides superior conditions for neutron induced light charged particle tracking experiment. To track light charged particles, CSNS is working on a project named Multi-purpose Time Projection Chambers (MTPC) and completed a 1519-channel prototype....
Within the last years, RD51 collaboration’s general readout system, the Scalable Readout System (SRS), has been updated by integrating a recent front-end ASIC: The VMM, originally designed for the ATLAS New Small Wheel. Applying the SRS design strategy, a new front-end board and adapter card, as well as FPGA firmware and software was developed, while keeping general SRS hardware. With...
Liquid argon (LAr) sampling calorimeters are employed by ATLAS for all electromagnetic calorimetry in the pseudo-rapidity region |η| < 3.2, and for hadronic and forward calorimetry in the region from |η| = 1.5 to |η| = 4.9. After detector consolidation during a long shutdown, Run-2 started in 2015 and about 150fb-1 of data at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV was recorded. Phase-I detector...
To maximize the physics reach, the LHC plans to increase its instantaneous luminosity to $7.5\times 10^{34}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$, delivering from 3 to 4 ab$^{-1}$ of data at $\sqrt{s}=$14 TeV. In order to cope with this operation condition, the ATLAS detector will require new sets of both front-end and back-end electronics. A new trigger and DAQ system will also be implemented with a...
A highly granular silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter (SiW-ECAL) is the reference design for the ECAL of the ILD concept, one concept for detectors at the future International Linear Collider. Prototypes for a SiW ECAL are developed within the CALICE Collaboration.
A highly compact digital readout card (SL-Board), is now available. The SL-Board combines data acquisition, power...
The Projectile Spectator Detector (PSD) is a sampling lead/scintillator forward hadron calorimeter with transverse and longitudinal segmentation, which will be used to measure collision centrality and orientation of the reaction plane in the nucleus-nucleus collisions at the Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at FAIR. The PSD consists out of 44 modules with 10 longitudinal sections in...
The Shunt-LDO regulator has been integrated in the ATLAS and the CMS pixel detector front-end chip to implement the serial powering scheme which both experiments have chosen as the baseline option for the HL-LHC upgrade. The performance of the integrated regulators has been characterized and specific design challenges have been identified which are related to layout parasitics and shallow...
The High Luminosity upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC) at CERN will provide unprecedented instantaneous luminosity of ~5 x 10$^{34}$cm $^{-2}$s$^{-1}$, leading to an average of 150-200 simultaneous collisions. This high instantaneous luminosity scenario presents a significant challenge for the detectors. The barrel region of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) will be preserved but will be...
We explore the possibility of mitigating the effects of out-of-time pileup by developing an alternative scheme for signal amplitude reconstruction that is done online for the CMS Hadron Calorimeter (HCAL). This new scheme makes use of information from bunch crossings preceding the one that would generate an accept decision for the Level-1 Trigger (L1T). The scheme employs basic pulse shape...
The LHC will be upgraded in several phases that will allow significant expansion of its physics program. The luminosity of the accelerator is expected to exceed 5×1034cm−2s−1. In order to sustain the harsher conditions and to help maintain good trigger efficiency and performance the Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) system of the CMS experiment, its Link System will be upgraded. The present RPC...
In this talk, a system based on Time and Charge Sensitive Amplifier (TCSA) reading out the signal of pure CsI crystal adopted in Super Tau-Charm Facility (STCF) Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) is reported. To realize high-resolution gamma detection and electron-hadron discrimination, the readout system needs to meet the demands of low noise and high-precision time resolution. By noise...
The ATLAS experiment will undergo a major upgrade to adapt to the HL-LHC. The Trigger and Data Acquisition system (TDAQ) will record data at unprecedented rates: detectors will be read out at 1 MHz generating around 5 TB/s of data. Within TDAQ the Dataflow system (DF) introduces a novel design: readout data are buffered on persistent storage while the event filtering system selects 10 kHz of...
An electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) based on scintillator and SiPMs is one of the high-granularity calorimetry options developed within the CALICE collaboration for future lepton colliders, e.g. the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC). A dedicated SiPM-readout electronics system was developed for an ECAL prototype with 6720 scintillator strips individually read out by SiPMs. The...
Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is a gaseous detector used for tracking charged particles. These detectors comprise of sensitive gas volumes applied with high electric field between the endplates. When a charged particle traverses the TPC volume, it ionizes the gas atoms along its trajectory. The free electrons produced move towards anode with a speed depending on the gas mixture and the applied...
The SOI (Silicon-On-Insulator) pixel detector is the monolithic imaging device developed by the SOIPIX group led by KEK. This detector is being tested for practical use such as X-ray imaging, but the readout FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) board SEABAS2 (Soi EvAluation BoArd with Sitcp 2), which is mainly used for the readout of this detector is becoming obsolete. This has led to problems...
To acquire the feature of Higgs particle, construction of Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) was proposed in recent years. Electromagnetic calorimeter based on scintillator and SiPM (ScECAL) is one of the options of the electromagnetic calorimeter system of CEPC. The ScECAL Electronic prototype was constructed. Special readout electronic system was developed to meet the demands of...
The CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) is a high resolution crystal calorimeter operating at the CERN LHC. It is read out at 40 MHz (the proton-proton collision rate) in order to provide information to the hardware-level (Level-1) trigger system, which decides whether the full CMS detector must be read out for each collision. The ECAL trigger performance achieved during LHC Run 2...
Multi-GEM detectors are widely used for the tracking of charged particles with good spatial resolution at high luminosity, while using only a very low material budget. For the COMPASS experiment at CERN, the third generation of these detectors is currently being constructed, while and the fourth generation is under development.
This talk presents the most recent improvements on the readout...
The present ATLAS small wheel muon detector is being replaced with a New Small Wheel (NSW) detector. One crucial part is the installation, testing and validation of the on-detector electronics & readout chain for a very large system with a more than 2.1 M electronic channels. These include ~4K MM Front-End Boards (MMFE8), custom printed circuit boards each one housing eight 64-channel VMM...
After the current LHC shutdown (2019-2022) the ATLAS experiment will operate in an increasingly harsh collision environment, motivating a series of upgrades. In order to improve the capacity and flexibility of the detector readout system, the Front-End Link eXchange (FELIX) system has been developed. FELIX acts as the interface between the data acquisition; detector control and TTC (Timing,...
The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at FAIR needs a detector to measure the nucleus-nucleus collision centrality and orientation of the reaction plane. This will be obtained with the Projectile Spectator Detector (PSD), which is a sampling lead/scintillator forward hadron calorimeter.
The PSD readout system is based on ADC FPGA board (14-bit resolution and 125MHz digitization)...
Muography is a novel imaging technology to reveal density structure of hill-sized objects. The cosmic muons predictably lose their energy and penetrate hundreds of meters into the ground, thus their differential local flux correlates with the crossed density-length.
The Sakurajima Muography Observatory in Kagoshima, Japan, is the largest muography experiment targeting an active volcano.
Muon Scattering Tomography is a major non-destructive technique to discriminate materials by finding deviation in muon tracks which depends on atomic number (Z) and density (⍴) of the target material. Based on scattering parameters obtained from Geant4 simulation, a Pattern Recognition Method has been devised which is able to distinguish high-Z and low-Z materials with more than 5𝜎 accuracy...
In this contribution we propose an innovative, full analog, fiber optic sensors (FOS) interrogator which, being fully compatible with the 4-20 mA standard of the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), enable the integration of the FOS technology in safety framework, such as the Detector Safety System (DSS) of the LHC Experiments. It is composed by a full analog electrical circuitry, capable to...
Radioisotopes for theranostics are essential for nuclear medicine developments. Their production using solid target stations is challenging and new instruments and methods derived from particle physics are needed. A research program is ongoing at the 18 MeV Bern medical cyclotron, equipped with a solid target station and a 6 m long Beam Transfer Line ending in a separate bunker. To bombard...
In muon scattering tomography, the investigated materials are discriminated according to the scattering angle that mainly depends on the atomic number, the density, and the thickness of the medium at a given energy value. The scattering angles at different initial energies also provide the opportunity to classify the incoming muons into a number of energy groups. In this study, by employing...
In view of the HL-LHC, the Phase-2 CMS upgrade will replace the trigger and data acquisition system. The detector readout electronics will be upgraded to allow a maximum L1 rate of 750 kHz and 12.5 µs latency. The upgraded system will be entirely running on FPGAs and should greatly extend the capabilities of the current system to maintain trigger thresholds despite the harsh environment. The...
The tracking detectors of particle physics are facing new demands in applied physics. Muography is in highlight, where tracking of cosmic muons could reveal the inner structures of geological or archaeological objects. The dedicated R&D shall focus on portability, robustness against outdoor conditions, low consumption, high tracking efficiency, and cost efficiency. A practical choice is...
Within the Phase-II upgrade of the LHC, the readout electronics of the ATLAS LAr Calorimeters is prepared for high luminosity operation expecting a pile-up of up to 200 simultaneous pp interactions. Moreover, the calorimeter signals of up to 25 subsequent collisions are overlapping, which increases the difficulty of energy reconstruction. Real-time processing of digitized pulses sampled at 40...
Data acquisition systems for state of the art imaging based particle identification detectors are expected to handle large numbers of channels, high accuracy timing, and operate under limited spatial and power constraints. In many applications, full waveform digitization is considered necessary to guarantee the required timing resolution and avoiding the undesirable degradation due to time...
The ATLAS ITk Upgrade project, culminating in the installation into the experiment in 2026, enters this year its production period. Cooperating laboratories dealing with the strip part of the project needs to meet various conditions in clean rooms and testing environments to ensure safety for production components during assembly and measurement procedures. Prague strip ITk laboratory prepared...
The CBM experiment at the FAIR accelerator complex is aimed at studying hot compressed baryonic matter. A mini CBM (mCBM) facility was developed at the SIS18 accelerator at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany to test prototypes of detector subsystems for the CBM experiment, front-end and readout electronics at high intensities of the heavy ion beam. The mCBM project includes a prototype of the forward...
Low-energy cyclotrons are in use worldwide to produce medical isotopes for nuclear medicine. Beam monitoring during the irradiation of targets is difficult due to the high-power density of low-energy protons, space limitations and interference with the beam delivery. Doped silica fibers are sensitive to ionizing radiation, and produce radiation induced luminescence (RIL) when exposed. The...
INO ICAL Experiment emphasis on studying various properties of Atmospheric Neutrinos. A 50 kton Iron Calorimeter and Resistive plate Chamber (RPC) in stacked geometry will be used to track neutrinos. Position and directional information are to be used to identify particle energies. RPC detector signal of rise time less than 1ns is amplified-discriminated and given to Digital Front End...
A PMT base with integrated waveform recording has been designed for next-generation multi-PMT modules in the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole. The base has a single ribbon cable connection for low voltage power supply, timing synchronization and communication signals. A Cockcroft-Walton multiplier provides high voltage for a 10-stage PMT, following the design of current IceCube...
The high luminosity upgrade for the Large Hadron Collider at CERN requires a
complete overhaul of the current inner detectors of ATLAS and CMS. These new
detectors will consist of all-silicon tracking detectors. A serial powering
scheme has been chosen in order to cope with the various constraints of the new
detectors. In order to verify this new powering scheme, efforts are ongoing to set...
We developed a stand-alone DAQ and FEE for low power consumption and outdoor applications. The system can work autonomously thanks to dedicated algorithms implemented in a embedded system. The FEE, based on the EASIROC chip that gives the readout of Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs), digitizes the amplitude of the signals and provides time information with time of flight capability. Different...
The LHCb upgrade programme, with increased luminosity, will cause a rise in particle multiplicity and hit occupancy in the LHCb detectors. To mitigate this effect for the Ring-Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detectors, it is proposed to use photon detector hit time information. The new front-end readout includes a programmable time gate in the FPGA and the expected background reduction using a 6.25...
The Thin Gap Chambers (TGCs) of the LHC-ATLAS are responsible for triggering muons in the endcap region at the hardware trigger stage. The frontend system of TGC will be upgraded for HL-LHC to send binary hit-map at every bunch crossing (BC) to the backend system. Such an operation requires lots of unique challenges: high-performance hit BC Identification, fine-tuned clock distribution,...
During Run-2 the Large Hadron Collider has provided, at the World's energy frontier, proton-proton collisions to the ATLAS experiment with instantaneous luminosity of up to 2.1x10^34 cm-2s-1, placing stringent operational requirements on the ATLAS trigger system in order to reduce the 40MHz collision rate to a manageable event storage rate of 1kHz.
The ATLAS Level-1 trigger is the first...
The silicon pixel detector is the core component of the vertex detector in the CEPC experiment. The Jadepix3 is one of the chips designed to study the performance and design of pixel sensor chips. The chip is a design of the full-function large-size chip based on CMOS technology. To test all the functions and the performance of this chip, we designed a test system based on the IPbus framework...
The Level-1 trigger system of the Belle II experiment is designed to select physics events of interest with almost 100% efficiency. In terms of event timing decision, the level-1 trigger is required to have an accuracy of less than 10 ns. The Central Drift Chamber (CDC) level-1 trigger provides the event timing information as one of the level-1 timing sources. We developed the new algorithm to...
The High-Luminosity phase of LHC, delivering five times the LHC nominal instantaneous luminosity, is scheduled to begin in late 2027. The ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter (TileCal) will need new electronics to meet the requirements of a 1 MHz trigger, higher radiation dose, and to ensure sound performance under high pile-up conditions. Both the on- and off-detector TileCal electronics will be...
The muon system of the ATLAS Experiment is currently undergoing a major upgrade with the replacement of the innermost detector wheel with new structures (New Small Wheel, NSW) based on resistive Micromegas (MM) and small-strip Thin Gap Chambers.
MM covers an active area of about 1280 m2, being the largest system based on Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector (MPGD) ever built so far. The key...
The ATLAS experiment will get a new inner tracker (ITk) during the phase II upgrade. The innermost part is called the Pixel Detector. A new Detector Control System (DCS) is being developed to provide control and monitoring of the ITk pixel detector.
The Monitoring of Pixel System (MOPS) chip is an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) foreseen in the DCS to independently monitor the...
The future High Luminosity era of the Large Hadron Collider, with its unprecedented instantaneous luminosity, will impose new challenges on the LHC experiments. ATLAS will replace its inner detector with a new all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk), whose innermost layers will be based on pixel technology and are expected to produce a data output of about 11 Tb/s. A high-speed transmission chain...
The Phase II upgrade of the CMS detector for the High Luminosity upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC) includes the introduction of tracking at the Level-1 (L1) trigger, thus offering the possibility of developing a simplified Particle Flow (PF) algorithm. We present the logic of the algorithm, along with its inputs and its firmware implementation. We show that this implementation is capable of...
Pixelated readout for multi-kiloton Liquid Argon (LAr) Time Projection Chambers (TPCs), such as that being deployed for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), would enable full 3D-reconstruction of events, in contrast to wire/strip anode readout that is challenged by track disambiguation in 2D track reconstruction. The Q-Pix Consortium, established in 2019, is developing a low-power...
The Pierre Auger Observatory's array of surface detectors is being upgraded by adding new detectors and replacing electronics.
The upgrade project, called "AugerPrime," includes the addition of a small PMT to increase the dynamic range for particle counting, a plastic scintillator above each WCD to improve the discrimination between the electromagnetic and muonic shower components, a radio...
Natural titanium foils can be used in the production of several medical isotopes, including β+ emitter vanadium-48. Due to its 16 day half-life, vanadium-48 has potential application in long-term monitoring and longitudinal studies. While foils are often irradiated via solid target system, medical cyclotrons lacking these systems often have components that can be manipulated for this purpose,...
Status of the development of the Level-0 endcap muon trigger system for the ATLAS experiment at the HL-LHC is presented. The upgraded system reconstructs muon candidates with an improved pT resolution by combining data from various sub-detectors. This is realized by exploiting evolution of data transmission technologies, to send all hit data from Thin Gap Chambers (TGCs) and other...
LHC is expected to increase its instantaneous luminosity to 2x10^34 cm^-2s^-1 in Run3. In order to cope with the high luminosity, upgrade of the trigger system is ongoing. The level-1 Endcap Muon trigger system reconstructs muons with high transverse momentum by combining data from Thin Gap Chambers (TGCs) and inner station detectors. In the upgrade, a new detector called New Small Wheel (NSW)...
We present the architecture of a new Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) intended to read-out arrays of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) for low-level light detection down to the single photoelectron. The analog channel is composed of a high speed path with programmable gain and pole-zero filter designed for photon counting. An external fast digitizer can be used for the...
Muography (or muon radiography) is a recent inspection methodology that uses cosmic muons to investigate the mass distribution in large objects, such as volcanoes or mines, or to detect the presence of cavities in the subsoil or within buildings such as the pyramids. In recent years detectors with different geometries, sizes and technologies have been developed. In particular detectors with...
Cryogenic sensors are used in experiments to detect low-energy nuclear recoils from dark matter or neutrino interactions through coherent neutrino scattering. Besides the record energy thresholds, the limit of current technologies resides mainly in the scale-up capabilities.
BULLKID is a R&D supported by INFN. It is developing a new detector concept to reach relatively high target masses...
26000 3-inch PMTs have been produced for Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) by Hainan Zhanchuang Photonics Technology Co., Ltd (HZC) company in China and passed all acceptance tests with only 15 tubes rejected. The mass production began in 2018 and elapsed for about 2 years at a rate of ~1,000 PMTs per month. The characterization of the PMTs was performed in the factory...
DAMPE (Dark Matter Particle Explorer) is a satellite-based experiment launched in December 2015 and smoothly taking data after five years of mission. The Silicon-Tungsten Tracker (STK) is characterized by 6 double layers of silicon microstrip detectors, ensuring a total detection area of $\sim$ 7 $m^2$ and three tungsten plates of 1 mm tick placed in the mechanical support structure aimed to...
The HL-LHC conditions of instantaneous peak luminosity up to 7.5x10^34 cm-2 s-1 and an integrated luminosity of the order of 300 fb^-1/year would result in 1 MeV neutron equivalent fluence of 2.3 x 10^16 neq/cm2 and a total ionizing dose (TID) of 12MGy (1.2 Grad) at the center of CMS, where its innermost component, the Phase-2 Pixel Detector will be installed. The detector should survive the...
The Micro-Channel Plate (MCP) is a specially crafted microporous plate with millions of independent channels, which have secondary electron emission capability. The MCP could be used as the electronic multiplier amplifier in the PMTs. There are two types of MCP Photomultiplier tube (MCP-PMT), large-area electrostatic focusing PMTs (LPMT) and small size proximity focusing PMTs (FPMT)...
The CUORE Upgrade with Particle ID (CUPID) is a next-generation neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment that will require cryogenic light detectors to improve background suppression by reading out both the heat and light signals from the scintillating crystals. In this work, we describe a light detector based on a novel Ir/Pt bi-layer transition edge sensor for the first time. We have...
Muography is a novel imaging technology to reveal density structure of hill-sized objects. The cosmic muons lose slowly their energy and penetrate hundreds of meters into the ground, thus their differential local flux correlates with the density-lenght they traveled through.
Exploiting the high flux around the zenith the imaging of the internal structure of hills could be done underground....
The evolution of imaging technology is directly linked to new scientific achievements. Scientific imaging has moved many experiments from relying on subjective recording into objectively documentable, repeatable, and quantifiable methods. Demanding and extremely valuable techniques such as single-molecule-based methods would not be possible without appropriate image sensors. The novel...
The development of a single-photon detector based on a vacuum tube, transmission photocathode, microchannel plate and CMOS pixelated read-out anode is presented. This imager will be capable of detecting up to 1 billion photons per second over an area of 7 cm^2, with simultaneous measurement of position and time with resolutions of about 5 microns and few tens of picosecond, respectively. The...