If you want to know exactly where a specific poster will be on Gather.Town, first check in the timetable to find the name of the session it is in, and its contribution number.
There are maps all over the place once you enter Gather.Town to help you find the rooms you are looking for. Once you enter the room, you will see detailed room maps with the poster contribution numbers indicating their locations (reproduced below for easy reference) to help you find the posters you are looking for.
- Experimental Room 1 (calorimeters, neutrino, high energy, precision / low energy, dark matter):
- Experimental Room 2 (particle astro / space, tracker experiments) :
- Sensors Room 1 (Gaseous and Light-based detectors):
- Sensors Room 2 (Solid state trackers, photodetectors, noble liquid detectors, solid state cryogenic calorimeters):
- Front-end electronics & Tech Transfer:
- Trigger & DAQ: