24–28 May 2021
America/Vancouver timezone

Low gas consumption in tracking detectors for outdoor applications

27 May 2021, 05:00
Poster Technology Transfer Tech Transfer Posters


Gábor Nyitrai (Wigner RCP, BME, Budapest)


The tracking detectors of particle physics are facing new demands in applied physics. Muography is in highlight, where tracking of cosmic muons could reveal the inner structures of geological or archaeological objects. The dedicated R&D shall focus on portability, robustness against outdoor conditions, low consumption, high tracking efficiency, and cost efficiency. A practical choice is gaseous detectors, offering excellent tracking efficiency, good position resolution, and low weight. Our group developed several multi-wire detectors for muography, where the classical MWPC concept was tuned to meet all the former criteria.

Robust and lightweight systems required open-end gas line, meaning continuous gas exhaustion. An application of a proper buffer tube allows reduced consumption, resulting a 0.12 l/h (3 l/day) gas flow in long term outdoor conditions.

The presentation will focus on the limitations of gas consumption, detailing the measurement series and the results.


Gábor Nyitrai (Wigner RCP, BME, Budapest) Gergő Hamar (Wigner RCP, Budapest) Dezső Varga (Wigner RCP, Budapest)

Presentation materials