DAMPE (Dark Matter Particle Explorer) is a satellite-based experiment launched in December 2015 and smoothly taking data after five years of mission. The Silicon-Tungsten Tracker (STK) is characterized by 6 double layers of silicon microstrip detectors, ensuring a total detection area of $\sim$ 7 $m^2$ and three tungsten plates of 1 mm tick placed in the mechanical support structure aimed to the photon conversion in $e^++e-$ pairs. The STK has a double role: precise reconstruction of the track of both charged particles and photons with a resolution better than 70 $\mu m$, identification of the charge of the incoming cosmic rays. The STK permits to improve the particle identificaction together with the increase of the background rejection power in case of single-species studies. The STK performances are excellent after five years of continuous operation in space: in this contribution the STK in-orbit calibration and performances during the whole DAMPE mission will be presented.
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