DUNE requires a capable near detector system to achieve its ambitious physics goals. One subsystem is the ND-GAr detector, which will consist of a high pressure Ar TPC and an ECAL in a magnetic field. The calorimeter complements the capabilities of the TPC with photon and neutron reconstruction to enable a precise reconstruction of neutrino interactions. The ECAL will use highly granular active elements consisting of plastic scintillators and SiPMs, as well as scintillator strips, both with sub-ns timing capabilities. This enables directional reconstruction of electromagnetic showers for pi0 localization, high neutron sensitivity and energy measurement via time of flight. The fine granularity of the detector also provides powerful µ/pi separation essential for a precise characterisation of the neutrino beam. The presentation gives an overview over the evolving design of the DUNE ND-GAr calorimeter and will discuss the expected performance and its relevance for the DUNE physics program.
TIPP2020 abstract resubmission? | Yes, this would have been presented at TIPP2020. |