24–28 May 2021
America/Vancouver timezone

Development of cosmic muon calibration methods for the segmented sampling lead/scintillator hadron calorimeters at the NA61/SHINE, CBM, BM@N and MPD experiments

26 May 2021, 05:00
Poster Experiments: Calorimeters Posters: Calorimeters


Nikolay Karpushkin (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))


The NA61/SHINE, CBM, BM@N and MPD experiments are devoted to the study of the hot dense quark-gluon matter, which is formed in collisions of heavy nuclei. In all the mentioned experiments, forward hadron calorimeters will be used to determine the collision geometry. Due to the absence of a muon beam in the overwhelming majority of mentioned experiments, it is not possible to calibrate the detector with muon beams. Therefore, a new method was developed for the energy calibration of sections of hadron calorimeters with cosmic muons using longitudinal and transverse segmentation of the detector. The calibration procedure for hadron calorimeters with three-dimensional space reconstruction of cosmic muons tracks will be discussed.


Nikolay Karpushkin (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))

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