Projectile Spectator Detector (PSD) is a modular sampling hadron calorimeter used in the NA61/SHINE experiment to measure collision centrality and event plane reconstruction independently from tracking detectors. Each PSD module has longitudinal segmentation with read out by ten Hamamatsu MPPCs. A fast-analog signal from PSD modules allows selecting events with required centrality on-line at the trigger level. Performance of the PSD will be shown for the measurements at the momentum range 13 - 150 AGeV/c.
The new physics program of NA61/SHINE experiments requires beam rate to be increased by order of magnitude. This requires PSD upgrade to survive in new high radiation conditions. It is proposed to use two forward calorimeters: a modified current PSD with a beam hole in the center, and the second new calorimeter with small transverse sizes placed downstream. Details of the PSD upgrade and results of the performance studies for the new calorimeter system will be presented.