24–28 May 2021
America/Vancouver timezone

A Wire Tension Analyzing Instrument for Particle Physics Detectors

25 May 2021, 05:00
Poster Sensors: Gaseous Detectors Sensor Posters: Gaseous Detectors


Chris Stanford (Harvard University)


We present a hardware tool that is capable of measuring wire tensions in particle physics detectors in a rapid and automatic way, greatly improving on the time required to perform quality control measurements compared to the traditional method of physically stimulating the wires. The instrument measures a wire tension by applying a combination of AC and DC current on the neighboring wires, which causes the central wire to oscillate and a current to be induced by the changing capacitance of the system. It then sweeps through a range of AC frequencies, and a resonance is observed at the natural frequency of the wire, which identifies the tension. The instrument can also measure multiple wire tensions simultaneously, and can measure hundreds of wire tensions in a single automated process.


Chris Stanford (Harvard University) Dr Sebastien Prince (Harvard University (US)) James Battat Nathan Felt (Harvard University (US)) Shion Kubota (University of Massachusetts (US)) John Oliver (High Energy Physics Laboratory)

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