24–28 May 2021
America/Vancouver timezone

Development of THGEM-based detectors for Nuclear Fission Studies

25 May 2021, 05:00
Poster Sensors: Gaseous Detectors Sensor Posters: Gaseous Detectors


Dr Purba Bhattacharya (INFN, Cagliari)


To optimize the exploration of Super Heavy Elements (SHE), the key challenge is to understand the dynamics of fusion-fission reactions through the measurement of mass and angular distributions of the fission fragments. For the detection of the fission fragments, position-sensitive Multi-Wire Proportional Counters are usually used due to their high gain, good temporal and position resolutions. However, these detectors use fragile anode wires having a diameter of only 10 microns and therefore are not portable. In the present work, a detector based on robust THick Gaseous Electron Multiplier (THGEM), has been proposed. In the presentation, a numerical demonstration of THGEM-MultiWire hybrid detector technology as a possible candidate for new generation low energy fission studies and their evaluation as a function of different possible geometric and electric configurations in low-pressure Isobutane gas will be discussed.

Funding information UGC D. S. Kothari Fellowship
TIPP2020 abstract resubmission? No, this is an entirely new submission.


Dr Purba Bhattacharya (University of Calcutta) Dr Purba Bhattacharya (INFN, Cagliari)


Mr Arijit Sen (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre) Dr Tilak Kuma Ghosh (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre) Prof. Nayana Majumdar (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics) Prof. Supratik Mukhopadhyay (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)

Presentation materials