To optimize the exploration of Super Heavy Elements (SHE), the key challenge is to understand the dynamics of fusion-fission reactions through the measurement of mass and angular distributions of the fission fragments. For the detection of the fission fragments, position-sensitive Multi-Wire Proportional Counters are usually used due to their high gain, good temporal and position resolutions. However, these detectors use fragile anode wires having a diameter of only 10 microns and therefore are not portable. In the present work, a detector based on robust THick Gaseous Electron Multiplier (THGEM), has been proposed. In the presentation, a numerical demonstration of THGEM-MultiWire hybrid detector technology as a possible candidate for new generation low energy fission studies and their evaluation as a function of different possible geometric and electric configurations in low-pressure Isobutane gas will be discussed.
Funding information | UGC D. S. Kothari Fellowship |
TIPP2020 abstract resubmission? | No, this is an entirely new submission. |