24–28 May 2021
America/Vancouver timezone

Measurement of Light Yield, Timing and Radiation Damage and Recovery of Common Plastic Scintillators

25 May 2021, 05:00
Poster Sensors: Light-based detectors Sensor Posters: Light-based Detectors


Yasar Onel (University of Iowa (US))


PEN and PET (polyethylene naphthalate and teraphthalate) are common plastics used for drink
bottles and plastic food containers. They are also good scintillators. Their ubiquity has made
them of interest for high energy physics applications, as generally plastic scintillators can be
very expensive. However, detailed studies on the performance of the scintillators has not yet been performed.

At various tests, we measured the light yield and timing properties of PEN and PET with Fermilab and CERN test beams. We also irradiated several samples to varying gamma doses and investigated their recovery mechanisms. Here we report on the measurements performed over the past few years in order to characterize the scintillation properties of PEN and PET and discuss possible future implementations.

TIPP2020 abstract resubmission? No, this is an entirely new submission.


Burak Bilki (Beykent University (TR), The University of Iowa (US)) Yasar Onel (University of Iowa (US)) James William Wetzel (University of Iowa (US)) Emrah Tiras (Iowa State University) David Winn (Fairfield University (US)) Ohannes Kamer Köseyan (University of Iowa (US)) Nilay Bostan (University of Iowa)

Presentation materials