24–28 May 2021
America/Vancouver timezone

Design and Implementation of TCSA-based Readout System for STCF ECAL

27 May 2021, 05:00
Poster Readout: Front-end electronics Posters: Front-end electronics


Laifu Luo (University of Science & Technology of China)


In this talk, a system based on Time and Charge Sensitive Amplifier (TCSA) reading out the signal of pure CsI crystal adopted in Super Tau-Charm Facility (STCF) Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) is reported. To realize high-resolution gamma detection and electron-hadron discrimination, the readout system needs to meet the demands of low noise and high-precision time resolution. By noise analysis and on-board testing, parameters of the electronic system are optimized. Thus a noise level of about 3200 electrons with four S8664-1010 avalanche photodiodes (APDs) is realized. Meanwhile, the fast rising edge of the unshaped signal enables the leading edge timing accuracy to reach 150 picoseconds. Furthermore, online Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) waveform fits, which can provide time and amplitude results simultaneously, can achieve a timing performance similar to leading edge timing. The noise and timing performances indicate the readout system meets the design requirements.

Funding information The authors thank Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center for their strong support. This work was supported by the Double First-Class university project foundation of USTC.
TIPP2020 abstract resubmission? No, this is an entirely new submission.


Laifu Luo (University of Science & Technology of China)

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