We present the architecture of a new Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) intended to read-out arrays of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) for low-level light detection down to the single photoelectron. The analog channel is composed of a high speed path with programmable gain and pole-zero filter designed for photon counting. An external fast digitizer can be used for the photon-counting analysis. A slow path allows the measurement of the mean SiPM current, sampled by an internal 10-bit ADC. A first 16-channel ASIC prototype, called SMART, has been designed for the Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope (SCT) camera of the CTA experiment. We present the characterization results obtained when coupling the SMART to a 16 SiPM matrix produced by Fondazione Bruno Kessler. A fast digitizer, called TARGET-C, has been used to read out and sample at 1GS/s the analog data coming from the SMART chip. Results in terms of charge spectrum, signal-to-noise ratio and dynamic range will be presented.
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