Jeremias Kampkötter
(FH Dortmund)
The Shunt-LDO regulator has been integrated in the ATLAS and the CMS pixel detector front-end chip to implement the serial powering scheme which both experiments have chosen as the baseline option for the HL-LHC upgrade. The performance of the integrated regulators has been characterized and specific design challenges have been identified which are related to layout parasitics and shallow trench isolation (STI) stress effects. In addition the functionality of circuits which address crucial system level aspects like the protection against overvoltage/load and the regulator startup has been verified.
TIPP2020 abstract resubmission? | No, this is an entirely new submission. |
Jeremias Kampkötter
(FH Dortmund)
Lodo Flavio
Michael Karagounis
(and Arts (DE))
Dominik Koukola
Stella Orfanelli
Alvaro Pradas Luengo
(Aragon Institute of Technology (ES))
Gianluca Traversi
(Universita and INFN (IT))
Rainer Kokozinski