After the current LHC shutdown (2019-2022) the ATLAS experiment will operate in an increasingly harsh collision environment, motivating a series of upgrades. In order to improve the capacity and flexibility of the detector readout system, the Front-End Link eXchange (FELIX) system has been developed. FELIX acts as the interface between the data acquisition; detector control and TTC (Timing, Trigger and Control) systems; and new or updated trigger and detector front-end electronics. The system functions as a router between custom serial links from front end ASICs and FPGAs to data collection and processing components via a commodity switched network. FELIX also forwards TTC signals to front-end electronics. FELIX uses commodity server technology running a software routing platform in combination with FPGA-based PCIe I/O cards. Installation of FELIX took place in 2020. We will present the results of commissioning activities for the full system taking place throughout spring 2021.
TIPP2020 abstract resubmission? | Yes, this would have been presented at TIPP2020. |