In 2016 we have upgraded the COMPASS RICH by novel gaseous photon detectors based on MPGD technology. Four new photon detectors, covering a total active area of 1.5 square m, have been installed in order to cope with the challenging efficiency and stability requirements of the COMPASS physics programme. The new detector architecture consists in a hybrid MPGD combination: two layers of THGEMs, the first of which also acts as a reflective PC thanks to CsI coating, are coupled to a bulk Micromegas on a pad-segmented anode; the signals are read-out by analog F-E based on the APV-25 chip. These detectors are the first application in an experiment of MPGD-based single photon detectors.
Presently, we are further developing the MPGD-based PDs to make them adequate for a setups at the future EIC collider.All aspects of the COMPASS RICH-1 Photon Detectors upgrade are presented:R&D, engineering, mass production, QA and performance and the on-going development for collider application.
TIPP2020 abstract resubmission? | Yes, this would have been presented at TIPP2020. |