24–28 May 2021
America/Vancouver timezone

Light detection with SiPMs for the nEXO experiment

27 May 2021, 10:42
Parallel session talk Sensors: Photo-detectors Sensors: Photo-detectors


Giacomo Gallina (TRIUMF)


Silicon PhotoMultiplier(SiPM) technology represents an almost ideal solid-state photon detector. For this reason the nEXO experiment is migrating to a SiPM-based light detection system. nEXO aims to probe the boundaries of the standard model of particle physics by searching for 0$\nu\beta\beta$ of 136Xe. Decays in the xenon produce both scintillation and ionization. The light flash is simultaneously detected by an array of SiPMs. In this talk we will present the latest results of the nEXO program for the detection of the 175~nm scintillation light of liquid Xenon. In particular we will show results for the characterization of a new generation of VUV sensitive SiPMs (FBK VUV-HD-3) as a possible candidate for the nEXO experiment. Additionally, we will also show updates on the construction of new characterization setups for the testing of a large SiPM tile and stave and on the development of a SiPM tile charge readout. Finally, we will report on the status of the nEXO mini-prototype.

TIPP2020 abstract resubmission? No, this is an entirely new submission.


Presentation materials