24–28 May 2021
America/Vancouver timezone

Igniting Questions, Detecting Answers - Photon Resolving with Quantitative CMOS

27 May 2021, 05:55
Parallel session talk Exhibitors


Brad Coyle (Hamamatsu Corporation)


The evolution of imaging technology is directly linked to new scientific achievements. Scientific imaging has moved many experiments from relying on subjective recording into objectively documentable, repeatable, and quantifiable methods. Demanding and extremely valuable techniques such as single-molecule-based methods would not be possible without appropriate image sensors. The novel quantitative CMOS (qCMOS) technology finally reaches the physical limit: reliable quantification of photon numbers within each pixel, eliminating the influence of technology on the “triangle of frustration” (resolution, sensitivity, speed). The ORCA-Quest quantitative CMOS (qCMOS) camera with Photon Number Resolving functionality is the leap in scientific camera evolution that transforms imaging into imagining. With ultra-quiet, highly-refined electronics, this camera is more than an image capture device; it is a precision instrument that unlocks the ability to investigate new photonic questions because it offers the quality and quantitative performance to detect meaningful data previously lost in the noise.


Brad Coyle (Hamamatsu Corporation)

Presentation materials