Sensors: Gaseous Detectors: Tuesday Late
- Philippe Gros (Queen's University)
- Lars Dieter Martin (TRIUMF)
Sensors: Gaseous Detectors: Wednesday Early
- Juan Cristobal Rivera Vergara (University of Victoria (CA))
- Gobinda Majumder (Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research (IN))
Sensors: Gaseous Detectors: Wednesday Middle
- Konstantin Shchablo (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
- Imad Laktineh (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
Zoom Room: TIPP2021 Parallel Room 4
(see e-mail sent to registered participants for connection details)
A wide range of gas mixtures is used for the operation of the gaseous detectors at the CERN LHC experiments. Some gases, as C2H2F4, CF4, C4F10 and SF6, are greenhouse gases (GHG) with high global warming potential and therefore subject to a phase down policy.
The reduction of GHG emissions is of paramount importance for CERN, which has identified four different strategies.
The first strategy...
An extensive research and development program for a ILC TPC has been carried out within the framework of the LCTPC collaboration. A Large Prototype TPC in a 1 T magnetic field, which allows to accommodate up to seven identical Micropattern Gas Detector (MPGD) readout modules of the near-final proposed design for the ILD detector at ILC, has been built as a demonstrator at the 5 GeV electron...
In gaseous detectors it is possible to determine the polarisation of an X-Ray beam by tracking photoelectrons which are created in photoelectric interactions of the photons with the gas molecules. In this interaction the emission angle of the photoelectrons is correlated with the polarisation plane of the beam.
Depending on the photon energy and on scattering of the photoelectrons on gas...
A novel background identification detector is under development for the MEG II experiment, aiming for further sensitivity improvement in the $\mu\to e\gamma$ search. This detector needs to detect MIP positrons in a high-intensity low-momentum muon beam up to $10^8~\mu/\text{s}$. Hence, ultra-low material budget and high rate capability are required.
The detector under development is a new...
Time projection chambers read by gaseous detectors are widely used but the gaseous amplification has several drawbacks: constraints on the gas mixture, energy resolution degradation, ion backflow. The present project proposes to detect directly the primary ionization electrons without gaseous amplification, for several applications: hydrogen TPC as proton active target, search for neutrinoless...
A novel design of Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs), using only a single resistive plate, was developed and tested. Based on this design, prototype chambers of size ranging from 10 cm x 10 cm to 32 cm x 48 cm were constructed and tested with cosmic rays and particle beams. The tests confirmed the viability of this new approach for calorimetric applications where the particle rates do not exceed...
The instrumentation of large areas in experiments at future colliders will require an advancement in the present micro-pattern gaseous detector technologies, particularly focused for various applications (ranging from muon spectrometers to calorimeter readout) in sustaining higher expected pile-ups while maintaining good rate capability and space resolution. The development of the fast timing...
A new readout scheme allowing the exploitation of Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) spatial precision while using a limited number of electronic channels was designed. The new scheme that exploits the spread of the RPC induced charge on several adjacent inter-connected pads, allows the simultaneous detection of several particles without ambiguity. In this scheme, pads are connected in rows...
The CMS experiment collected 162 fb^-1 of proton-proton collision data at sqrt(s)=13 TeV during the Run-2 data taking period of LHC. The CMS RPC system provided redundant information for robust muon triggering, reconstruction and identification. To ensure stable data taking, the CMS RPC collaboration has performed detector operation, calibration and performance studies. After the end of Run-2,...
The sPHENIX detector to be installed at RHIC in 2022 is designed to precisely measure jets, jet correlations, and dilepton pairs in heavy-ion collisions. With these measurements in mind, sPHENIX will employ a compact TPC covering 20cm < r < 78 cm and |𝜂| < 1.1 as the central tracker. Utilizing an optimized Ne-CF4 gas mixture, zigzag readout pads, a 1.4T solenoid, and a modified SAMPA chip for...
Charging-up is a phenomenon observed while working with gaseous ionization detector having dielectric. It is comprised of two processes: the polarization of dielectric due to exposure to high electric field and collection of charges on dielectric surface. Both these charging-up processes affect the gain of the detector as they change the local field configuration around the dielectric. Here,...
The Muon Drift Tube chambers provide very precise and reliable muon tracking and momentum measurement in the ATLAS spectrometer. They have to cope with very high background counting rates up to 500 Hz/cm2. At HL-LHC the background rates are expected to increase by almost a factor of 10. New small (15 mm)-diameter Muon Drift Tube detectors have been developed to provide higher rate capability...
Charge sharing technique for various types of 1D (strip) gaseous detectors was applied several times in the past in an ad hoc fashion with varying results. If realized properly it allows one to reduce the number of instrumented channels, maintain a spatial resolution several times better than the canonical sigma ~ pitch/√12 estimate, and eliminate the differential non-linearity in the detector...
CYGNO (a CYGNus TPC with Optical readout) fits into the wider CYGNUS proto-collaboration, developing a ton scale Galactic Nuclear Recoil Observatory with directional sensitivity for Dark Matter searches below the Neutrino Floor and Solar Neutrino Physics. Located at Gran Sasso National Laboratory (Italy), CYGNO will operate a TPC readout by a Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector ensuring charge...
NEWS-G (New Experiments With Spheres-Gas) is an experiment searching for dark matter using the Spherical Proportional Counter (SPC) technique. SPCs are low capacitance detectors which allow the detection of gas ionisation with very low (single electron) thresholds. It consists in a grounded metal sphere with a small sensing anode at the center, creating a radial electric field.
Using a UV...