Experiments: Neutrino: Tuesday Late
- Alysia Diane Marino (University of Colorado Boulder (US))
- Nick Prouse (TRIUMF)
Experiments: Neutrino: Wednesday Early
- Lauren Anthony (Imperial College of London)
- Michael Wurm (Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE))
Zoom Room: TIPP2021 Parallel Room 3
(see e-mail sent to registered participants for connection details)
SHiP (Search for Hidden Particles) is a proposed beam dump experiment at CERN SPS, with the aim of exploring the so-called Hidden Sector. Since a large neutrino flux is expected to be produced at the beam dump, the experiment could also allow for the study of neutrino physics with unprecedented statistics. A dedicated Scattering and Neutrino Detector (SND), equipped with a downstream Muon...
Accelerator-based neutrino experiments have historically discounted neutron detection as beyond the scope of their calorimeters and trackers. The MINERvA experiment has detected signals from 10-100 MeV neutrons from neutrino interactions in its polystyrene scintillator tracker. Energy deposit, timing, and distance from neutrino interaction point are explored for access to neutron kinematics....
Water Cherenkov detectors have a long history of being successfully used for neutrino oscillation and nucleon decay measurements. With the increase in collected data, the reduction of systematic uncertainties becomes essential.
Water Cherenkov Test Experiment (WCTE) is a proposed experiment at CERN that will study the response of a small water Cherenkov detector in a low momentum beam. The...
The Hyper-Kamiokande (HK) experiment will detect neutrinos produced at an upgraded 1.3 MW J-PARC 30 GeV accelerator with a new water Cherenkov detector that is 8 times larger than Super-Kamiokande. This will allow HK to accumulate neutrino events 20 times faster than the currently operating T2K experiment. To take advantage of the high statistics HK will collect, systematic uncertainties on...
DUNE requires a capable near detector system to achieve its ambitious physics goals. One subsystem is the ND-GAr detector, which will consist of a high pressure Ar TPC and an ECAL in a magnetic field. The calorimeter complements the capabilities of the TPC with photon and neutron reconstruction to enable a precise reconstruction of neutrino interactions. The ECAL will use highly granular...
The T2K collaboration is preparing for an increase of the exposure aimed at establishing leptonic CP violation at 3 $\sigma$ level for a significant fraction of the possible $\delta_{CP}$ values. To reach this goal, an upgrade of the T2K near detector ND280 will be installed at J-PARC in 2022, with the aim of reducing the overall statistical and systematic uncertainties at the level of better...
Dual Calorimetry is a technique designed for high precision control of detector calorimetry systematics. It is embodied at JUNO as two independent photosensors and readout systems with different photon occupancy regimes surrounding the 20 kton liquid scintillator. One is the ~18,000 20-inch large PMTs (LPMTs) system, and the other is the ~26,000 3-inch small PMTs (SPMTs) system. The LPMT...
The search for neutrinoless double beta decay could cast light on one critical piece missing in our knowledge i.e. the nature of the neutrino mass. Its observation is indeed the most sensitive experimental way to prove that neutrino is a Majorana particle. The observation of such a potentially rare process demands a detector with an excellent energy resolution, an extremely low radioactivity...
NEXT is an experimental program aiming at the detection of 0νββ decay in $^{136}$Xe using a high-pressure gaseous xenon electroluminescent TPC. The technique allows for superb energy resolution, 1% FWHM at Qββ, and topological discrimination based on the unique signature that a double electron produces in a gaseous medium.
With ~0.5 m in each dimension, NEXT-White (NEW) is operating...
CUPID is a next-generation tonne-scale bolometric neutrinoless double
beta decay experiment to probe the Majorana nature of neutrinos and
discover Lepton Number Violation if the effective neutrino mass is
greater than 10 meV. CUPID will be built on experience, expertise and
lessons learned in CUORE,CUPID-Mo and CUPID-0. The detector technology is
based on scintillating bolometers of...