15–18 Mar 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Alternative approach of kinematic fitting for arbitrary resolution functions

17 Mar 2021, 06:00
Online Conference (Zoom)

Online Conference


PD4: Software & Detector Performance PD4: Software & Detector Performance


Mr Yu Kato (The University of Tokyo)


We are developing kinematic fitter which can deal with arbitrary resolution functions. Kinematic fitting is the constrained optimization method which uses distributions of fit parameters and kinematic relations among the parameters. In order to treat non-Gaussian distributions, for example b-jet energy distribution, our kinematic fitter is implemented based on the log-likelihood method.
In this talk, we report the operation verification of our kinematic fitter using the ZH process which decays into b-jets. The b-jet resolutions are also evaluated as the input of the fitting.

Time Zone Asia/Pacific


Mr Yu Kato (The University of Tokyo)


Tomohiko Tanabe (KEK) Satoru Yamashita (University of Tokyo) Masakazu Kurata (University of Tokyo) Mr Takanori Mogi (The University of Tokyo) Mr Shogo Kajiwara (The University of Tokyo)

Presentation materials