15–18 Mar 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Probing light quark Yukawa couplings through angularity distributions in Higgs boson decay

18 Mar 2021, 06:20
Online Conference (Zoom)

Online Conference


PD1: Theoretical Developments PD1: Theoretical Developments


Dr Bin Yan (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


We propose to utilize angularity distributions in Higgs boson decay to probe light quark Yukawa couplings at e+e colliders. Angularities τa are a class of 2-jet event shapes with variable and tunable sensitivity to the distribution of radiation in hadronic jets in the final state. Using soft-collinear effective theory (SCET), we present a prediction of angularity distributions from Higgs decaying to quark and gluon states at e+e colliders to NNLL+O(αs) accuracy. Due to the different color structures in quark and gluon jets, the angularity distributions from Hqq¯ and Hgg show different behaviors and can be used to constrain the light quark Yukawa couplings.
We show that the upper limit of light quark Yukawa couplings could be probed up to 1522% level of the bottom quark Yukawa coupling in the Standard Model.

Time Zone Americas

Primary author

Dr Bin Yan (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


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