15–18 Mar 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Precision top mass measurement

17 Mar 2021, 18:40
Online Conference (Zoom)

Online Conference


PD1: Theoretical Developments PD1: Theoretical Developments


Dr Aditya Pathak (University of Manchester)


In this talk I will describe our recent work on N$^3$LL+NNLO resummed prediction for 2-jettiness differential distribution for boosted $t\bar t$ pairs produced in $e^+e^-$ collisions calculated in the framework of SCET+(boosted) HQET. The prediction incorporates a precise short distance top mass scheme, such as the MSR scheme. Renormalon subtractions in the mass and soft function play a key role in improving the stability of the peak position, and the allow for determination of the top MSR mass with perturbative uncertainties well below 100 MeV. The result has important application for Monte Carlo top mass calibration.

Time Zone Europe/Africa/Middle East


Dr Aditya Pathak (University of Manchester) Brad Bachu (Princeton University (US)) Andre Hoang (University of Vienna) Dr Vicent Mateu Barreda (University of Salamanca) Prof. Iain Stewart (MIT)

Presentation materials