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ECFA Detector R&D Roadmap Symposium of Task Force 3 Solid State Detectors

Friday 23 April 2021 - 08:20

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
23 Apr 2021
Welcome - Nicolo Cartiglia (INFN Torino (IT)) Philip Patrick Allport (University of Birmingham (UK)) (until 09:20) ()
09:20 Vision on electronics for future trackers in 20 years, 3D integration - Valerio Re (Universita and INFN (IT))   ()
09:40 --- Questions ---
09:50 Summary of accelerator input section, day 1 - Didier Claude Contardo (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   ()
10:10 --- Questions ---
10:20 4D tracking - sensors without internal gain - 3D and more, intrinsic limitation - Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))   ()
10:40 --- Questions ---
10:50 --- coffe breack ---
11:20 4D tracking - sensors with internal gain - Nicolo Cartiglia (INFN Torino (IT))   ()
11:40 --- Questions ---
11:50 Silicon at extreme fluences - Prof. Marko Mikuz (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))   ()
12:10 --- Questions ---
12:20 Passive CMOS in twenty years - David-Leon Pohl (University of Bonn (DE)) David-Leon Pohl   ()
12:40 --- Questions ---
12:50 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Future CMOS technologies for charge particles tracking and high time resolution in CMOS , beyond 65 nm - Walter Snoeys (CERN)   ()
14:20 --- Questions ---
14:30 Evolution of the CMOS technology for monolithic detectors, 3D - modules, 20 years visionary talk from a physicist point of view - Petra Riedler (CERN)   ()
14:50 --- Questions ---
15:00 Future Requirements on Interconnection Technologies for Hybrid Detector Modules - Thomas Fritzsch (Fraunhofer IZM)   ()
15:20 --- Questions ---
15:30 --- Breack ---
16:00 Use of diamond detectors in 20 years: what R&D needs to be done to use it in the first layer of FCC? - Alexander Oh (University of Manchester (GB))   ()
16:20 --- Questions ---
16:30 Simulation tools for radiation detectors before and after irradiation - Dr Joern Schwandt (Hamburg University (DE))   ()
16:50 --- Questions ---
17:00 --- Breack ---
Introduction to panels discussion (until 17:15) ()
17:15 Beam test/irradiation/femto laser: key facilities needed to pursue the R&D phase (EU project, funding tools) - Marcel Stanitzki (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Dr Ivan Vila Alvarez (Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC)) Marko Mikuz (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))   ()
18:00 Industrialization/supply chain for small - medium - large project (EU project, funding tools) - Iain Sedgwick (STFC) Jerome Baudot (IPHC - Strasbourg) Michael Campbell (CERN)   ()