The 9th Asian Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference (ATHIC 2023) will be held in Hiroshima, Japan, from Monday 24th through Thursday 27th of April, 2023. It will solely be a face-to-face conference, with no remote participation or broadcasting arrangements.
ATHIC 2023 inherits the tradition of the previous conferences held first in Seoul in 2006 and continued in China, India, Japan, and South Korea. Many physicists from Asian countries have been actively working on both experimental and theoretical sides of heavy-ion collisions. ATHIC brings them together to discuss various exciting aspects of this field. We hope to have fruitful discussions among the participants and develop new ideas to press us forward in further understanding of hot and dense QCD matter. The conference will also provide an excellent opportunity to summarize what we have learned at RHIC and LHC.
ATHIC 2023 will focus on topics including, but not limited to:
- Initial state and thermal equilibrium
- Jets and medium response
- Heavy quarks and quarkonia
- Electromagnetic probes
- Collective dynamics
- Correlations and fluctuations
- QCD phase diagram and extreme states
- QGP in small systems
- Intense field and vorticity
- Hadron interactions and exotics
- New theoretical developments
- Experimental techniques and future programs
The conference comprises plenary, parallel and poster sessions. We especially encourage students to submit their contributions.
The conference is supported partly by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas 18H05401 (K. Shigaki) and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 20H00163 (K. Shigaki), also partly by Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Nagasaki Institute of Applies Science, Nagoya University, Osaka University, Riken, University of Tokyo, and University of Tsukuba, and is under the auspices of Hiroshima University.
Plenary Talks
Here is the list of plenary talks and speakers. T stands for a theory talk, and E for an experiment talk.
- Initial state and thermal equilibrium (T) : Hidetoshi TAYA
- Jets and medium response (E) : Saehansul OH
- Jets and medium response (T) : Yasuki TACHIBANA
- Collective dynamics (E) : Chitrasen JENA
- Correlations and fluctuations (T) : Azumi SAKAI
- Intense field and vorticity (E) : Jinhui CHEN
- Intense field and vorticity (T) : Di-Lun YANG
- Electromagnetic probes (E) : Satoshi YANO
- QCD phase diagram and extreme states (T) : Kaijia SUN
- RHIC BES program summary (E) : Subhash SINGHA
- QGP in small systems (E) : Yuko SEKIGUCHI
- QGP in small systems (T) : Yuka KANAKUBO
- Heavy quarks and quarkonia (E) : Jinjoo SEO
- Heavy quarks and quarkonia (T) : Jiaxing ZHAO
- Machine Learning (T) : Yi-Lun DU
- Electron Ion Collider (T) : Hongxi XING
- New theoretical developments (T) : Li YAN
- Hadron interactions and exotics (T) : Emiko HIYAMA
- sPHENIX and ePIC (E) : Takashi HACHIYA
- ALICE 3 (E) : Sanghoon LIM
- J-PARC-HI (E) : Masakiyo KITAZAWA
Registration has been closed, after accepting from 8 December 2022 till 8 April 2023. We appreciate the large number of participation.
Registration Fee
Early registration <Dec. 8, 2022 ~ Feb. 28, 2023> (closed)
- For regular participants: 25,000 JPY
- For students : 15,000 JPY
Late registration <Mar. 1, 2023 ~ Apr. 8, 2023> (closed)
- For anyone : 35,000 JPY
Call for Abstracts
Abstract submission has been closed, after accepting from 1 November 2022 till 10 March 2023.
The conference venue is JMS Aster Plaza. It is located in downtown Hiroshima, south of Peace Memorial Park.
We provide you with a list of suggested hotels instead of making a block reservation. Please follow the "Accommodation" tag in the menu. You are advised to make your hotel reservation early, as the demand for hotels in Hiroshima is quite high.
Please do not hesitate to contact the local organizers if you have any questions or need assistance.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Hiroshima.
The Local Organizing Committee