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18–22 Oct 2021
America/New_York timezone

We would like to thank all participants of Higgs 2021 for making this a successful workshop!

Awarded best parallel presentations 

Please have a look at the slides and video recordings of the seven selected best parallel presentations (alphabetical order):

  • Machine Learning the Higgs-top CP MeasurementRahool Barman (Oklahoma State University) [video/slides/contribution]
  • Search for Higgs Boson Pair Production in the bbτ+ τ− Final State with the ATLAS DetectorChristopher Deutsch (University of Bonn) [video/slides/contribution]
  • Catching Heavy Vector Triplets with the SMEFT: from one-loop matching to phenomenologyEmma Geoffray (Universität Heidelberg) [video/slides/contribution]
  • Measurements and Interpretations of STXS and Differential and Fiducial Cross Sections in Higgs Boson Decays to two W Bosons with the ATLAS DetectorRobin Hayes (University of British Columbia) [video/slides/contribution]
  • Precision Higgs Physics at High-Energy Muon CollidersSamuel Homiller (Harvard University) [video/slides/contribution]
  • Searches for resonant and non-resonant HH/YH production in final states with tau leptons and W bosons at CMSJona Motta (LLR, École Polytechnique) [video/slides/discussion slides/contribution]
  • Off-shell Higgs Couplings in 𝐻∗→𝑍𝑍→ℓℓ𝜈𝜈” Han Qin (University of Pittsburgh) [video/slides/contribution]




Higgs 2021 is this year's installment of an annual conference devoted to new experimental and theoretical results on the Higgs boson. The 2021 conference will present the latest results from the LHC on the Higgs boson mass, spin/parity, and couplings and will present new theoretical work devoted to the measurement of Higgs parameters and possibilities for exotic Higgs decays. The conference will provide an opportunity for critical discussion of the current strategies for studying the Higgs boson at the LHC and the next steps beyond the LHC. Higgs 2021 will include several sessions of parallel and plenary contributions on current research topics.

Update Sep 9th: 

The in-person component of the Higgs 2021 conference has been cancelled. The conference will be held virtually. This decision is driven not only by US-wide travel restrictions (from other countries), but also by self-imposed travel restrictions by DOE, DOE labs and several US institutions which make it impossible also for most US-based participants and speakers to travel to Stony Brook.

If you have any questions, you can reach the conference administrators at, and the full local organizing committee at If you have any questions related to the program, please also add the program committee in cc:


Original Conference Venue (now only virtual!)

Stony Brook University
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics
John S. Toll Drive
Stony Brook, NY 11790 USA


Sponsors and/or Co-sponsors

PC (Program Committee) members:

  • Viviana Cavaliere (BNL)
  • Karsten Köneke (Freiburg) - Chair
  • Patrick Meade (YITP)
  • Christopher Palmer (Princeton)
  • Stefano Pozzorini (Zürich)
  • Roberto Salerno (LLR)

Session conveners:

  • Precision & Properties: Alexander Huss,  Hongtao Yang, David Sperka

  • Yukawa: Patrick Meade, Nicolas Morange, Stephane Cooperstein 

  • HH: Daniel Egana,  Liza Brost, Agni Bethani

  • EFT: Tim Cohen, Nicolas Berger, Andrei Gritsan

  • BSM: Zhen Liu, Verena Outschoorn, Luca Cadamuro 

  • Snowmass/Future colliders: Sally Dawson, Caterina Vernieri,  Isobel Ojalvo

IOC members:

  • Fabrizio Caola (Durham)
  • Maria Cepeda Hermida (Ciemat)
  • Michael Duehrssen (CERN)
  • Keisuke Fujii (KEK)
  • Gudrun Heinrich (KIT)
  • Aneesh Manohar (UCSD)
  • Giovanni Petrucciani (CERN)
  • Giacinto Piacquadio (Stony Brook)
  • Stefano Pozzorini (Zürich)
  • Roberto Salerno (LLR)
  • Kerstin Tackmann (DESY)
  • James Wells (Michigan)
  • Michael Williams (MIT)

LOC members:

  • Haider Abidi (BNL)
  • Luis Álvarez Gaumé (SCGP/YITP)
  • Elizabeth Brost (BNL)
  • Quentin Buat (SBU/UW)
  • Viviana Cavaliere (BNL)
  • Gloria Clivilles-Ramos (SBU admin)
  • Sally Dawson (BNL/YITP)
  • Paul Grannis (SBU)
  • Tracy Hillenbrand (SBU admin)
  • John Hobbs (SBU)
  • Ilaria Luise (SBU)
  • Patrick Meade (YITP)
  • Giacinto Piacquadio (SBU/Chair)
  • Marc-André Pleier (BNL)
  • Robert Shrock (YITP)
  • George Sterman (YITP)
  • Alessandro Tricoli (BNL)
  • Dmitri Tsybychev (SBU)


Higgs 2021: 18-22 October 2021

  • There will be no fee for remote participants




For administrative or technical information about the conference organization, please contact [Giacinto Piacquadio (chair), Elizabeth Brost, Patrick Meade, Viviana Cavaliere, Tracy Hillenbrand (admin), Gloria Clivilles-Ramos (admin)]

Application for this event is currently open.