Online Computing
Z. Toteva
(Sofia University/CERN/CMS)
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 6 - Computer Fabrics
We describe a database solution in a web application to centrally
manage the configuration information of computer systems. It extends the
modular cluster management tool Quattor with a user friendly web interface.
System configurations managed by Quattor are described with the aid of PAN, a
declarative language with a command line and a compiler interface. Using a
relational schema,...
A. Bobyshev
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 7 - Wide Area Networking
In a large campus network, such as Fermilab's ten thousand nodes, scanning initiated
from either outside of or within the campus network raises security concerns, may
have very serious impact on network performance, and even disrupt normal operation of
many services. In this paper we introduce a system for detecting and automatic
blocking of excessive traffic of different nature, scanning,...
Martin purschke
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 1 - Online Computing
With the improvements in CPU and disk speed over the past years, we
were able to exceed the original design data logging rate of 40MB/s by
a factor of 3 already for the Run 3 in 2002. For the Run 4 in 2003, we
increased the raw disk logging capacity further to about 400MB/s.
Another major improvement was the implementation of compressed data
logging. The PHENIX raw data, after...
M. Guijarro
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 6 - Computer Fabrics
There are two cluster architecture approaches used at CERN to provide central CVS
services. The first one ( depends on AFS for central storage of
repositories and offers automatic load-balancing and fail-over mechanisms.
The second one ( is an N + 1 cluster based on local file
systems, using data replication and not relying on AFS. It does not...
Martin purschke
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 1 - Online Computing
The PHENIX DAQ system is managed by a control system responsible for
the configuration and monitoring of the PHENIX detector hardware and
readout software. At its core, the control system, called Runcontrol,
is a process that manages the various components by way of a
distributed architecture using CORBA. The control system, called
Runcontrol, is a set of process that manages virtually...
J. Schmidt
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 6 - Computer Fabrics
Email is an essential part of daily work. The FNAL gateways process in excess of
700,000 messages per week. Amomng those messages are many containing viruses and
unwanted spam. This paper outlines the FNAL email system configuration. We will
discuss how we have defined our systems to provide optimum uptime as well as
protection against viruses, spam and unauthorized users.
L. Lisa Giacchetti
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 6 - Computer Fabrics
The scalable serving of shared filesystems across large clusters of computing resources continues to be a
difficult problem in high energy physics computing. The US CMS group at Fermilab has performed a detailed
evaluation of hardware and software solutions to allow filesysystem access to data from computing systems.
The goal of the evaluation was to arrive at a solution that was able...
S. Kolos
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 1 - Online Computing
As modern High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments require more
distributed computing power to fulfill their demands, the need for
an efficient distributed online services for control, configuration
and monitoring in such experiments becomes increasingly important.
This paper describes the experience of using standard Common Object
Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) middleware for...
J. Fromm
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 6 - Computer Fabrics
The NGOP Monitoring Project at FNAL has developed a package which has demonstrated
the capability to efficiently monitor tens of thousands of entities on thousands of
hosts, and has been in operation for over 4 years. The project has met the majority
of its initial reqirements, and also the majority of the requirements discovered
along the way. This paper will describe what worked, and...
S. Jarp
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 6 - Computer Fabrics
In 1995 I predicted that the dual-processor PC would start invading HEP computing and
a couple of years later the x86-based PC was omnipresent in our computing facilities.
Today, we cannot imagine HEP computing without thousands of PCs at the heart.
This talk will look at some of the reasons why we may one day be forced to leave this
sweet-spot. This would be not because we (the HEP...
F.M. Taurino
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 6 - Computer Fabrics
The "gridification" of a computing farm is usually a complex and time consuming task.
Operating system installation, grid specific software, configuration files
customization can turn into a large problem for site managers.
This poster introduces InGRID, a solution used to install and maintain grid software
on small/medium size computing farms.
Grid elements installation with InGRID...
G. Sun
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 6 - Computer Fabrics
These are several on-going experiments at IHEP, such as BES, YBJ, and CMS
collaboration with CERN. each experiment has its own computing system, these
computing systems run separately. This leads to a very low CPU utilization due
to different usage period of each experiment. The Grid technology is a very
good candidate for integrating these separate computing systems into a "single...
H. Schwarthoff
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 1 - Online Computing
The CLEO collaboration at the Cornell electron positron storage ring
CESR has completed its transition to the CLEO-c experiment. This new
program contains a wide array of Physics studies of $e^+e^-$
collisions at center of mass energies between 3 GeV and 5 GeV.
New challenges await the CLEO-c Online computing system, as the
trigger rates are expected to rise from < 100 Hz to around...
N. Hoeimyr
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 6 - Computer Fabrics
The Product Support (PS) group of the IT department at CERN distributes and
supports more than one hundred different software packages, ranging from tools
for computer aided design, field calculations, mathematical and structural
analysis to software development. Most of these tools, which are used on
a variety of Unix and Windows platforms by different user populations, are...
A. Bobyshev
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 7 - Wide Area Networking
Network flow data gathered on border routers and core network switch/routers is used
at Fermilab for statistical analysis of traffic patterns, passive network monitoring,
and estimation of network performance characteristics. Flow data is also a critical
tool in the investigation of computer security incidents. Development and enhancement
of flow- based tools is on-going effort. The...
I. Sfiligoi
(INFN Frascati)
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 6 - Computer Fabrics
CDF is deploying a version of its analysis facility (CAF) at several globally
distributed sites. On top of the hardware at each of these sites is either an FBSNG
or Condor batch manager and a SAM data handling system which in some cases also
makes use of dCache.
The jobs which run at these sites also make use of a central database located at
Fermilab. Each of these systems has its own...
N. Katayama
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 6 - Computer Fabrics
The Belle experiment has accumulated an integrated luminosity of more
than 240fb-1 so far, and a daily logged luminosity now exceeds 800pb-
1. These numbers correspond to more than 1PB of raw and processed
data stored on tape and an accumulation of the raw data at the rate
of 1TB/day. To meet these storage demands, a new cost effective,
compact hierarchical mass storage system has...
Martin purschke
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 1 - Online Computing
The PHENIX experiment consists of many different detectors and
detector types, each one with its own needs concerning the
monitoring of the data quality and the calibration. To ease the task
for the shift crew to monitor the performance and status of each
subsystem in PHENIX we developed a general client server based
framework which delivers events at a rate in excess of 100Hz....
S. Nemnyugin
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 6 - Computer Fabrics
We report the results of parallelization and tests of the Parton
String Model event generator at the parallel cluster of St.Petersburg
State University Telecommunication center.
Two schemes of parallelization were studied. In the first approach
master process coordinates work of slave processes, gathers and
analyzes data. Results of MC calculations are saved in local files.
J. Schmidt
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 6 - Computer Fabrics
FNAL has over 5000 PCs running either Linux or Windows software. Protecting these
systems efficiently against the latest vulnerabilities that arise has prompted FNAL
to take a more central approach to patching systems. We outline the lab support
structure for each OS and how we have provided a central solution that works within
existing support boundaries. The paper will cover how we...
P. Conde MUINO
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 1 - Online Computing
During the runtime of any experiment, a central monitoring system that
detects problems as soon as they appear has an essential role. In a large
experiment, like Atlas, the online data acquisition system is
distributed across the nodes of large farms, each of them running several
processes that analyse a fraction of the events. In this architecture, it is
necessary to have a central...
A. Eleuteri
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 1 - Online Computing
In this paper we examine the performance of the raw Ethernet
protocol in deterministic, low-cost, real-time communication. Very
few applications have been reported until now, and they focus on the
use of the TCP and UDP protocols, which however add a sensible
overhead to the communication and reduce the useful bandwidth. We
show how low-level Ethernet access can be used for...
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 7 - Wide Area Networking
The CLEO III data acquisition was from the beginning in the late 90's
designed to allow remote operations and monitoring of the experiment.
Since changes in the coordination and operation of the CLEO experiment
two years ago enabled us to separate tasks of the shift crew into an
operational and a physics task, existing remote capabilities have
been revisited. In 2002/03 CLEO started to...
A. Garcia
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 6 - Computer Fabrics
The clusters using DataGrid middleware are usually installed and
managed by means of an "LCFG" server. Originally developed by the
Univ. of Edinburgh and extended by DataGrid, this is a complex piece
of software. It allows for automated installation and configuration of
a complete grid site. However, installation of the "LCFG"-Server takes
most of the time, thus hinder widespread...
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 1 - Online Computing
ATLAS is a particle detector which will is being built at CERN in
Geneva. The muon detection system is made up among other things, of
600 chambers measuring 2 to 6 m2 and 30 cm thick. The chambers'
position must be known with an accuracy of +/- 30 m for translations
and +/-100 rad for rotations for a range of +/- 5mm and +/-5mrad.
In order to fulfill these requirements, we have...
G. unel
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 1 - Online Computing
The 40 MHz collision rate at the LHC produces ~25 interactions per bunch crossing
within the ATLAS detector, resulting in terabytes of data per second to be handled
by the detector electronics and the trigger and DAQ system. A Level 1 trigger system
based on custom designed and built electronics will reduce the event rate to 100 kHz.
The DAQ system is responsible for the readout of the...
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 6 - Computer Fabrics
US-CMS is building up expertise at regional centers in preparation for analysis of LHC data. The User Analysis
Farm (UAF) is part of the Tier 1 facility at Fermilab. The UAF is being developed to support the efforts of the
Fermilab LHC Physics Center (LPC) and to enableefficient analysis of CMS data in the US.
The support, infrastructure, and services to enable a local analysis...
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 5 - Distributed Computing Systems and Experiences
The CDF Analysis Facility (CAF) has been in use since April 2002
and has successfully served 100s of users on 1000s of CPUs.
The original CAF used FBSNG as a batch manager.
In the current trend toward multisite deployment,
FBSNG was found to be a limiting factor,
so the CAF has been reimplemented to use Condor instead.
Condor is a more widely used batch system and
is well integrated...
I. Soloviev
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 1 - Online Computing
The ATLAS data acquisition system uses the database to describe configurations
for different types of data taking runs and different sub-detectors. Such
configurations are composed of complex data objects with many inter-relations.
During the DAQ system initialisation phase the configurations database is
simultaneously accessed by a large number of processes. It is also required that
A. Martin
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 6 - Computer Fabrics
We describe our experience in building a cost efficient High Throughput Cluster (HTC)
using commodity hardware and free software within a university environment.
Our HTC has a modular system architecture and is designed to be upgradable.
The current, second phase configuration, consists of 344 processors and 20 Tbyte of
RAID storage.
In order to rapidly install and upgrade software,...
O. Schneider
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 6 - Computer Fabrics
A central idea of Grid Computing is the virtualization of
heterogeneous resources. To meet this challenge the Institute for
Scientific Computing, IWR, has started the project CampusGrid. Its
medium term goal is to provide a seamless IT environment
supporting the on-site research activities in physics,
bioinformatics, nanotechnology and meteorology. The environment
will include all...
Alan Tackett
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 6 - Computer Fabrics
Protein analysis, imaging, and DNA sequencing are some of the branches
of biology where growth has been enabled by the availability of
computational resources. With this growth, biologists face an
associated need for reliable, flexible storage systems. For decades
the HEP community has been driving the development of such storage
systems to meet their own needs. Two of these systems -...
A. Bobyshev
28/09/2004, 10:00
Track 7 - Wide Area Networking
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is
scheduled to come on-line in 2007. Fermilab will act as the CMS Tier-1 center for the
US and make experiment data available to more than 400 researchers in the US
participating in the CMS experiment. The US CMS Users Facility group, based at
Fermilab, has initiated a project to develop a model for...