I.N. Borzov 1,2
1 National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”, 123182, Moscow, Russia
2Bogolubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, 141980,
†E-mail: Borzov_IN@nrcki.ru, cc: ibor48@mail.ru
Including the light neutron-rich nuclei to the r-process network is known to change the resulting heavy element abundances [1]. However, large-scale predictions of input data, in particular the β–decay rates are usualy obtained in the HF+BCS Quasiparticle Random Phase (QRPA) approximations. In case of the light neutron-rich nuclei they have to be taken with some care. In loosely bound isotopes close to the particle continuum in which a weak pairing approximation does not work, the cluster effects dominate [2].
The applicability limit of self-consistent description of the beta-decay properties using iterative HF+BCS for the ground state and continuum pnQRPA [3] is carefully checked for very neutron-rich C, N, O nuclei around the neutron shells at N=8,16 and compared with relativistic RHB+RQRPA [4] and FRDM+RPA [5] frameworks.
Supported by the grant of Russian Scientific Foundation (RSF 21-12-00061).
Fig. 1. The Sxn-values within the DF3a functional and FRDM in 22-30Oisotopes.
Fig. 2. The T1/2 and total Pn-values calculated from DF3a+CQRPA and RHB+RQRPA
in O isotopic chain compared with AME-2020.
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