The Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) is currently under construction in JINR, Dubna as part of the NICA Accelerator Complex. The MPD is designed to study the properties of the strongly interacting matter in the regime of maximum baryonic density expected to be reached in heavy-ion collisions at the center of mass energy of 4-11 GeV. The detector will operate in the collider mode and is equipped to...
A brief overview of the Spin Physics Detector (SPD) experiment is presented.
SPD is a future multipurpose experiment foreseen to run at the NICA collider, which is currently under construction at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna, Russia).
The physics program of the experiment is based on collisions of longitudinally and transversely polarized protons...
At NRC “KI” - PNPI (National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” - Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute) the cyclotron C-80 capable of producing 40–80 MeV proton beam with a current of 100 $\mu$A has been constructed. One of the main goals of C-80 is production of a wide spectrum of medical radionuclides for diagnostics and therapy. A special beam line will be erected as well for the...
We report a new measurement of proton directed flow $v_1$ relative to the spectator plane for Ag+Ag collisions at the beam energies of 1.23A and 1.58A GeV recorded by the HADES experiment at GSI. The projectile spectator plane is estimated using signals of the charged fragments registered with the HADES forward hodoscope. Directed flow is presented differentially as a function of transverse...
$^{13}$C is a good example of a “normal” nucleus that is well described in the framework of the shell model. Its level scheme is reliably determined up to excitation energies ~ 10 MeV. However, not so long ago, in the framework of the development of the theory of the α-condensation in light nuclei (αBEC), the existence of exotic cluster states in light nuclei with a significantly increased, by...
Investigation of the reactions of deuteron elastic scattering and deuteron breakup are interesting from the point of view of nucleon-nucleon (NN) and three nucleon (3N) correlations, special attention is paid to short distances with high transferred momenta. The Deuteron Spin Structure (DSS) collaboration revealed a strong sensitivity to the spin structure of short-range isoscalar NN...
Light hypernuclei are a natural laboratory for studying $YN$ and $YY$ interactions [1]. The repulsive nature of the $\Lambda N$ interaction leads to the fact that bound states in light nuclei are generated due to the $N-Y-N$ interaction. The decisive role in this interaction is played by the $\Lambda N\to \Sigma N$ conversion of one type of hyperons into another. Experimental data on hyperon...
Author: Alexey Povarov (for the STAR Collaboration)
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (NRNU MEPhI)
Heavy-ion collisions create matter which is characterized by high temperature and energy density, called Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). Azimuthal anisotropy of produced particles is sensitive to the transport properties of QGP (the equation of state, speed of sound and specific shear...
The analysis of charge distribution (Fig. 1) of intermediate mass fragments (IMF) was performed for interaction of 22 GeV carbon projectiles with a gold terget. The main behavior of charge distribution is well described by a power low with a power function exponent equal to 2.16 $\pm$ 0.03. The power law distribution follows from the classical droplet Fisher model [1], which predicts this...
Numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation [1-3] is used for studying the dynamics of breakup reaction and nucleon transfer at energies above the Coulomb barrier. The spin-orbit interaction is taken into account [2]. The evolution of the wave functions for an outer weakly bound two neutrons of $^{11}$Li nucleus and one neutron of $^{11}$Be in collisions with $^{28}$Si and...
The e$^+$e$^-$$\rightarrow$ $\text{n} \bar{\text{n}}$ cross section has been measured in the experiment at the VEPP-2000 e$^+$e$^-$ collider with the SND detector. The technique of the time measurements in the multichannel NaI(Tl) electromagnetic calorimeter is used to select n anti-n events. The value of the measured cross section from the threshold up to 2 GeV varies from 0.6 to 0.4...
Total reaction cross section (σR) values for interaction 10,11,12Be cocktail beam particles with 28Si, 59Co, 181Ta target nuclei in the energy range
12–48 A·MeV are presented. Experimental method of direct measuring of σR is based on detection of prompt n, γ radiation by 12 CsI(Tl) detectors γ-spectrometer [1] was used. A comparison of the two methods for calculating the total cross sections...
In heavy-ion collisions, a strong magnetic field ($\sim$ 10$^{15}$ T) is expected to be created, which together with the presence of a non-zero electric and axial charge density, can lead to vector and axial currents in the produced system called the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) and Chiral Separation Effect (CSE), respectively. Their coupling gives rise to a collective excitation in the...
Author: Vladimir Skorkin
Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Corresponding Author:
Contrast-enhanced radiotherapy allows to enhance the radiation dose absorbed by the tumor when using the hard elements (I, Gd, Au, Bi, etc.) for a photon absorption [1]. The dose-enhancing agents have a better absorption capacity, than biological tissues...
In recent decades, research related to low-energy nuclear physics has shown two basic trends. In experimental research, there has been a rapid transition from the study of stable and long-lived nuclei to the study of exotic, including nucleon-unstable systems. In theoretical research, an increasing place is occupied by high-precision microscopic approaches, in particular ab initio (from first...
It has been a constant research endeavor to find new ways of producing radionuclides for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in nuclear medicine. The research area has ever grown due to technological developments and facilities like heavy-ion accelerators. The iodine isotopes e.g., $^{131}$I has been widely used as a radiotracer for thyroid-related diseases. This neutron-rich isotope...
An analysis of cross sections of elastic scattering of $^{17}$F on
$^{12}$C, $^{14}$N, $^{58}$Ni, and $^{208}$Pb nuclei at energy 170
MeV and on $^{208}$Pb at various energies is carried out by using
the microscopic optical potentials (OPs). The proton and neutron
density distributions of the exotic nucleus $^{17}$F are computed
in the framework of microscopic models. The real part of the...
Short-range correlated (SRC) NN pairs play an important role in structure of atomic nuclei and are studied using mainly electron beams [1]. A new step was done at BM@N in JINR [2] where the reaction $^{12}$C+p→$^{10}$A+pp+N is studied using the $^{12}$C beam at energy of 4 GeV/nucleon in inverse kinematics providing interaction with the hydrogen target to probe the SRC pairs in the...
Anisotropic flow measurements of produced particles in relativistic heavy-ion collisions play an essential role in the studies of transport properties of the strongly interacting metter.
In this work we provide the results of the most comprehensive systematic study of the beam energy dependence of anisotropic flow based on existing data and discuss them using different scaling relationsfor...
The Quantum Electrodynamics theory for bound states at finite temperatures is discussed. The details of theory can be found in [1] where the derivation of thermal photon propagator in different forms and gauges is presented. The constructed theory is used to find the "thermal Coulomb interaction" and its asymptotic at large distances. Finally, the thermal effects of the lowest order in the...
Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) experiment at NICA collider has the potential for discoveries in the area of QCD phase diagram with high net baryon densities and moderate temperatures. Anisotropic transverse flow is one of the key observables to study the properties of matter created in heavy-ion collisions. The directed and elliptic flow were studied at the beam energy range $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=2-11...
Started in the late 1950s at DLNP JINR pioneering experimental studies of proton scattering on nuclei allowed D.I. Blokhintsev assumed the presence in nuclei a lower mass nucleus in a compressed state, i.e. the presence of a cold strongly compressed component in ordinary nuclear matter. The search and study of two- and three-nucleon systems in nuclei continued at DLNP JINR and ITEP (Moscow)...
Potential Energy calculations are the basis for static and dynamic studies of the nuclear fission process. Calculation of surface, nuclear, Coulomb, rotational functionals, curvature, congruence, and Wigner energy functionals was recently presented for a wide variety of nuclear shape parameterizations [1].
Current approaches typically aim to achieve a theoretical description of the potential...
Presently, the nuclear energy density functional theory is known as the most convenient and powerful theoretical tool for the calculation of the properties of nuclei throughout the nuclear chart. In this work, large-scale calculations are performed using the self-consistent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov method [1-2] for even-even nuclei between $8\leq Z\leq 114$. The Skyrme-type functionals are used...
The possibility to register the associated pair production of hadrons and light nuclei in a kinematically forbidden region in AA-interactions on the FODS double arm spectrometer at the U-70 accelerator complex (Protvino) is analyzed. The value of ion beam energy is 20.5 GeV/nucleon ($\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=6.3 GeV). The mode of measurements with one arm makes it possible to study production of hadrons...
Several cold neutron sources (CNS) are planned to be built at the reactor PIK. Two of them are planned to be mainly used for condensed matter physics. They will produce cold neutrons in the horizontal experimental channels HEC-3 and HEC-2 with highest brightness. Neutron source for the channel
HEC-3 will be mounted in the vertical vacuum tube placed in the heavy water reactor reflector [1]....
The Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment (CBM) at FAIR aims to study the area of the QCD phase diagram at high net baryon densities and moderate temperatures using collisions of heavy ions at center-of-mass energies of a few GeV per nucleon. Anisotropic transverse flow is among the key observables to study the properties of matter created in such collisions. The CBM performance for charged...
I.N. Borzov 1,2
1 National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”, 123182, Moscow, Russia
2Bogolubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, 141980,
†E-mail:, cc:
Including the light neutron-rich nuclei to the r-process network is known to change the resulting heavy element abundances [1]. However, large-scale predictions of...
At present, at low astrophysical energies there is experimental information on the cross sections of the reactions $^9$Ве$(р,d_0)$ and $^9$Ве$(р,α_0)$ obtained by different authors [1-14]. Nevertheless, as shown in the review [15], the extrapolation of the S-factors of these reactions to zero energy has a large uncertainty (the difference is up to 10 times). This is partly due to the many...
Oleksii Lubynets $^{(1, 2)}$ and Ilya Selyuzhenkov $^{(1, 3)}$ for the CBM Collaboration
$^{(1)}$ GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
$^{(2)}$ Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
$^{(3)}$ NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
The main goal of the CBM experiment is to study highly compressed baryonic matter
produced in collisions of heavy ions. The SIS-100 accelerator at FAIR will...
The 13C(α,n)16O reaction cross section plays an important role as the background source in the geoneutrinos measurements and as the source of neutrons for the s-process in nuclear nucleosynthesis. The cross section for its reverse reaction is important for the number of practical applications, including the design of the nuclear power plants, the assessment of helium accumulation in structural...
$\bf{A.T. D’yachenko^{1,2}, I.A. Mitropolsky^{2}}$
$^{1}$Emperor Alexander I Petersburg State Transport University, St. Petersburg, Russia
$^{2}$ B.P. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Gatchina, Russia
On the basis of the hydrodynamic approach with a nonequilibrium equation of state [1-3], collisions with a beryllium target of $^{12}$C nuclei...
The main goal of the created cold neutron source on horizontal experimental channel HEC-2 of reactor PIK is to obtain the maximal neutron brightness. There are two main possibilities for using two different material as a main body in the thermalisation chamber of the source: the liquid deuterium or the parahydrogen. When using optimal size and form of the chambers they give nearly equal...
In strangeness nuclear physics, exotic hypernuclei with a proton or neutron excess are of particular interest now [1]. Such systems loosely studied experimentally so far can be produced in heavy ion collisions [2] at NICA complex developed at JINR. Properties of exotic hypernuclei can bring new knowledge on subtle features of the hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-nucleus interactions. Specifically,...
Recently the NA61/SHINE collaboration has published new experimental data on Pi- meson production in Ar-40+Sc-45 interactions at projectile nucleus laboratory momenta 13, 19, 30, 40, 75 and 150 GeV/c/N. The data are analyzed in Epos LHC, Epos 1.99 and Geant4 FTF models. The data were obtained for 0 - 5 % centrality interactions. In order to imitate the centrality selection we choose impact...
The main aim of the MPD experiment at the future collider NICA is to study the strongly interacting matter created in the heavy-ion collisions at center-of-mass energies $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 4-11 GeV. The azimuthal anisotropy is a key observable in such collisions as its sensitivity to the transport properties and equation of state of the created matter. The relative elliptic flow fluctuations...
The unbound heavy helium isotope 9He has one of the largest neutron-to-proton ratios. In spite of a significant number of experimental and theoretical works, the problem of the spectroscopy of 9He remains open [1, 2]. Even for the ground state, there is uncertainty in determining the resonance energy and spin-parity (1- or 1+). The situation with the excited states of 9He is also uncertain....
Nuclear security culture is an essential means for nuclear security enhancement. It contributes to the ability of personnel to effectively mitigate potential threats to nuclear and radioactive material by promoting appropriate attitude and behavior that result in personnel adopting a more rigorous and prudent approach to their nuclear security responsibilities. Within organizations that have a...
In the past years, significant progress has happened in high-energy nuclear physics models. A more robust and quantitative picture has replaced the qualitative descriptions of heavy nuclei collisions in the earlier days, enabling us to have a clearer picture of different stages of a heavy-ion collision. These models typically have $O(10)$ free parameters that are tuned by Bayesian analysis in...
In ref. [1] a laser plasma with an electron temperature Θe ~ 1 keV, a lifetime of about 0.3 ns and a mass of ~ 1 μg was obtained from metallic rhenium containing isomeric nuclei of the 186mRe (T1/2, m = 2∙105 y). In such a plasma, there was observed stimulated de-excitation of isomeric 186mRe nuclei with a probability Pstim ~ 10 – 7, which was determined after a laser shot by the degree of...
The concepts of "scaling" and "universality" have been developed to study critical phenomena. Scaling implies that systems near a critical point (CP) exhibit self-similarity and are invariant with respect to scale transformations. The universality of their behavior lies in the fact that vastly different systems behave in a similar way near the respective CP.
We present some results of...
In the events of peripheral dissociation of relativistic nuclei in the nuclear track emulsion, it is possible to study the emerging ensembles of He and H nuclei, including those from decays of the unstable $^{8}$Be and $^{9}$B nuclei, as well as the Hoyle state. These extremely short-lived states are identified by invariant masses calculated from the angles in 2$\alpha$-pairs, 2$\alpha p$- and...
In this study, for ?the first time, in particular to astrophysics and fusion studies, how atomic nuclei embedded in the plasma environment are affected by plasma are systematically analysed. The related interactions in plasma environments considered as Debye and quantum plasma are depicted by more general exponential cosine screened Coulomb (MGECSC) potential. The plasma effects on the change...
One of the methods for studying the transport properties of QCD matter at extreme temperatures and energy densities is the study of anisotropic flow. The precise definition of centrality is an important task since directed and elliptic flow coefficients are dependent on centrality. Two methods of centrality determination were considered to study the effect of different centrality determination...
The study of X-ray-induced mutations The white gene is becoming one of the main test objects in the study of the problem of direct and reverse mutation of its alleles under the action of X-ray radiation [1], and later under the action of neutrons and γ-radiation [2] on such biological objects as Drosophila melanogaster. Moreover, at present, Drosophila is used as a model object in the study of...
The use of a specific technique and type of radiation in radiotherapy of tumors is determined by various factors: the localization of the tumor in the body, its oxygenation, the stage of the disease, the availability of the technique for the patient, etc. The study of damage in the DNA structure under the influence of different types of radiation and with varying irradiation conditions provide...
The main goal of radiation therapy is to irradiate the target with a given dose while maximizing the protection of healthy tissues and organs. According to the theoretical data from radiobiology and the ICRU recommendations, to achieve the maximum results of radiation therapy, dose delivery with an accuracy of 3-5% is required [1]. The dosimetric effect of devices external to the patient is a...
Calcium, sodium, potassium, zinc, magnesium etc & all other ion channels carry vital biological functions with respective signaling playing great role in plasma, heart beats, dopamine & many other functions either directly by particle, ions or by their waves. There are three main types of ion channels, i.e., voltage-gated, extracellular ligand-gated, and intracellular ligand-gated...
A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, A.M. Kuzmichev, I.S. Lomskaya, M.S. Mikulich, V.N. Muratova, N.V. Niyazova, D.A. Semenov, M.V. Trushin, E.V. Unzhakov
Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute National Research Center Kurchatov Institute
The discovery of solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillations means that at least two of three neutrino mass states are nonzero. The oscillation parameters and the...
Astrophysical r-process is considered to be the main source of neutron-rich isotopes beyond the iron peak and, therefore, poses a great interest to modern nuclear physics. It takes place in stellar medium at temperatures above 1 GK and very high densities that can be reached in extreme scenarios,such as supernova explosions or neutron star and black hole collisions. Computer simulations of the...
Hadron therapy is efficient method of cancer treatment due to phenomenon of the Bragg peak which cause precise localization of the dose absorbed by biological tissues [1, 2]. It improves quality of life of a patient minimizing action of therapeutic beam on healthy part of body. Transversal scattering of the beam is less than that for other kinds of radiotherapy.
Hadron therapy has some...
The performance of pure boron, boron carbide, high-density carbon and boron nitride ablators—the material that surrounds a fusion fuel and couples with the laser or hohlraum radiation in an experiment—in the polar direct drive exploding pusher (PDXP) platform. The platform uses the polar direct drive configuration to drive high ion temperatures in a room-temperature capsule and has...
Four outstanding multiple burials were discovered near Eulau, Germany. The 4,600-year-old graves contained groups of adults and children buried facing each other. Skeletal and artifactual evidence and the simultaneous interment of the individuals suggest the supposed families fell victim to a violent event. In a multidisciplinary approach, archaeological, anthropological,...
Monetary system in ancient time was a challenging task, influenced by economic crisis, availability of metal sources and monetary reforms. In particular, the Ag content of the currency minted for about sixty years by the Antoninii emperors reflected the economic health or crisis of the Roman Empire. At the beginning, the Antoninianus denomination was a silver-rich coin (up to 80% of Ag), but...
The problem of actinides and radionuclides migration, distribution, and concentration process in objects of environment and bioobjects stay of one of the importance and actual. There are the samples of drinking water, soil, roots, and the leaf of hydrophyte “Pistia stratiotes”, the teeth of patients (72) with odontogenic inflammatory diseases, and patients' kidney stones (54) with urolithiasis...
The main share of oncological diseases of the lungs and bronchi is caused by radon isotopes and their daughter decay products [1], therefore, the study of radiation damage to biological objects from radon isotopes 219Rn, 220Rn, 222Rn and their decay products is an urgent task. In Kazakhstan, lung cancer is in second place (10.4%) among oncological diseases.
The aim of this work was to...
The results of measurements of the dependences of the flux of reactor antineutrinos and their spectrum on the distance to the center of the active zone of the SM-3 reactor (Dimitrovgrad, Russia) in the range of 6 12 meters are presented. We observe the effect of oscillations at a confidence level of $3 \sigma$ in the vicinity of the parameter values $\Delta m_{14}^{2}=\left(7.3 \pm 0.13_{s t}...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a neutrino experiment under construction in a 700 m deep underground laboratory near Jiangmen in South China. The main neutrino target will consist of 20 kton of liquid scintillator held in a spherical acrylic vessel. The experiment is designed for the determination of the neutrino mass ordering, one of the key open questions in neutrino...
The Baikal Gigaton Volume Detector (Baikal-GVD) is the km$^3$-scale
underwater neutrino telescope designed for the study of high-energy
astrophysical neutrino flux. The Baikal-GVD sensitivity range extends from 100 GeV to multi-PeV neutrinos and beyond. The telescope is being
in its construction phase and presently consists of 64 strings
carrying 2304 optical sensors providing an effective...
Borexino, an ultra-pure liquid scintillator detector located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy, has detected solar neutrinos from the CNO fusion cycle for the first time in history. The CNO cycle is predicted to be the dominant energy production process in massive stars, while it is a secondary mechanism for the solar energy production. Its small associated neutrino flux, as...
IceCube neutrino observatory is 1km3 detector located at the South Pole in Antarctica. Its construction with was completed in 2010. Since then it has continuously collected data: cosmic rays with IceTop, cosmic rays induced muons with in-ice arrays, low energy atmospheric neutrinos with Deep Core, and high energy atmospheric and astrophysical neutrinos with IceCube. The unexpectedly large...
In modern high energy physics and elementary particle physics experimental research, one of the important problems is connected with the study of the yields of the hadrons containing heavy quarks. These hadrons practically do not interact (low interaction cross sections) with the nuclear medium and, therefore can provide undistorted information about the states of nuclear matter arising in the...
Effect of inelastic nuclear scattering in magnetized hot and dense matter in neutrino spectra relevant for supernovae, neutron star mergers, proto-neutron stars is considered. At finite temperature neutrino exhibits exo- and endoenergetic scattering on nuclear species due to the neutral-current Gamow-Teller interaction component. The kinetic equation for neutrino transport at decoupling regime...
I.N. Borzov 1,2, S.V. Tolokonnikov1,3
1 National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia
2Bogolubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
3 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), Dolgoprudny, Russia
†E-mail:, cc:
Fully self-consistent study of the...
It is well-established that high-multiplicity pp and p–Pb collisions exhibit a collective-like behaviour and signatures, like the strangeness enhancement and the ridge behaviors, that were commonly attributed to the formation of the Quark-Gluon Plasma. These processes, which are typically described by phenomenological models and soft QCD measurements, provide important constraints on the model...
In experimental papers [1, 2] the yields, angular and energy distributions of the pairs of light third and fourth particles, such as $\alpha$-particles pair $(\alpha_1,\alpha_2)$, were obtained for the spontaneous quaternary fission of the nuclei $^{252}$Cf, $^{248}$Cm and for the induced by thermal neutrons quaternary fission of compound nuclei $^{234}$U, $^{236}$U. Using the theoretical...
Nuclear data obtained in the neutron induced fission of 232Thorium are of a great importance for advanced fast reactors based on Th fuel cycle. Fission cross sections, mass and charge distributions, prompt emission in fission including neutron multiplicities, yields of some isotopes of interest, and associated uncertainties were obtained. This paper presents the theoretical predictions and the...
This talk gives an overview of the latest measurements of collective behavior in a variety of collision systems with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, including pp collisions at 13 TeV, Xe+Xe collisions at 5.44 TeV, and Pb+Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV. These include measurements of vn-[pT] correlations in Xe+Xe and Pb+Pb, which carry important information about the initial-state geometry of the...
In Ref. [1], the $\gamma\gamma$-decay of a nuclear transition in competition with an allowed $\gamma$-decay has been discovered. This is the observation of the $\gamma\gamma$-decay of the first excited $J^{\pi}=11/2^{-}$ state of $^{137}$Ba directly competing with an allowed $\gamma$-decay to the $J^{\pi}=3/2^{+}$ ground state.The branching ratio of the competitive $\gamma\gamma$-decay of the...
The observed excess of electronic recoil events in the XENON1T experiment with energies from 1 to 7 keV [1] is considered in the framework of the phenomenological model with three active and three sterile neutrinos [2]. Assuming sterile neutrinos with appropriate masses in the several keVs domain to be decaying [3], it becomes possible to interpret the observed energy spectrum of electronic...
A cylindrical electromagnetic calorimeter with a length of 6 m and an inner (outer) diameter of 3.45 (4.6) m, composed of 38400 trapezoidal towers with a base of 4x4 cm2 and a length of 40 cm, is created to operate as part of the MPD detector of the NICA project. “Shashlyk” technology was used for tower development with 210 alternating layers of lead and a scintillator 0.3 and 1.5 mm thick,...
In the framework of the “Energy and Transmutation of RAW” collaboration [1], the experiments were carried out at the accelerators: Nuclotron, Phasotron and LINAC of JINR and have studied deeply of nuclear inelastic processes using gamma spectroscopy techniques and HPGe detector.
The neutron fields on the proton beam were created using the lead and uranium targets. The field of the...
One of the most striking discoveries in nuclear physics made at the end of the last century was the discovery of the neutron halo in the ground states of some light nuclei located near the neutron stability boundary.
The discovery of the halo led to a revision of many existing ideas in nuclear physics. The purpose of this research is to search and study halo in isobar - analog states of light...
The hot dense matter produced in non-central heavy-ion collisions possess a large initial orbital angular momentum. This initial orbital angular momentum leads to global polarization of hadrons produced after hadronization, which could be measured via CP-violating weak decays of hyperons.
The STAR experiment observed non-zero $\Lambda$ global polarization. Large amount of new data provided...
Cross section measurements in hadronic collisions are crucial to the physics program of ALICE. These measurements require a precise knowledge of the luminosity delivered by the LHC. Luminosity determination in ALICE is based on the measurement of visible cross sections in dedicated calibration sessions, the van der Meer (vdM) scans. By combining information from the ALICE detectors and the LHC...
The process of double neutrinoless e-capture is of great interest as a test of the Majorana nature of neutrino This process is traditionally considered as a resonance one, since not a single particle is emitted as a result of the nuclear transformation [1]. In contrast, we performed calculations of the probability of shake off and shake up, with the ionization or excitation of the electron...
This talk gives an overview of the latest hard process measurements in heavy ion collision systems with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, utilizing the high statistics 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb data collected in 2018. These include multiple measurements of jet production and structure, which probe the dynamics of the hot, dense Quark-Gluon Plasma formed in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions;...
The work presents calculations of the solar neutrino capture cross-section σ(Eν) by 100Mo nuclei. In calculations experimental data on strength function S(E), received in charge-exchange reactions (3He, t) [1, 2] were used. Within the framework of the self-consistent theory of finite Fermi systems, the charge-exchange strength function S(E) for this nucleus is calculated. The influence of the...
The asymptotic normalization coefficients (ANCs) show how likely nucleons can stay in classically forbidden region and their knowledge if important for studying peripheral reactions such as proton capture in stellar environments.
We investigate relations between neutron, $C_n$, and proton, $C_p$, ANCs in mirror nuclear states for medium-mass nuclei, 40 ≤ A ≤ 100, using a two-body potential...
The experiments in the framework of the project “Energy and Transmutation” were carried out with the use of the Phasotron and LINAC-200 accelerators at JINR. The samples were placed in the neutron fields produced by the interaction of the proton beam with the lead target or in the bremsstrahlung radiation fields, which were produced in the lead converters irradiated with the electron beams....
Jet substructure measurements, based on the distribution of constituents within a jet, are able to probe specific regions of QCD radiation phase space for jet showers in vacuum. This powerful capability provides new opportunities to study fragmentation patterns of parton showers in vacuum and the dynamics of jet quenching in heavy-ion collisions.
The ALICE experiment has unique capabilities...
The hidden-variables (HV) theory was once put forward by opponents of the probabilistic interpretation of the wave function (EPR paradox). It was assumed that the state of the system could be predicted with a less uncertainty than this is admitted by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, if one knew additional, that is HV. This theory is rejected by the community. However, examples can be...
Neutron-rich nickel isotopes in vicinity of $^{78}Ni$ present an excellent opportunity to study the way in which neutron excess affects the properties of nuclear shell structure. Studies in this region of isotopes also provide insight in the nuclear mechanism of r-process responsible for their synthesis. The path of the consequent reactions constituting r-process is dictated by the shell...
I.N. Borzov 1,2
1 National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”, 123182, Moscow, Russia
2Bogolubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, 141980,
†E-mail:, cc:
The first direct detection of the neutrinos from carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) fusion cycle in the Sun has been announced recently by the BOREXINO Collaboration [1]....
New experiments are being planned at the NICA collider beams aimed to explore the properties of high-density baryonic matter formed in heavy-ion collisions with energies up to $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=11$ GeV. With the aim of selecting the collision events of interest, it was proposed in [1] to develop a fast beam-beam collision monitor (FBBC) system, which would be capable to determine the time and...
The work is devoted to the description of the spectra of the lowest states and transition probabilities for the chain of zirconium isotopes $^{92-102}$Zr in the framework of the geometric collective model. As the mass increases, these isotopes undergo a transition from the spherical structure of the ground state to the deformed one; in $^{96}$Zr, the coexistence of spherical and deformed...
The discovery of neutron star merger process and simultaneous observation of heavy elements registered for the first time [1] confirms the theoretical findings that neutron star merger scenario for the close binary is the main site for the r-process passing.
As it was shown for the first time in numerical calculations of the r-process [2], the fission in such a scenario became one of the...
The purpose of the BM@N experiment at NICA accelerator complex in Joint institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia) is study of heavy-ion collisions with fixed targets. Successful study requires efficient algorithms of event reconstruction and particle identification using data from the detector subsystems of the facility as well as its efficient and high-performance software implementation...
In previous works [1–3], we measured spectra of delayed neutrons (DNs) from photofission of 238U and looked for short-lived components in these DNs (with half-life T1/2 down to 1 ms) in time intervals between pulses of the linear electron accelerator at the energy of incident on metal U-target electrons Ee = 10 MeV. Fast neutrons were registered by scintillation stilbene (thickness 50 mm,...
The investigation of nuclear matter effects in relativistic ion collisions, especially quark-gluon plasma (QGP) ones, is one of the main goals of PHENIX experiment [1]. To study the dynamics of collisions at high energies, strange hadron production is considered as a significant tool. Due to its strange quark content, the $K^{*0}$ meson is a good probe for the investigation of such QGP effects...
Neutron halo is one of the most intriguing properties of nuclei with sufficient excess of neutrons. Neutron halo was first observed experimentally in $^{11}Li$. The giant neutron halo of more than two neutrons was predicted also theoretically in medium and heavy mass nuclei near the neutron drip line, in particular in Ca, Zr, Ce. The halo and giant halo forms in $^{186-190}Ce$ and...
Measurement of charged hadron production in relativistic ion collision systems is one of the main methods to study hadronization of quark gluon plasma (QGP) - a state of matter, which is thought to consist of asymptotically free quarks and gluons [1]. According to QCD calculations, conditions in small collision systems are not sufficient for QGP formation, but flow studies in the PHENIX...
Evaluation of the impact parameter in a single event is crucial for correct and efficient data processing in collision-based nuclear and particle physics experiments. Real-time estimates of the impact parameter allows experimentalists to preselect the most informative events at the data acquisition stage, before any processing. Here we consider a number of model setups to check whether a...
Neutrino capture cross-section, which depend on the incident-neutrino energy $E_{\nu}$, has the form:
$\sigma(E_{\nu}) = \frac{(G_F g_A)^2}{\pi c^3 \hbar^4} \int_{0}^{W - Q} W p_e F(Z, A, W) S(x) dx$
where $S(E)$ is the charge-exchange strength function, $G_F / (\hbar c)^3 = 1.1663787(6) \times 10^{-5}$ $GeV^{-2}$ is the weak coupling constant, $g_A = - 1.2723$ is the axial-vector constant...
The study of the production of actinides in the neutron field of the “Quinta” uranium target was carried out within the framework of the “Energy – Transmutation” project at the accelerators of JINR: Nuclotron and Phasotron.
The purpose of this work is to compare the yields of capture and fission reactions at various energies of the charged particles in a range from 1 to 20 GeV,...
More than the half of all nuclei heavier iron in nature are formed in the nucleosynthesis, supported by rapid neutron capture process, and the region where it has occurred lies close to neutron drip-line [1]. The nucleosynthesis rate of heavy nuclei in the r-process is defined both by the astrophysical scenario and beta-decay rates of heavy nuclei involved. Under speeding up or slowing down...
The High Acceptance DiElectron Spectrometer (HADES) is a fixed target experiment which explores the properties of hadronic matter in collisions of pions, protons and nuclei at beam energies 1-2 AGeV. Currently the HADES experiment operates at the SIS18 accelerator in GSI, Darmstadt. When the SIS100 accelerator is built, HADES will be the first experiment in FAIR Phase-0 project.
In order to...
Precise study of heavy ion collisions in the energy range $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 4 - 11 GeV is one of the key features of the NICA complex which is currently under construction at JINR (Dubna). Current experimental results in this area suggest this energy region as the most interesting to study the QCD phase diagram and search for phase transition and possible Critical Point. The MPD experiment at...
Semenov S.V.1, Khruschov V.V.1, Fomichev S.V.1
1 National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia, 123182
It is presented the calculation of the amplitude of 22 decay of 82Se on the basis of High-States Dominance (HSD) and Single-State Dominance (SSD) mechanisms [1]. The ground state of the intermediate nucleus 82Br for 22 decay of 82Se...
The $p_T$ distributions of the $K^0$- and $\phi$ - mesons produced in the $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=2.76$ $TeV$ have been analyzed by fitting them using the exponential function. It was observed that the distributions contain several $p_T$ regions similar to the cases with the charged particles, $\pi^0$- and $\eta$- mesons produced in the same events. These regions could be characterized...
The pairing energies (PE) of nonmagic atomic nuclei with $A \geq 50$ can be derived from the odd nuclei masses $M$ provided it is possible to present $M$ as a sum of two terms [1]:
1) a smooth function of nucleon numbers having the same form of Tailor series expansion for even-even and odd nuclei;
2) PE: $P_{n}\left(N^{\prime}, Z\right)$ and $P_{p}\left(N, Z^{\prime}\right)$, where...
Future liquid-argon DarkSide-20k and ARGO detectors, designed for direct
dark matter search, will be sensitive also to core-collapse supernova
neutrinos, via coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering.
Thanks to the low-energy threshold of ∼0.5~keVnr achievable via the
ionization channel, DarkSide-20k and ARGO have the potential to discover
supernova bursts throughout our galaxy and up...
In the framework of the “Energy + Transmutation” [1] project, the experiments have been carried out at the LINAC-200 accelerator of JINR. The 209Bi samples were irradiated in the field of bremsstrahlung radiation by the 180 MeV electrons. The bismuth was used as a converter to obtain the bremsstrahlung radiation, Figure 1.
The gamma spectra of the 209Bi activated samples were studied...
Superheavy elements are of great interest from the point of view of fundamental nuclear physics. The most important task of this direction is not only the discovery of new elements, but also the synthesis of the maximum number of isotopes of each element, which makes it possible to consider the change in the physical properties of heavy nuclei both with a change in the number of protons and...
In the Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov (HFB) approximation, assuming the axial symmetry of nuclei with Skyrme forces (SkM* and SLy4), we calculated the properties of Ra and Th isotopes with A = 218 – 230. These isotopes are currently intensively studied for the presence of octupole deformation in them. In addition, HFB calculations of the properties of Ra and Th isotopes were carried out in the...
About 60 years ago G. Condo [1] suggested a possible existence of long-lived states of pionic and kaonic helium atoms
($\pi^- \mathrm{He}^+$ and $K^- \mathrm{He}^+$) in order to explain that a some fraction (about 2%) of the negative mesons decays after the stopping in the helium target, contrary to the hydrogen target.
A direct experimental evidence of the similar states was obtained by...
As one of the methods for the experimental detection of the multicluster structure of atomic nuclei, the authors proposed a method for expanding the experimental angular distributions of differential cross sections for elastic diffraction scattering into multicluster components [1-2]. Within the framework of the diffraction theory and under the assumption of total absorption inside the...
One of the standard methods to construct the internuclear potential is the folding procedure. Consequently, the characteristics of the Coulomb barrier obtained by this procedure turn out to be sensitive to both the parametrization of the nucleon-nucleon interaction and the quality of the description of the nucleons distribution in nuclei [1,2]. In this report, the calculations are carried out...
In our previous papers, we extensively studied odd-odd nuclei adjacent to doubly
magical stable nuclide $^{208}$Pb, as well as to also doubly magical neutron excess
$^{132}$Sn. To date, some experimental information has emerged also about the
properties of such nuclei in the vicinity of an extremely neutron deficient and
also doubly magical $^{100}$Sn. In our calculations of odd-odd nuclei...
The ground states of ${}^{13,14}$C, ${}^{13,14}$N, ${}^{14}$O nuclei were studied in two complementary few-body models. In first model the studied isotopes were considered as cluster nuclei with following configurations: ${}^{13}$C ($3\alpha + n$ ), ${}^{14}$C ($3\alpha + 2n$), ${}^{13}$N ($3\alpha + p$), ${}^{14}$N ($3\alpha + n + p$), ${}^{14}$O ($3\alpha + 2p$). In second model the...
Experimental and calculated the $F_2(\theta_y)$ and $F_4(\theta_y)$ alignment angular dependences of the ${}^{16}O$ nucleus in the excited state $3^-$ (6.131 MeV), formed in the reactions ${}^{16}O(\alpha,\alpha)^{16}O$, ${}^{14}N(\alpha, d)^{16}O$, ${}^{15}N(\alpha, t)^{16}O$ and ${}^{19}F(p,\alpha)^{16}O$ at energies $E_\alpha = 30.3$ MeV and $E_p = 7.5$ MeV are presented. The orientation...
The database MASCA contains the evaluated atomic mass values of AME 2020 [1]. The program-interface to it allows getting the recommended values of atomic mass and nuclear binding energy for a given nuclide, as well as the calculated values of the energies of the main nuclear decays; the energies of proton and neutron separations; nuclear pairing energies; energy thresholds of nuclear reactions...
One of the main aims of the relativistic nuclear physics is an exploration of the properties of hot and dense nuclear matter produced in heavy-ion collisions. The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) provides a unique opportunity to map the QCD phase diagram colliding different nuclei species and varying the energy of collisions. The second phase of the Beam Energy Scan (BES) program at RHIC...
NA61/SHINE at the CERN SPS performed a unique two-dimensional scan of system size and collision energy with a goal to search for a critical point of the strongly interacting matter and to explore properties of matter at the onset of deconfinement. This talk will cover highlights from recent measurements in p+p, Be+Be, Ar+Sc, and Pb+Pb reactions. The results concern hadron yields and their...
Relativistic heavy ion collisions have been considered as a unique way to create and study the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) where the quarks and gluons are de-confined. PHENIX, which stands for the Pioneering High Energy Nuclear Interaction eXperiment, was operated for 16 years until 2016, and has been producing physics results from the data taken until then. Over this period, collision data...
The sPHENIX experiment at RHIC is currently under construction and on schedule for first data in early 2023. Built around the excellent BaBar superconducting solenoid, the central detector consists of a silicon pixel vertexer adapted from the ALICE ITS design, a silicon strip detector with single event timing resolution, a compact TPC, novel EM calorimetry, and two layers of hadronic...
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric e$^+$e$^−$ collider is a substantial upgrade of the B factory facility at the Japanese KEK laboratory. The target luminosity of the machine is 6×$10^{35}$ cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$ and the Belle II experiment aims to record 50 ab$^{−1}$ of data, a factor of 50 more than its predecessor. With this data set, Belle II will be able to measure the...
The storage of freshly produced radioactive particles in a storage ring is a straightforward way to achieve the most efficient use of such rare species as it allows for using the same rare ion multiple times. Employing storage rings for precision physics experiments with highly-charged ions (HCI) at the intersection of atomic, nuclear, plasma and astrophysics is a rapidly developing field of...
This work discusses a phenomenological quark-diquark nucleon model based on light-front soft-wall AdS/QCD holography able to be used in particle collision simulations.
The light-front holography has predicted two particle bound state wave function inside nucleons which can not be derived simply from a picture of valence quarks, namely diquarks [1]. In this framework, from the construction of...
Heavy-ion-induced projectile fragmentation reactions at Fermi energies are of general interest as a means to investigate the properties of nuclei far from the valley of stability and for various applications. It is thus of importance to understand in detail the production mechanism. Here we treat such reactions in a microscopic approach, which consists of three steps: initialization of ground...
The recent detection of the gravitational wave GW170817, accompanied by a $\gamma$-ray burst and electromagnetic afterglow from the merger of neutron-star binary, has opened a new era of nuclear astrophysics. With neutron stars as a predominant laboratory for testing infinite nuclear matter, it has become easy to fine-tune the equation of the state (EoS) of nuclear matter using observational...
Centrality is an important concept in a study of strongly interacting matter created in a heavy-ion collision whose evolution depends on its initial geometry. Experimentally collisions can be characterized by the measured multiplicities or energy of produced particles at midrapidity or spectator fragments emitted in the forward rapidity region. Relation between collision geometry and...
A key role for charged particles tracking in modern high energy physics experiments, belongs to the central vertex detectors surrounding the interaction point. With these detectors, it can be possible to investigate heavy-flavour particle (registering of the particles containing c and b quarks) physics and investigate the space-time evolution of strongly interacting matter so-called...
A Systematic Study of Excitation Functions of Various Evaporation Residues in Heavy Ion Reactions at Moderate Excitation Energy: Incomplete Fusion Vs Complete Fusion
Avinash Agarwal1*, Anuj Kumar Jashwal1, I. A. Rizvi2, R. Kumar3 and A. K. Chaubey4
1 Department of Physics, Bareilly College, Bareilly, MJPR University, Bareilly – 243001 INDIA
2 Department of Physics, Aligarh Muslim...
In the report the complex study of the multiware proportional chamber cathodes surface that had worked under continuous radiation exposure conditions at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiment was performed. At the areas where the spontaneous self-supporting electron emission effect (Malter-effect – ME) was observed and where there was no effect, the cathode surface was investigated. For the...
We study general convergence trends of binding energy calculations in oscillator basis depending on two basis parameters, the oscillator frequency, $\hbar\Omega$, and maximal oscillator quanta, $N$. We propose and test a new method which suggests extending the Hamiltonian matrix by the kinetic energy matrix elements. We study also convergence of calculations with smoothed potential matrix...
A possibility to obtain the spectrum of mesons (as quark-antiquark states) in effective model of Quantum Chromodynamics on the Light Front (LF) is considered. We use the effective Hamiltonian on the LF having the quark fields interracting with the zero modes of gluon fields. This effective Hamiltonian includes these terms in such a way that one can get quark-antiquark bound states. We chose...
Density distributions of many nuclei in their ground states are not spherically symmetric and are described by modified Woods–Saxon distributions using spherical harmonics [1]. Collisions of deformed $^{129}$Xe, $^{197}$Au and $^{238}$U nuclei were studied, in particular, in the ALICE experiment at the LHC [2] and in the STAR experiment at RHIC [3]. I was shown [4], that collision events with...
The alpha (α) emission is one of the prominent ground state decay mechanism, which is used as investigating tool to understand the relative stability of a nuclear isotopes. In last few decades, many experimental and theoretical attempts were made to understand the cluster-core interplay of radioactive nuclei. The preformed cluster model (PCM) [1,2] have successfully explored α-particle and...
In our work we systematized various holographic models and relations between them. We started by constructing the most general theory that has a quadratic in fields, holographic 5D action violating the Poincaré invariance along the fifth coordinate, but which still produces linear Regge mass spectrum. This setup shows that a solvable Soft-Wall (SW) model with linear spectrum can have two...
In this work we modify the Davydov-Chaban Hamiltonian describing the collective motion of $\gamma$-rigid atomic nuclei by allowing the mass to depend on the nuclear deformation. We construct Z(4)-DDM (Deformation-Dependent Mass) model by considering the Davidson potential, and solve the problem by techniques of asymptotic iteration method (AIM). We compare the results of the calculated...
Analyzing power of the quasi-elastic proton-proton scattering was obtained using a polarized deuteron beam and a polyethylene target at the Nuclotron Internal Target Station. The selection of useful events was performed using time and amplitude information from scintillation counters. The asymmetry on hydrogen was obtained by the carbon background subtraction. The analyzing power values were...
Nuclear reactions induced by fast neutrons starting from 0.5 MeV up to 25 MeV followed by alpha particles emission were investigated. Cross sections, angular correlations and related asymmetry effects were evaluated with Talys [1] and own computer codes. Contribution to the cross section of nuclear reaction mechanisms like direct, compound and pre-equilibrium together with discrete and...
Nucleons which escape interactions with nucleons of the collision partner in collisions of relativistic nuclei move forward and form spectator matter. Reliable models describing the properties of spectator matter are of particular interest for modeling the response of forward calorimeters in experiments at NICA [1,2] and at the LHC [3]. In ultracentral collisions of nuclei a fireball with a...
Role of photon-exchange in proton-nucleus collisions with forward large rapidity gaps at LHC energies is discussed.
Relative contributions via gamma- and pomeron- exchanges for forward large rapidity gap events in proton-lead collisions are estimated.
The obtained results compared with recent preliminary CMS data at LHC.
All the enhancements of the P-violation effects in γ-transitions between the compound-nucleus states were analyzed in the classical paper [1] by I.S. Shapiro. The source of these effects is the weak interaction $V_W$ leading to the fact that the wave function $\psi$ of this state contains, besides the wave function of a definite parity $\psi_1$ , the small admixture of the opposite parity...
Terekhin A.A.1, Ladygin V.P.1, Piyadin S.M.1, Khrenov A.N.1, Isupov A.Y.1, Reznikov S.G.1, Gurchin Y.V.1, Janek M.2, Tishevsky A. V. 1, Volkov I. S.
1 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia;
2 Physics Department, University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia;
The polarimeter upgrade program at the Nuclotron for the experiments at the internal target...
We study the equation of state of quark gluon plasma (QGP) with dynamic strong and intense magnetic field. This magnetic field is expected to be generate due to the collisions of massive nuclei at relativistic heavy ion collider and large hadron collider. To get a deeper understanding of QGP physical picture, we use a quasi-particle model with various initial condition. The calculation results...
Estimates for experimentally unknown nuclear masses are obtained by a phenomenological approach based on a local mass relation for the residual neutron-proton interaction. The local mass relations method provides both high accuracy of isotope mass predictions and mathematical simplicity of calculations [1, 2]. Results based on different databases AME2012-2020 [3] are presented. Neutron-rich...
The neutron beam of the RADEX channel of the INR RAS is used by us to study few-nucleon reactions caused by neutrons with an energy of $10-100$ MeV. The registration in the coincidence of neutrons and charged particles, their identification and energy determination are necessary for study such reactions. For the preliminary test measurements, the reaction $n + ^{6}\text{Li} \rightarrow \alpha...
The yields of charmed particles are the important observables sensitive to critical phenomena in QCD-matter at high baryon density. Highly efficient registration of such short-lived products of nuclear interactions using the Inner Tracking System (ITS) of Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) based on Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors will play a key role in the charm production analysis.
The Multipurpose Detector (MPD) of the NICA complex at JINR will include an Inner Tracking System (ITS) which is a vertex detector meant to complement the Time Projection Chamber of the MPD for the precise tracking, momentum determination and vertex reconstruction for hyperons ($\Lambda$, $\Xi$, $\Omega$) and D-mesons. It will be placed inside the bore of the TPC and it will be composed of 5...
The total photoneutron yield reaction cross sections (,xn) = (,1n) + 2(,2n) + 3 (,3n)+… for 208Pb were obtained in experiments carried out using bremsstrahlung, quasimonoenergetic annihilation photons (Livermore (USA) [1] and Saclay (France) [2], and tagged photons [3]. Available data were evaluated using the method of reduction – the special treatment for converting different...
The BM@N (Baryonic Matter at the Nuclotron) is a fixed target experiment at the NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility). The first physics runs were carried out with the collection of experimental data in 2018. One of the important problems of the experiment is particles identification. This paper discusses the implemented identification algorithms based on the separation of charged...
Since the results the from European Muon Collaboration (EMC)
indicated that the combined quarks and anti-quarks account for only
about one-quarter of the proton spin, theories and experiments have
been trying to understand and measure the contributions from other
sources. Gluons have been of particular interest in the last couple of
decades. Spin asymmetry measurements from proton-proton...
The self-consistent method for studying second-order anharmonic effects, within the framework of many-body quantum theory, is used for the first time to investigate the role of spin-spin forces in the probabilities of transitions between low-lying one-phonon states. Our approach includes accounting for: 1) self-consistency between the mean field and effective interaction based on the use of...
Recent years have shown how important a role in resonance spectroscopy is played by theoretical limits imposed on amplitudes. They are unitarity and crossing symmetry. Generally, it is about the analysis of the analytical structure of complex amplitudes, which are so important that, for example, they eliminate long-existing ambiguities in experimental data and dramatically change the resonance...
The electromagnetic calorimeter (ECal) is an integral part of the MPD experiment and designed to measure the energy and coordinates of photons and electrons as a manifestations of the nuclear matter properties. ECAL has a segmented structure and consists of 2.400 modules, everyone has 16 cells (towers). Each tower is assembled from 210 layers, which is a set of alternating lead and...
The effect is studied within a properly modified version of the continuum-random-phase-approximation (cRPA). Numerical results are obtained for the Gamow-Teller (GT) strength distribution in $^{208}Bi$. For this distribution, the experimental data concerned with the main-peak energy and the respective fraction of the Ikeda sum rule ($x_{peak}^{(-)}$) [1], and also the low-energy part...
Ultra-peripheral heavy-ion collisions provide a unique opportunity to study two-photon induced processes. The production of tau lepton pairs in the process $\mathrm{Pb}+\mathrm{Pb} \rightarrow \mathrm{Pb}+\mathrm{Pb} + \tau^{+}\tau^{-}$ at the LHC is particularly interesting since its cross section is sensitive to poorly known electromagnetic moments of the $\tau$-lepton. Possible deviations...
Since for spontaneous and low-energy induced fission, compound fissile nuclei and primary fission fragments in the vicinity of the scission point are in cold nonequilibrium states [1], when constructing the spin distributions of these fragments, it is necessary to take into account [2,3] only zero transverse bending- and wriggling-vibrations of the indicated fissile nuclei. Expressing the...
Recently, much attention has been paid to the effects of interaction of quantised fields with macro-objects. This area of research is important for the development of both theoretical and experimental physics, and there is every reason to believe that their results will find many scientific and technical applications. Here, to construct the models necessary for theoretical research, the...
In a few months, the accelerator complex of the Booster and Nuclotron at JINR (Dubna) will be ready to accelerate heavy ions. At the same time, the Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron (BM@N) experimental setup is completing its configuration to investigate relativistic heavy-ion beam interactions with fixed targets.
One of the most important experimental tasks of the BM@N physics program is...
We analised the fission cross-section of Pb-204, Pb-206, Pb-207 and Pb-208 nuclei at neutron energies varied from 30 MeV up to 180 MeV. Experimental data were obtained from [1]. The main parameters influence the calculated fission cross-sections are the height of the fission barrier and the level density at the top of the barrier. The height of the barriers are determined by the shell...
The theory of superalgebraic spinors [1] - [6] is an extension of the theory of algebraic spinors [7]. It is a modern version of algebraic quantum field theory. The main difference of this theory from other versions of quantum field theory is that the field operators in it are the superposition of Grassmann densities in momentum space and their derivatives. In this case, gamma operators...
This paper develops the first experience of using a fuzzy hybrid network model for the systematics of nuclear radii [1]. The root-mean-square charge radii of atomic nuclei measured by different methods are collected in the NuRa database [2]. A good result for the radii of all nuclei is given by the parametrization (the smooth curve in Fig.1).)
$R=(r_0+r_1 A^{1/3})\cdot A^{1/3}$ , if ...
The Beam Beam Counter of the Spin Physics Detector at NICA is proposed for local polarimetry and luminosity monitoring. The main option of the Beam Beam Counter is the scintillation tiles with SiPM readout. The work presents the results for studies the scintillation detector prototypes using two developed options of the front-end electronics. The estimation of time resolution using the...
Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron (BM@N) is a fixed target experiment at the NICA accelerator complex (JINR) aiming at studies of nuclear matter in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The outer tracking system for the BM@N heavy ion beam program is based on Cathode Strip Chambers. The outer tracker will be installed downstream the analyzing magnet to precise parameters of tracks, obtained in central...
The upgrade program of the Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) experiment at the Nuclotron-Based Ion Collider Facility (NICA) complex considers assembly and installation of an Inner Tracking System (ITS) made of Monolitic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPSs) between the beam pipe and the Time Projection Chamber (TPC). It is expected that the new detector will enhance the experimental potential for...
The discovery of the Super Heavy Elements (SHE) with atomic number Z=113-118 as well as new neutron excess isotopes of the elements with Z=104-112 was one of the outstanding scientific results of the last decades. These high priority experiments were carried out on the cyclotron U400 of the FLNR (JINR, Dubna, Russia). The synthesis of the new super heavy elements stimulated works on the...
In some nuclei, there are metastable states with "anomaly" long lifetimes, called nuclear isomers [1]. The report mentions the main events of the history of the discovery and research of the phenomenon of nuclear isomerism. The properties of isomeric states with a lifetime of more than 1 second (605 isomers in 548 nuclides) are considered on the base of the ENSDF 2021 file [2].
Studying the...
The future MPD experiment at the NICA collider is aimed to study hot and dense matter created in heavy ion collisions at center-of-mass energies from 4 to 11 GeV. Measurements of photon spectra via reconstruction of electron-positron pairs from photon conversions provide a unique opportunity to probe the temperature of the produced medium and study $\pi^0$ and eta meson yields down to low...
BM@N experiment at NICA in Dubna is currently being upgraded for the study of dense nuclear matter in heavy-ion collisions. One of the major upgrades is a new hybrid tracking system consisting of large-area Silicon Tracking System (STS) and seven GEM planes. The STS contains four tracking stations equipped with double-sided micro-strip silicon sensors of CBM-type. To collect data from 600 000...
After Leemann et al. [1] experimentally demonstrated that the thermonuclear reaction cross section of $^{3}He(d,p)^{4}He$ could be increased by a factor of 1.5 by using polarized reactants, theorists [2] showed that the same effect could be achieved with other reactions, in particular, in $^{2}H(d,p)^{3}H$ and $^{2}H(d,n)^{3}He$. The usage of polarized particles could lead to improvements of...
Experimental angular distributions for the elastic scattering of 6Li projectile on a 12C target have been reanalyzed in the energy range 4.5- 60 MeV. The projectile-target optical potential was calculated phenomenologically with optical model (OM) of Woods-Saxon (WS) potential shape for real and imaginary parts and semi-microscopically using both of double folding approach based on energy...
The velocity, charge, and isotopic distributions of the products of nuclear reactions by 22Ne +Be/Ta (40 MeV/nucleon) were obtained at COMBAS fragment separator at the U400M Research Facility in JINR. The results of velocity spectra analytical parametrization and isotopic ratios are presented. Velocity distributions are parametrized as consisting of three terms: direct Gaussian-like component...
The isomeric ratios in reactions of the (γ, n), (n, 2n) AND (n, γ) types on 120,122,128,130Te nuclei in the energy range of 10-35 MeV have been studied by the method of induced activity. Samples of natural Sm have been irradiated in the bremsstrahlung beam of the betatron SB-50 of National University of Uzbekistan in the energy range of 1035 MeV with energy step of 1 MeV
In the INR RAS experimental studies of nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon interactions and effects of charge symmetry breaking are carried out [1, 2]. A test experiment to determine the np-scattering singlet length (a$_{np}$) on the neutron beam of the RADEX channel of the INR RAS was carried out. The experiment purpose is to determine anp in the reaction n + d → (np) + n and search for...
The development of the new generation of nuclear energy systems with a high level of safety (Accelerator Driven System), consisting of a proton accelerator, the neutron production target and sub critical reactor are deployed in many countries. In creating such devices for correct modeling of the neutron flux the data on the spectral composition and angular distributions of secondary protons...
In low-energy nuclear reaction physics the interactions of 12C, 16O nuclei play an important role at the studies of the stellar nucleosynthesis. The low interaction energies (which are relevant for the processes occurring in the stars) lead to significant difficulties in describing the fusion reaction mechanism for these nuclei. The main problem in this case connected with the resonance...
The project TANGRA is devoted to study of nuclear reactions induced by 14.1-MeV tagged neutrons. Several measurements of $\gamma$-quanta angular distributions were conducted, including the experiment with carbon sample [1]. At the moment it is planned to measure angular distributions of the neutrons scattered on carbon, the results will require model description. An optical model [2] will be...
Excitation functions of gamma-transition in nuclei produced in reactions involving the 3He and 9Be ions are required to reconstruct distributions of fast 3He ions in thermonuclear plasma using gamma-ray spectrometry methods [1]. The distribution of fast ions can be obtained in two following ways: analyzing the gamma-line intensities measured by a gamma-spectrometer and analyzing the shape of...
We examined the bulk of available yields of fission fragments from $Z$=28 to $Z$=67 verifying the applicability of isoscaling for low-energy fission.
The phenomenon of isoscaling indicates the statistical distribution of the energy,
released during the fission process, among the corresponding fission fragments.
This behavior has been already discovered in special cases of fission...
Highly-charged stable or radioactive ions can be stored and cooled in a heavy-ion storage ring offering unrivaled capabilities for precision studies of the atomic and nuclear structure, and for astrophysics [1]. We have employed the unique feature of the Experimental Storage Ring (ESR) facility at GSI to address astrophysically relevant reactions for explosive nucleosynthesis, in
A possibility of determining the spectroscopic factor (SF) for the $^{25}$Mg→$^{24}$Mg+n configuration is demonstrated by a method that significantly reduces its dependence on the model geometric parameters of the bound-state potential. In this method, to exclude the strong dependence of results on the single-particle potential parameters the additional information about the asymptotic...
This work presents work results of investigation of the isomeric yield ratios Ym/Yg of the 82Se(γ,n)81m,gSe, 82Se(n,2n)81m,gSe, 81Br(,n)80m,gBr, 81Br(n,2n)80m,gBr, 90Zr(γ,n)89m,gZr and 90Zr(n,2n)89m,gZr reactions. The isomeric yield ratios were measured by the induced radioactivity method. Samples of natural Se, Br and Zr have been irradiated in the bremsstrahlung beam of the betatron SB-50...
Kinematic simulation of simultaneous four-neutron emission at $\alpha$-cluster decay of $^{12}\text{Be}^{*}$ highly-exited states has been considered in $^{13}\text{C}(n,2p)^{12}\text{Be}^{*}$ reaction on RADEX cascade neutron. The cluster decay fragments should have specific energy and angular correlations reflecting strong spatial correlations of "valence" nucleons orbiting in the decay...
The experiment $^{9}$Be(d,d')$^{9}$Be at E(d) = 23 MeV was carried out at the HI-13 tandem accelerator, China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), Beijing. Two different method of detection were used: Q3D spectrometer at forward angles and strip detectors (ΔE-E) at medium and large angles. Differential cross sections were obtained for the following excited states: g.s, 2.43, 2.78, 3.05, 3.82,...
Построение цифровых схем для обработки и управления экспериментальными установками за 15 лет с тех пор, как CAEN выпустил на рынок первые диджитайзеры стало, по сути, стандартом. За прошедшие десятилетия сотни средних и крупных экспериментов в мире были выполнены на основе продвигавшейся CAEN парадигмой цифрового подхода. Это и эксперименты по исследованию тёмной энергии, гамма-сферы,...
In this overview, the physics highlights of the CMS results are presented, with a focus on the latest results obtained with the full LHC Run 2 statistics.
Recent results from ATLAS will be presented. These include highlights of heavy ion physics as well as measurements of properties of the Higgs boson and the top quark, diboson production, and searches for supersymmetry and exotics.
The LHCb detector at the LHC specialises in studying decays of beauty and charm hadrons, with excellent tracking, secondary vertex reconstruction and particle identification capabilities.
Here we present an overview of recent highlighted results from the broad physics programme at LHCb, including the flavour anomalies and precise determination of CKM parameters. Specific attention is paid...
A Large Ion Collider experiment (ALICE) at the LHC allows to study different aspects of strong interaction physics. This talk gives an overview of its experimental programme based on selected recent results.
Measurements based on jets and hadrons containing charm and beauty quarks at the LHC allow to constrain the interaction between the quark-gluon plasma and partons, to learn about...
Recently, CMS collaboration presented important results to widen our knowledge of Quark-Gluon-Plasma (QGP) state, known as the state of the early universe, by using high energy heavy ion collisions. In this presentation, I would like to introduce them and share the detailed news including hard and soft probes produced in the heavy ion collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV and analyzed with...
ALICE is currently completing major upgrades for LHC Run 3 and in the meantime further projects are already underway. ALICE is developing thinned wafer-sized monolithic active pixel sensors to replace the inner tracking layers during the Long Shutdown 3. This resulting detector will have an unprecedented low material budget, and consequently drastically reduced interaction probabilities and...
The CMS Upgrade projects, both Phase-1 and Phase-2, are aimed for the improvement of detector systems to provide the necessary physics performance under the challenging conditions of high luminosity at the HL-LHC. In this second phase of the LHC physics program, it's being planned to increase the instantaneous luminosity by $5.0^{34}$ cm$^{−2}$ s$^{−1}$ with the goal of integrating some 3000...
The ISOLDE Facility at CERN is the world’s leading facility for the production of radioactive ion beams (RIBs) using the ISOL (Isotope Separation On-Line) method. Over 1000 isotopes of more than 70 elements have been produced by the impact of a 1.4 GeV proton beam on a variety of targets and using different ion sources for providing beams at 40-50 keV energy. Purified isotope/isomer beams...
The Higgs boson within the Standard Model (SM) has been discovered by the ATLAS and CMS experiments in 2012. However analyzing a larger volume of LHC dataset collected by the CMS detector from 2016 to 2018 at a higher center of mass energy ($\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV) is expected to shed more light on the Higgs boson properties and would improve the related measurement sensitivity. Few comprehensive...
Search for heavy sterile neutrinos in $\beta$-decay of $^{144}$Pr nuclei.
A.V. Derbin, I.S. Drachnev, A.M. Kuzmichev, I.S Lomskaya, M.S. Mikulich,
V.N. Muratova, N.V. Niyazova, D.A. Semenov, M.V. Trushin, E.V. Unzhakov
Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute of NRC Kurchatov Institute, 188309 Gatchina, Russia
The discovery of solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillations means that at...
We present investigations of resonant states of exotic $^7$He nucleus and calculations of bound states and resonances of $^9$Li nucleus. Our results are obtained within an analysis of the $S$-matrix based on calculations within the no-core shell model (SS-HORSE-NCSM approach [1, 2]) using the realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction Daejeon16 [3].
Results for the $5/2^-$ and low-lying $3/2^-$...
Fluctuations of relative yield of neutral and charged pions are expected to be sensitive to the creation of quark-gluon matter, pion Bose-condensate or chiral phase transition, which may take place in AA, pA or even pp collisions. Quantitatively, such fluctuations can be estimated using the variable $\nu_{dyn}$ which, by its construction, reduces or completely removed most of the collisional...
Cross sections from the complete fusion reaction of 40Ar + 144Sm were measured by the catcher foil method [1] (on the U400M cyclotron at the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions). The catchers were made out of five aluminum foils (0.8 µm thick) stacked downstream from the target. The experiment was carried out in repetitive short cycles (10 s). The foils were periodically moved from the beam...
With the full LHC Run 2 pp collision dataset collected at 13 TeV, very detailed measurements of Higgs boson properties can be performed using its decays into bosons. This talk presents measurements of Higgs boson properties using decays into bosons and their combination with fermionic decays, including production mode cross sections and simplified template cross sections, as well as their...
We analyze sub-barrier heavy ion fusion reactions based on the coupled-channels description with the correct incoming wave boundary conditions, implemented by means of the finite element method. With the aid of the Woods-Saxon potential
the experimental cross sections and the so-called S factors of these reactions are remarkably well reproduced within the sudden approximation approach with...
Monte Carlo simulation of the multi-section reactor antineutrino detector of the Neutrino-4 experiment is carried out. The scintillation-type detector is based on the inverse beta-decay reaction. The current experiment at the SM-3 reactor (Dimitrovgrad, Russia) and the future experiment at the PIK reactor (Gatchina, Russia) are considered. As a result of the simulation, the distributions of...
Femtoscopy is a tool to measure the spatial and temporal characteristics of a system produced after a collision of two nuclei happened. Currently, it is not possible to directly measure these properties of the system, however, femtoscopy rely on a different approach to accomplish this task, it uses momentum correlations of particle pairs. Those correlations originate from quantum statistics...
The femtoscopic studies done by the ALICE Collaboration provided results with unprecedented precision for the short-range strong interactions between different hadron pairs. The next challenge is the development of the three-particle femtoscopy which will deliver the first ever direct measurement of genuine three-body forces. Such results would be a crucial input for the low-energy QCD and...
Testing the Yukawa couplings of the Higgs boson to quarks and leptons is important to understand the origin of fermion masses. The talk presents several new measurements in Higgs boson decays to two bottom quarks or two tau leptons, searches for Higgs boson decays to two charm quarks or two muons, as well as indirect constraints of the charm-Yukawa coupling. The production of Higgs bosons in...
The complete fusion - excitation functions of xn-evaporation channels of the reactions 144Sm(40Ar, xn){184-x}Hg, 148Sm(36Ar, xn){184-x}Hg, 144Nd(40Ca, xn)^{184-x}Hg, 142Nd(48Ca, xn)^{190-x}Hg, and 166Er(40Ar, xn)^{206-x}Rn have been measured by using the catcher foil method [1]. A modified version this technique was applied allowing to measure decay properties of α-radioactive...
The Neutrino-4 collaboration plans to improve existing detector and to create new neutrino laboratory at reactor SM-3.
Equipment for the new neutrino laboratory at the SM-3 reactor is being prepared for implementation. Main part of the improving is new scintillator with higher gadolinium concentration and doped with DIN for pulse shape discrimination ability increase. Thus, a new detector...
Scattering problem for three-body systems is of great importance for many areas of physics. The complicated boundary conditions at large distances, especially for Coulomb potentials, are a major difficulty for studying of this problem [1]. While several methods have been developed for the solution to this problem, mathematically sound and computationally effective approaches are still in...
Measurements of fluctuations allow one to study phase transitions and other collective phenomena in systems formed in high-energy hadronic collisions.
In this report, we will discuss properties of a recently proposed fluctuation observable, namely, the correlation coefficient between ratios of identified particle yields measured in two angular acceptance windows. With such an observable it is...
As the heaviest known fundamental particle, the top quark has taken a central role in the study of fundamental interactions. Production of top quarks in pairs provides an important probe of strong interactions. The top quark mass is a key fundamental parameter which places a valuable constraint on the Higgs boson mass and electroweak symmetry breaking. Observations of the relative rates and...
This research focused on photoneutron production determination using two different photoneutron converters BeO, D2O. Experiment was carried out on a linear electron accelerator [1] in A. Alikhanyan National Laboratory in Yerevan, Armenia. A set of targets was irradiated by 70MeV electron beam. Reaction rates were determined as a result of investigations. Besides experimental results, a number...
The states of the Be$^{11}$ nucleus as a core of Be$^{10}$ plus a neutron are studied in [1, 2], as well as many others. The Be$^{10}$ nucleus is an almost ideal object for studying the effects associated with the non-spherical shape of the nucleus. It has the largest deformation parameter for stable and long-lived nuclei. Usually the coupled channel method is used, the problem is reduced to a...
An advance in solution of the sterile neutrino search can be reached by creation of the intensive $\bar \nu{_e}$-source with well known hard spectrum. The most intensive artificial antineutrino sources used for neutrino experiments are the nuclear reactors. The resulting reactor $\bar \nu{_e}$-flux is the complicated additive function of fluxes: from fission fragments; from $\beta $-decay...
Results of NEMO-3 experiment for double beta decay of $^{150}$Nd to the 0$^+_1$ and 2$^+_1$ excited states of $^{150}$Sm are reported. The data recorded during 5.25 y with 36.6 g of the isotope $^{150}$Nd was used in the analysis. For the first time the signal of 2νββ transition to the $0^+_1$ excited state is detected with statistical significance exceeding 5 sigma. The half-life is measured...
Difficulties associated with the multiplicity of particle production in proton collisions at the LHC and with theoretical description of hadronization lead to assumptions about a new physics in studying the angles of escape and energy of jets. Problems of such physics are connected with the vacuum properties related to the hierarchy problem. The explanation of difficulties of Standard Model...
In the search for the critical point of strongly interacting matter one of the key methods is the study of the event-by-event fluctuations of different event observables. One important aspect of this research is an accurate definition of the initial conditions event-wise. Namely, the influence of the trivial fluctuations, such as those of the system volume should be eliminated in the studied...
The study of the cross-sections and yields for the population of high-spin isomeric states in reactions with the charged particles emission makes it possible to get information on the exciting levels’ structure in the continuous and discrete regions of excitation as well as on the mechanisms of the nuclear reaction occurrence. Therefore, our work aims to investigate the production yields of...
The interest to weakly-bound triatomic systems is stimulated by their connection with Efimov physics. There is a variety of systems including helium and helium-alkali triatomic molecules [1] whose states are close to Efimov regime. Some of these systems have bound states with nonzero orbital momentum. These latter states are much less studied than the states with the zero angular...
Combining measurements of many production and decay channels of the observed Higgs boson allows for the highest possible measurement precision for the properties of the Higgs boson and its interactions. These combined measurements are interpreted in various ways; specific scenarios of physics beyond the Standard Model are tested, as well as a generic extension in the framework of the Standard...
Asymptotic normalization coefficients (ANC) are fundamental nuclear characteristics important both in nuclear reaction and nuclear structure physics. The role of ANCs is especially substantial in determining the cross sections for astrophysical nuclear reactions inaccessible for direct measurement due to the large Coulomb barrier [1]. ANCs are on-shell observables, as distinct from the...
Borexino is a large liquid scintillator experiment designed for real-time detection of low-energy solar neutrinos. It is located at the underground INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, in Italy. During more than ten years of data collection, it has measured all the neutrino fluxes produced in the proton-proton-chain, i.e. the main fusion process accounting for ~99% of the energy...
The using of strongly intensive observables are considered as a way to suppress the contribution of trivial ”volume” fluctuations in experimental studies of the correlation and fluctuation phenomena [1]. In this regard, we study the properties of the strongly intensive variable $Σ$ characterizing correlations between the number of particles produced in two observation windows separated by a...
Zirconium-89, with a half-life of 3.3 days, is one of the most promising radioisotopes for nuclear imaging based on monoclonal antibodies (Immuno-PET). Immuno-PET studies require that the half-life of the diagnostic radioactive isotope coincide with the biological half-life of the carriers (monoclonal antibodies), which exceeds 24 hours and averages 2-6 days. Thus, the half-life of 89Zr...
The possible correlation between the yield of strange and heavy-flavour particles and the emission of particles in the region outside pN-kinematics (the so-called cumulative region) in pA collisions is studied. The particle production in the cumulative area is considered as a trigger, confirming participation in the process of a dense few-nucleon cluster. From the modern point of view this...
Neutrinos are probably the most mysterious particles of the Standard Model. The mass hierarchy and oscillations, as well as the nature of their antiparticles, are currently being studied in experiments around the world. Moreover, in many models of the New Physics, baryon asymmetry or dark matter density in the universe are explained by introducing new species of neutrinos. Among others, heavy...
By a quantum speed limit one usually understands an estimate on how
fast a quantum system can evolve between two distinguishable states.
The most known quantum speed limit is known in the form of the
celebrated Mandelstam-Tamm inequality that bounds the speed of the
evolution of a state in terms of its energy dispersion. In contrast
to the basic Mandelstam-Tamm inequality, we are...
Several theories beyond the Standard Model predict the existence of new particles decaying into pairs of gauge bosons. These states generally have masses larger than that of the Higgs boson, while some theories predict resonances with masses smaller than it. The latest ATLAS results on searches for such resonances in final states with leptons and photons based on pp collision data collected at...
The study of the cross-sections and yields of (γ,p)-reactions allows one to obtain information on the structure of excited levels in the continuous and discrete regions of excitation and the mechanisms of the nuclear reactions’ occurrence. Our work aims to study the yields of Ta-185,183,182 in reactions with the proton emission for irradiated targets by the bremsstrahlung gamma quanta with...
Studies of multiplicity fluctuations and the shape of multiplicity distributions (e.g. the KNO scaling) are among the basic components of relativistic nuclear physics. Combinants being the linear combinations of ratios of probabilities, as well as widely used cumulants, are quantities that characterize a distribution. Recently it was found that combinants obtained from multiplicity...
The work evaluates the background induced by solar neutrinos into the experiment GERDA, that was organized to search for neutrinoless double beta decay of Ge-76 nucleus. A feature of this background is its fundamental inevitability, which imposes restrictions on the sensitivity of the entire experimental setup. To calculate the cross section for the solar neutrinos capture by Ge-76 nuclei, the...
The present work reports the analyses of the experimental angular distributions of $\alpha+^{116,122,124}$Sn elastic scattering in terms of the non-monotonic (NM) and modified single-folded (MSF) potentials. These two types of optical model (OM) potentials have enjoyed success in explaining the $\alpha$-induced elastic scattering and non-elastic processes on several targets [1-4]. The NM...
Different approaches which employ discretization of continuum, for example, by projecting the operators and wave functions into some finite $L_2$ basis, are widely used nowadays as efficient techniques to solve the scattering problems. Here we discuss how to extract information about scattering from the discretized spectra of unperturbed and total Hamiltonians. It is shown that if the discrete...
While the field of nuclear astrophysics has recently been a burgeoning area of study and research, there is still a significant portion of information regarding the topic that is not known to science. In particular, while certain foundations of the subject area seem plausible, there is not currently any proof that helium fusion is a key component that drives nuclear astrophysics. In this work,...
The asymptotic form of the wave function of a three-particle system interacting via Coulomb potentials in the continuum is described. The hyperradial asymptotic behavior of the wave function is found by study the weak asymptotic of the three-body wave function [1,2] and then applying to the asymptotic solutions of the Schroedinger equation in the hyper-spherical representation. The perspective...
Nonlinear field model of extremal space-time film is considered [1-3]. Its space-localized solution in toroidal coordinates with periodic dependence on time is investigated. In particular, we consider the field configuration having a form of the twisted lightlike soliton moving along the singular ring of the coordinate system. The solutions in the form of twisted lightlike solitons was...
The new experimental data on various characteristics of the secondary charged pions produced in n$^{12}$C collisions at 4.2 GeV/c are presented. A comparative analysis of the average multiplicities and various kinematic characteristics of the charged pions produced in n$^{12}$C and p$^{12}$C collisions at 4.2 GeV/c is made. The experimental data are compared systematically with the predictions...
$\bf{A.T. D’yachenko^{1.2}}$
$^{1}$Emperor Alexander I Petersburg State Transport University, St. Petersburg, Russia
$^{2}$ B.P. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Gatchina, Russia
Developing a statistical model of multiple particle production based on [1-3], an algorithm is proposed for finding the transverse momentum distribution...
We study the expansion of early universe using quasi-particle approach. In order to determine the accurate time evolution of the thermodynamic parameters in the early universe of quark gluon plasma (QGP), we solve the Friedmann equation. The calculation results provide us the time variation of the energy density and also the time evolution of temperature in the early universe using finite...
We work on the electromagnetic probes as gamma ray photon using phenomenological model. The model is based on quasi-particles in which finite quark mass is dependent on temperature as well as chemical potential under extreme condition of hot and dense quark matter. The production rate of two photons are found to be enhance with chemical potential with suitable initial conditions at RHIC and...
A new generalization of the multipomeron exchange model [1-7] is proposed that provides a reasonable description of processes of pp, pA, and AA collisions. The main feature of this model is that the effect of string collectivity is accounted for by a given parameter associated with a change in string tension due to the fusion process. In a new approach, special attention is paid to the...
Estimation of centrality is one of the key steps in any analysis sensitive to initial stages of nucleus-nucleus collisions. In fixed target experiments typically one can use forward detectors to measure energy of nucleon spectators as a proxy for centrality estimator. Precision of this determination in limited by the detector resolution and losses of particles on a way from an interaction...
Transport approach [1,2] for nucleus-nucleus collisions description is widely used and underlies many popular Monte Carlo event generators, such as SMASH [3] and UrQMD [4]. Unfortunately, the mechanisms of nucleus fragmentation and coalescence are not taken into account by the transport approach based models. In final states, nucleus fragments (such as spectators or made by coalescence light...
The possibilities of using a monitor system 1 based on semiconductor Si detectors (SCD) for reconstructing the spectra of short-range charged particles in experiments to study the mechanisms of stopped negative pion absorption by nuclei 2 are considered.
The method is based on the possibility of measuring the stopping depth of a pion in a thick ( 100 µg/cm2) target by the amount of...
The spectroscopy of charmonium-like mesons with masses above the 2_mD open charm threshold has been full of surprises and remains poorly understood [1]. The currently most compelling theoretical descriptions of the mysterious XYZ mesons attribute them to hybrid structure with a tightly bound cc\bar diquark [2] or cq(cq)\bar tetraquark core [3 - 5] that strongly couples to S-wave DD\bar...
Production, collision, and decay of matter in space, I think, are responsible for the forming of particle spectra that are measured in cosmic rays and astrophysics. Protons, nuclei, and dark matter are the known form of matter. If we understand how a proton produces protons in the collision with another proton ( or antiproton), we can predict the form of the spectra of secondary elementary...
Radiation technologies are widely used in various fields of science and medicine. Usually, electron accelerators are utilized as radiation sources. It is necessary to control the energy spectrum of the emitted electrons because it significantly affects the result of exposure to the electron beam. Measuring spectra directly is a difficult and non-trivial task that requires specialized...
Recently, event shape observables such as transverse spherocity ($S_{0}$), has been studied successfully in small collision systems at the LHC as a tool to separate jetty and isotropic events. In our work, we have performed an extensive study of charged particles' azimuthal anisotropy in heavy-ion collisions as a function of $S_{0}$ for the first time using a multi-phase transport (AMPT)...
Эффективное действие Липатова, введенное в [1], является хорошо согласованной с экспериментом теорией сильного взаимодействия в пределе Редже. Наш подход формализма эффективного действия представляет вариант квантовой хромодинамики для теории полей Редже. В ней мы строим теорию возмущений, основанную на знании классических решений уравнений движения и петлевого вклада в эффективное действие. В...
In nuclear medicine methods the early diagnostics and detection of malignancies is an important problem. To obtain information about functional, anatomic, metabolic processes in the tumors or in the metastatic nodes one can effectively use the different radiopharmaceuticals. These substances have a mixture of a biochemical agent and of a radionuclide which emits gamma-quants (methods of Single...
The total number of ionizing radiation sources in the world is more than 14 million units, of which X-ray tubes are ~ 4 million units, and radioactive sources of various types are ~ 10 million units. Including modern technological diagnostic installations ~ 94 thousand units, and installations for radiation therapy ~ 20 thousand units.
Radiation technologies are used in many industries –...
Introduction: Particle therapy, a non-invasive technique for treating cancer using protons and light ions, has become more and more common, e.g. Norway has decided to build two particle treatment facilities, one of which will be located in Bergen. Being able to position the Bragg peak accurately is a major advantage of protons and light ions, but incomplete knowledge about the tissue...
Radiosensitization of cancer cells using nanoparticles in X-ray and ion beam therapy
L. Sihver 1,2*, I. Tremi 3, 4, E. Spyratou 5, M. Makropoulou 4, E. P. Efstathopoulos 5, and A. G. Georgakilas 4
1 Department of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden
2 Radiation Physics, Atominstitut, Technische Universität Wien, Stadionallee 2, 1020 Vienna, Austria
Cancer is a critical societal issue. Worldwide, in 2018 alone, 18.1 million cases were diagnosed, 9.6 million people died, and 43.8 million people were living with cancer. Radiation therapy (RT) is a fundamental component of effective cancer treatment and control. It is estimated that about half of all cancer patients would benefit from radiotherapy for treatment of localised disease, local...
Sequences of small volume samples of $n \leq 10$ numbers of reference ${k_{j}}$ particle fluxes with mean $0 \leq \bar{k} \leq 5$ correspond to random vectors $(\mathrm{RV}-v(.)$ ) of frequencies $v_{j}\left(k_{j}\right)$ of values $k_{j}: v(.)=\left(v_{0}, v_{1}, \ldots, v_{l}\right), n=\sum_{j=0}^{i} v_{j}\left(k_{j}\right)$ and $\mathrm{RV}$ of relative frequencies $v_{j}^{\prime}(.)=v_{j}...
The search for new physics such as supersymmetry (SUSY) and other beyond-the-standard-model physics is a major goal of the LHC physics program. The talk will cover the most recent results of SUSY and Exotica searches using 137 fb$^{-1}$ data collected in 2016-2018 with the CMS detector at the LHC.
The directional sensitivity of two coordinate neutron detector based on 3-$\mu$ m $^{10}$B layer and a wire chamber was studied [1]. In the experiment, the detection of scattered neutrons by the detector was found to be suppressed in comparison with the data from the helium-3 tube counter in the experimental area.
A simulation shows that this phenomena can be explained by two factors acting...
Observance of the uniformity of the dose distribution over the volume of the irradiated object is an urgent task in the field of sterilization of medical devices. Under-irradiation can lead to the non-sterility of the processed object. Over-irradiated leads to unwanted chemical changes in the object.
Most medical devices have a complex shape, so this must be taken into account when selecting...
For cancer treatment medical linear accelerators are applied to be using for creation of electron beams and bremsstrahlung radiation. When a beam of bremsstrahlung photons with energies above 8 MeV interacts with the structural elements of the accelerator, photonuclear reactions occur, as a result of which secondary particles, mainly neutrons, are formed. This radiation may cause an additional...
α-induced neutron reactions can result in a neutron yield important for fabrication/storage of nuclear reactor fuel and low background neutron applications. α-emitters in the actinide mass region have different half-lives and thus represent a steady and long-term α-flux [1, 2]. The neutron production yield of (α,xn) reactions vary rapidly in response to the incident α energy and should be...
The measurement of the flux of low-energy cosmic antinuclei may reveal the existence of exotic processes such as dark matter annihilation, since the production rate of these ions through ordinary collisions between cosmic rays and the interstellar matter is very low. However, the lack of experimental data at low energies, where both the antinuclei production and inelastic cross sections are...
The self-consistent Theory of Finite Fermi Systems (TFFS) [1,2] is consistently generalized for the case of accounting for phonon coupling (PC) effects in the energy region of pygmy- and giant multipole resonances (PDR and GMR) in magic nuclei with the aim to consider particle-hole (ph) and both complex 1p1h⊗phonon and two-phonon configurations. The article is the direct continuation and...
Isobaric analog resonances (AR) are investigated within the framework of the
microscopic theory of finite Fermi systems (TFFS) and in an approximate approach.
These studies began about 50 years ago [1–3] and are currently being successfully
continued in the self-consistent TFFS approach [4].
The calculations were performed for a large number of spherical and deformed
nuclei, and the...
Precision experimental data on the differential cross sections for the interaction of fast neutrons with nuclei are in demand in both applied and fundamental research.
In 70-90 years these reactions were intensively studied, especially in the range of neutron energies En=$13-15 \mathrm{MeV}$, obtained by the reaction $\mathrm{T}+\mathrm{d} \rightarrow \mathrm{n}+\alpha$. However, the errors...
Z-peak tag-n-probe method was widely used for estimation of electron-to-photon misidentification rate for photon-oriented studies in Run I and in early Run II pp-collisions data. The increased luminosity and energy of collisions in Run II requires an improvement of the existing method, especially it is necessary for a description of underlying background spectra in the Z boson mass region of...
The production of a pair of Z-bosons in the llυυ channel (l = e, μ) is studied with the conditions of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The generation of signal and background events is performed using the MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Monte Carlo event generator. The Pythia8 and Delphes3 frameworks are used for event showering, hadronization, and detector response...
The array of 8 CeBr3–NaI(Tl) phoswich detectors coupled to 6-12 CsI(Tl) MULTI 4π γ-spectrometer (Fig.1 Left) of MULTI [1-3] setup was designed at FLNR JINR for studying reaction cross sections with neutron-rich nuclei [4, 5]. The array of 9 CeBr3–NaI(Tl) phoswich detectors (Fig.1 Right) can be used as PARIS cluster [6] for study of β-decay process accompanied by γ-rays from high-lying...
We investigate the Coulomb breakup of $^{11}$Be halo nuclei on a heavy target from intermediate (70 MeV/nucleon) to low energies (5 MeV/nucleon) within the non-perturbative time-dependent approach. The convergence of the computational scheme is demonstrated in this energy range including \textit{n}+$^{10}$Be low-lying resonances in different partial and spin states. We have found a...
MRI has now become the preferred choice in many clinical trials due to its superior ability to distinguish one tissue type from another. However, the likelihood of geometric distortion (distortion) present in MR images limits the use of MRI in some areas where high accuracy is required.
The main sources of geometric distortion from MRI equipment are inhomogeneity in the main magnet,...
Being a microscopically based extension of the standard [1] and nonstandard [2] versions of the continuum-random-phase approximation (cRPA), by taking the spreading effect into account, the semi-microscopic particle-hole (p-h) dispersive optical model (PHDOM) has been proposed [3] and successfully implemented for describing properties of various giant resonances (GRs) in medium-heavy mass...
The Extreme Light Infrastructure-Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) project is one of the most prestigious research infrastructures in the world due to its unique state-of-the art equipment, the facility will deliver the most brilliant high-energy gamma beams in the world, with unprecedented bandwidth and spectral density[1]. The multi-detector array (ELIADE – ELI-NP Array of DEtectors) is the...
We calculated specific absorbed fractions (SAF) to estimate absorbed doses in the breast tissue of adult female. Reference adult female phantom was used as a model of the body. An in-house program was written to convert the phantom to the format suitable for Monte-Carlo simulations.
SAF from monoenergetic radiation were calculated. They were adjusted to masses of organs and tissues that...
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has completed in 2018 its second working phase and the experiments have collected data sets of proton–proton collisions at center-of-mass energies of 13 TeV with an integrated luminosity of about 140 $\mathrm{fb}^{−1}$ . This report reviews the status of standard model measurements with the CMS experiment at the LHC.
The large-angle proton-deuteron (pd) scattering at intermediate energies 200-1000 MeV is a long-standing puzzle. While the small-angle scattering can be described well by the Glauber diffraction model or, at energies Tp < 400 MeV, by the exact solution of Faddeev equations, the strong discrepancies between theoretical predictions and experimental data at large angles need a careful...
Relevance of this work is defined by constantly increasing need of practical medicine in plastic material for carrying out restorative surgical interventions in traumatology, orthopedics, maxillofacial, military field surgery and other fields [1]. The most important part of the process of obtaining an effective plastic material is sterilization. The innovative development of perspective...
Heavy-flavour quarks (charm and beauty) are excellent probes for the study of the properties of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), a colour-deconfined medium produced in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Being produced on shorter time scales than the typical QGP formation time and having negligible thermal production and in-medium annihilation rates, heavy quarks experience the full QGP...
A Penning trap is a powerful device for measuring properties of ions and subatomic particles. Presently it can reach the highest accuracy in the determination of the mass of a nuclide. The typical Penning-trap system for on-line mass measurements requires two dedicated traps. The first trap – preparation trap (PT) – serves for the purification and cooling of the captured ions via the...
The semi-microscopic particle-hole dispersive optical model (PHDOM), originally formulated and successfully implemented for describing main properties of various giant resonances in medium-heavy closed-shell nuclei (see Ref. [1] and references therein), is extended to account for nucleon pairing in open-shell spherical nuclei. In the present work (which is a direct continuation of the...
Recent results of the ATLAS experiment on charmonium production in proton-proton at 8 and 13 TeV collisions will be presented. The measurement of the associated production of the J/psi meson and a gauge boson, including the separation of single and double parton scattering components, will be discussed. The measurement of J/psi and psi(2S) differential cross sections will be reported as...
At present, various neutrino applications are widely discussed through the community. One such topic is the use of neutrinos for nuclear nonproliferation and reactor monitoring. Industrial detector of reactor antineutrinos for monitoring (IDREAM) is the prototype detector, developed for antineutrinos registration from the reactor core through the inverse beta decay process. Neutrino target...
The study of nuclear giant resonances has long been a subject of extensive theoretical and experimental research. The multipole response of nuclei far from the beta-stability line and the possible occurrence of exotic modes of excitation present a growing field of research. In particular, the study of the isoscalar giant monopole resonances (ISGMR) in neutron-rich nuclei is presently an...
JUNO is a 20 kt liquid scintillator detector under construction in Jiangmen, China, whose primary goal is to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy. Its construction is expected to be finished in 2022. To meet the stringent requirements on the radiopurity of the liquid scintillator, 10$^{-16}$ g/g of $^{238}$U and $^{232}$Th, the OSIRIS (Online Scintillator Internal Radioactivity Investigation...
The quark-gluon plasma (QGP) is a strongly-interacting deconfined state of matter produced in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. In order to study the QCD matter and its evolution, quarkonia, bound states of a heavy quark and antiquark pair, are preferred tools as they are sensitive to the first stages of the collision and to the evolution of the created system. The study of the...
The study of the scattering of hadrons with nuclei is a key element of the theory of the atomic nucleus and nuclear reactions. This is a test that allows one to investigate both the structure of the nucleus and the nuclear interaction. The best studied both experimentally and theoretically is the scattering of protons. For example, a large cycle of studies on the structure of light exotic...
Now, there are many works on the theory of scintillation spectrometers, which offer different formulae for the energy resolution of scintillation spectrometers, sometimes contradicting each other. The terms included in the formulae for the energy resolution differ not only in their names but also in the physical meaning of the processes they take into account. The main drawback of all existing...
Application possibility of Library Least Square (LLS) approach in Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation (PGNA) technique in bulk coal samples elemental analysis is investigated this work. 14 MeV neutrons were produced by a neutron generator via the T(d,n)4He reaction. A polyethylene block as a neutron moderator. The prompt gamma ray spectra from five different powders of pure compounds (namely...
The current developments in the field of very thin large area coordinate sensitive Si detectors for precise tracking of short-lived charged particles in future high-energy physics experiments requires the state-of-the-art solutions for systems of cooling, mechanics and engineering. This task represents a strong challenge due to contradictive demands of high thermo- and mechanical stability...
In August last year, the Radium Institute (ROSATOM) conducted an experiment on the extraction of transplutonium and lanthanides. In the experiment, a system consisting of centrifugal extractors was used, similar to the work [1]. To monitor the extraction of transplutonium elements, we used the estimation of the volume activity of solutions using gamma spectra from various stages of extractors,...
A compact calibration neutron source is highly required for a number of current and future nuclear and astrophysical experiments [1, 2]. An appropriate solution could be considered in a combination of $^{252}$Cf radionuclide source which undergoes $\alpha$-decay and spontaneous fission with a branching ratio of 97:3, whereas each spontaneous fission event liberates also a number of fast...
Using an autocorrelation delayed coincidence spectrometer [1], two types of time correlation of noise pulses associated with the photocathode and photomultiplier dynodes have been established. The time distributions of pulses from noise and external light sources in photomultiplier tubes ХР2020, ХР2232В, ХР1021, FEU-85, FEU-87, FEU-93, FEU-130, R7600U-200 have been studied. For some types of...
Enriched selenium used in low-background experiments [1] is expediently purified using ion exchange. This work is devoted to the study of the sorption of a number of traditional radioactive impurities in solutions of selenous acid on a cation exchange resin. The radioactive indicators Ra-223, Ac-225 and U-230 were obtained from a proton-irradiated thorium target [2]. The radionuclide Th-234...
The work is devoted to the EJ-276 plastic scintillator based neutron spectrometer with pulse shape discrimination (PSD) capability experimental development [1]. A DT neutron generator was used as a radiation source. The PSD method is carried out using a CAEN DT5730B digitizer.
An experiment was carried The maximum neutron flux density at which the spectrometric channel is capable to separate...
Tuning of the beam-beam collisions and fast, event-by-event monitoring are essential
both to achieve the high luminosity of colliders and to provide in the experiment the event selection, precise event timing information, determination of the event interaction point and the reaction plane, suppression of the beam-gas interaction events. To meet the challenges of the fast monitoring of the...
In the laboratory for the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel (SNF, Radium Institute) a solutions of $^{238}$Pu - $^{239}$Pu with unknown concentration and relation of nuclides were studied. The research was carried out both on the laboratory equipment and the equipment of the metrological service of the Radium Institute. For alpha spectroscopy we used an ionization chamber and a PIPS detector,...
Cherenkov radiation detection is being used in the most experimental physics installations and, therefore, the detailed modeling to construct and study its properties is required. The methods of calculations in the time-spatial representation in the semiclassical approach were developed in [1-3] to simulate the electromagnetic field energy change in the passage of the primary particle and the...
Use of PIN diodes in spectrometry of low heavy ions poses some methodological challenges. One of them is correctly accounting for the so-called plasma delay effect (PDE) which is due to generation of plasma in a heavy ion track in the PIN diode. The PDE prevents precise measurements of a particle’s time-of-flight (TOF). In this presentation, we discuss new algorithm of time pick-off when using...
The Short Range Correlation (SRC) program is the extension of the BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) experiment. It studies interactions of carbon beam with a liquid-hydrogen target. The data analysis in the SRC experiment requires a comparison of experimental data with Monte-Carlo information. Due to various reason the procedure of simulation doesn’t reproduce the experiment in some details....
The most reliable and long-term isolation of radioactive waste can be ensured by their burial in stable deep geological formations. The main factors which provide the stability of the geological formation during deep immobilization are absorbed by the protective container.
The natural quartzite was from the Ovruch deposit from the Ukrainian crystal shield. These natural quartzites were...
Gamma-spectrometric methods for measuring the content of radium-226 using a photopeak with an energy of 186 keV are well known. However, according to the complete decay scheme of radium-226, this gamma-ray photopeak accompanies the alpha decay of radium to radon with a low quantum yield for decay of 5.4%. An increase in the measurement error on a semiconductor gamma spectrometer is also due to...
Currently, devices that include electrophysical sources of neutron radiation, or, as they are also called, neutron generators, are widely used in applied research. Neutron radiation in these devices is obtained through the implementation of nuclear reactions such as d (d, 3He) n or d (t, 4He) n. Currently, generators based on sealed gas-filled neutron tubes (GFT) are becoming more and more...
The Multi-purpose Detector (MPD) is being created to study the properties of hot and dense nuclear matter at the interaction point of heavy ions beams at the NICA complex. The electromagnetic calorimeter in the new experimental setup is designed to identify photons and electrons by measuring their energy and coordinates, as well as separating them from hadrons. For the stable operation of...
L. Hrubčín1,2,a), B. Zat'ko1, Yu.B. Gurov2,3,
P. Boháček1, S.V. Rozov2, V.A. Skuratov2
1Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia;
2Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia;
3National Research Nuclear University (MEPhl), Moscow, Russia
a)Corresponding author:
In the last decade, silicon carbide (SiC)...
The territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan is characterized by a complicated radiation situation due to the active development of extractable natural resources (coal, non-ferrous metals and uranium), the geological features of the certain areas of ground surface, seismically activity and the highlands in the southern regions. In this context, radioactive gases and their decay products formed...
The study of environmental pollution processes is one of the geoecology’s key activities last decades. These studies are covered almost all components of the natural landscape. However, the most interesting results can be obtained during the study of the sediments samples taken from the different water objects. One of the fundamental issues in these investigations is to determine the age of...
The goal of the project is to investigate the new effect consisting in fission fragment's brake-up while passing the solid-state foil. According to the previous experiments [1-3], it is expected that masses of some brake-up residuals correspond to magic nuclei such as $^{128,132}Sn$ and $^{144}Ba$. The project aims to detect in coincidence all the products of fragment's brake-up using the...
Today’s searches of effective technology to deactivate irradiated reactor graphite are very acute due to the large volumes of accumulated irradiated graphite in the world (about 100 thousand tons) and the challenging problem of uranium-graphite reactors decommissioning period. It is also well known that 14C isotope makes the greatest contribution to the irradiated graphite residual activity...
The use of the gamma spectroscopy method for measuring the value of the indicator of the ratio of the activities of uranium and thorium A (U) / A (Th) makes it possible to estimate quantitatively the manifestations of various geological processes from the accumulation of thorium and uranium in the ore content to the formation of reservoirs favorable for the accumulation of hydrocarbons, and...
The aim of this study is to theoretically investigate radiation absorption parameters of six soil samples which have various depth as 0-10 cm, 10-30 cm, 30-50 cm, 50-70 cm, 70-100 cm and 100-200 cm. For this purpose, mainly used radiation absorption paramaters which are linear attenuation coefficient (LAC), mass attenuation coefficients (MAC), half value layer (HVL), tenth value layer (TVL),...
At present, the intrinsic energy resolution of a scintillation detector is understood by many authors differently. The terms of existing formulae for the energy resolution, on which the intrinsic energy resolution of the scintillation detector is determined, differ not only in their names, but also in the physical meaning of the processes they take into account. The main drawback of all...
In frame of the JINR scientific program on study dense baryonic matter a new accelerator complex the Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) is under realization at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia) [1]. Two interaction points are foreseen at NICA for two detectors. One of these detectors, the Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD), is optimized for investigations of...
The successful study and detection of radioactive nuclei, produced in nuclear reactions or transformations inside the body of a target source, is not solely dependent upon their high rates of production, but also from the high efficiency of transmission of the produced recoils through the target’s material. There exists an interest of correctly estimating the transmission efficiency of...
In high energy physic experiments the new detector complexes with large granularity and the highest radiation transparency should be used for tracking of charged particles, providing minimal distortions due to the multiple scattering effects. In this case the minimum material budget is required for all materials have to be used within the sensitive area of the detective volume. This means...
The serial of critical experiments of circle geometry were performed in 70th of the last century at Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Science [1,2]. The reactor PIK fuel elements of reduced length were used. Along these experiments the size of the inner water trap were varied. The geometry and the nuclear content of the fuel element were carefully measured.
The majority of total and partial photoneutron reaction cross sections were obtained for about 150 nuclei from 3H to 239Pu at Livermore (USA) and Saclay (France) [1]. Those data [2] are widely used in many basic research and applications. For 19 nuclei (51V, 75As, 89Y, 90Zr, 115In, 116,117,118,120,124Sn, 127I, 133Cs, 159Tb, 165Ho, 181Ta, 197Au, 208Pb, 232Th, and 238U) investigated at both...
The modern theory of the structure of light nuclei is dynamically developing due to the introduction of ab initio (from first principles) methods of describing nuclear systems. An essential place among such methods is occupied by various versions of No-Core Shell Model (NCSM) (see, for example, [1]) that uses realistic NN potentials to describe the interaction of nucleons. Usually, these...
In the report the recent results of the big international team of theorists and experimenters on the Compton double ionization (CDI) of the helium atom with use of the COLTRIMS (COLd Target Recoil Ion Momentum Spectroscopy) technique is presented. In these experiments, only the momentum of the nucleus of the helium atom and one of the electrons (slow) are measured for coincidence. As a result,...
This March marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of academician Arkady Benediktovich Migdal. For several decades, A. B. Migdal worked at the Institute named after I.V. Kurchatov and concurrently as a professor at the Department of Theoretical Nuclear Physics of MEPhI. In the report, the author proposes to share memories of an outstanding Personality, an outstanding Scientist and an...
Decay branching ratio of main and excited state of $^{11}$B in the interaction of neutron and $^{10}$B in energy between 1 and 6 MeV is studied. The experiment is performed at the photoneutron source of the Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Sciences. Neutron detector based on the $^{10}$B-layer which served as both target and cathode of wire chamber for detecting secondary...
We propose a quark model of nuclear structure, where quark correlations lead to nucleon--nucleon correlaions and arrangement of them into lattice--like structure.
The model is based on the quark model of nucleon structure, Strongly Correlated Quark Model (SCQM), in which valence quarks
are strongly correlated within a nucleon. Nuclei are constructed due to junctions of SU(3) color fields of...
An analytical approach based on the birth-and-death model for description of the neutron and neutron-multiplying medium interaction process is presented in this work. It is called physical birth-and-death model [1]. Mathematical expressions of the multiplying medium main characteristics, reactivity ρ and average particles number at the time M(t), are given. These characteristics are estimated...
This talk gives an overview of the latest ultra-peripheral physics measurements performed with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. These include differential measurements of the exclusive di-muon production cross-section, which are crucial for setting constraints on the initial photon spectrum for all UPC measurements at the LHC; measurements of light-by-light scattering, which result in an...
The short-lived hadronic resonances are used to study the properties of the hot and dense medium produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Due to their short lifetimes, the resonance yields and peak shapes measured in the hadronic channels are sensitive to rescattering and regeneration effects in the hadronic phase. Besides, the resonances with different strangeness content and baryonic...
Authors: Alekseev I. E., Belov S. E., Ershov K. V.
The synchrotron, as a source of neutrons, has a number of advantages, in particular, the presence of a starting time mark. The high energy spectrum, up to energies of 1 GeV may be an advantage for measuring the cross-section of reactions with neutrons. The...
Fusion cross sections $\sigma_{\rm{fus}}$ for the strongly bound nucleus ${}^{4}$He and the weakly bound nuclei ${}^{6,8}$He have differences in the width of the main maximum of the barrier distribution function $D(E) = d^2 \left( {E\sigma _{{\rm{fus}}} } \right)/dE^2$ [1] near the Coulomb barrier (see Fig. 1). It indicates the differences in the mechanisms of interaction of these...
Dudkin G.N., Chumakov D.K., Varlachev V.A.
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia;
The problem of light clusters of neutrons existence, such as dineutron, tetraneutron, hexaneutron, octaneutron is under study for at least 60...
Upgraded evaluation of integral cross sections of 6Li(d,p0), 6Li(d,p1), 6Li(d,p2), 6Li(d,p4) reactions was obtained in our SaBa (SarovBase) library due to appearance of new experimental data. Data were derived from the results of our experimental studies of 6Li+d reaction channels at 4 to 10 MeV deuteron energy Ed [2]. The reliability of the obtained data was confirmed by the fact that the sum...
The experiment directed to the study of a new carbon nanomaterials application was performed on the U-400M heavy ion beam at MASHA facility, FLNR, JINR. In the present speech a new technical improvements will be discussed such as usage of thin carbon nanotubes paper (thickness 6.4 mg/cm2) and graphene (thickness 1.1 mg/cm2) in the hot solid catcher block unit. The main goal of the experiment...
Systematic study of the evolution of the nuclear charge radii, deformation, configurations and other ground and isomeric states characteristics near the proton shell closure (Z = 82) is actual and important task. It will enable to construct the two-dimensional picture (with N and Z varied) of the changes of these fundamental nuclear characteristics.
One of the most efficient method for...
The studies of nuclear reactions involving deuterons play an important role in the understanding of the structure of the nucleons and the dynamics of nuclear interactions. The study of processes involving the deuteron helps to solve many actual relativistic problems of nuclear physics, such as nucleon-nucleon interaction at high energies, the structure of light nuclei at small inter-nucleon...
The occurrence of lightning is preceded by the fast development of electron avalanche in electric fields with strengthof about ~ 300 kV/m [1]. The growth of avalanche in number of relativistic electrons ensures an energetic terrestrial gamma-ray bursts, that can ensure the photonuclear reactions on atmospheric isotopes (with significant cross sections for hard photons ${E_{\gamma}}$ =20-60 MeV...
At the MAVR installation In the focal plane, it is supposed to measure the correlation of alpha particles in coincidence with the cold core of the super-heavy element residue. The focal plane allows simultaneous detection of alpha particles with a certain energy in coincidence with the cold core residue, which are focused in different places of the focal plane, but at the same magnetic field...
In transactinide nuclei the collectivity of low-lying states is greatly developed. This manifests itself in both small (from 42 to 50 keV) of the energies of lowest states $E(2^+_1)$, and in the weak indirect manifestation of quasiparticle excitations. Because of the high collectivity, the yrast-band states in transuranium nuclei can be successfully described [1] up to high spins in the...
$\bf{A.T. D’yachenko^{1,2}, I.A. Mitropolsky^{2}}$
$^{1}$Emperor Alexander I Petersburg State Transport University, St. Petersburg, Russia
$^{2}$B.P. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Gatchina, Russia
The main purpose of the study of heavy ion collisions is to study the equation of state of nuclear matter (EOS - equation of state). Along...
$\quad$ Knowledge of the asymptotic normalization coefficients (ANC) for the resulting single-particle bound configurations in the final nucleus (or nuclear vertex constants which differ only by a multiplier from ANCs) [1], plays a crucial role in the calculations of direct nuclear-astrophysical processes of radiative capture [2].
$\quad$ Particularly, to extrapolate the astrophysical S...
It is important to choose structural materials for its parts when creating neutron detector. We demonstrate advantages of gas detector over other detector types and we consider advantages and disadvantages of isotopes $^3$He, $^7$Li and $^10$B as converting. Difference between the operation of gas-filled detectors and detectors based on solid layer is also considered. Scattering of neutrons...
В настояшей работе исследуются неадиабатические эффекты в октупольноколебательных полосах ядра ${ }^{156} \mathrm{Gd} .$ Соответствующие экспериментальные данные оценены и систематизированы в работе [1]. В частности, в спектре ${ }^{156} \mathrm{Gd}$ выделены четыре ротационные полосы отрицательной четности с квантовыми числами оснований $\mathrm{K}^{\pi}=0^{-}, 1^{-}$ и $2^{-} .$ Нижайшая из...
The electromagnetic probes are one of the unique probe which determine the state of quark gluon plasma (QGP). These are only the signal which travel through the whole space-time volume due to weak interaction from surrounding medium. With theoretical quasiparticle model, we found that production rate increases with increase the chemical potential values. By including the chemical potential,...
The integrated quantities of beta-decay (such as half-live and probability of delayed (multi) neutron emission P1(x)n) are in general the first available for very neutron-rich nuclei. Even at low production yield down to a few counts per second, their measurements can be achieved using high-sensitivity or high-efficiency detectors. In those conditions, they can be truly viewed as a first step...
By the use of 57Co impurity atoms as structure-sensitive physico-chemical probes and X-ray Diffraction method, post-effects of critical radiation-induced effects have been studied that resulted from irradiation of metal tantalum with charged particles.
The small (less than 0.2 µm) thickness of surface layers of samples doped with 57Co atoms enabled the direct radiation damage of Ta crystal...
The differential cross sections of elastic and inelastic scattering of deuterons on 11B nuclei with excitation of low-lying states of 0.0 MeV (3/2$^-$), 4.445 MeV (5/2$^-$) and 6.74 MeV (7/2$^-$), as well as the reaction (d,t) with transitions to the ground (0$^+$) and excited states with energies of 0.718 MeV $(1^+),$ 1.74 MeV (0$^+$, T = 1), and 2.15 MeV (1$^+$) have been measured at an...
A new approach to deal with the scattering amplitudes in Glauber theory
is proposed. It relies on the use of generating function, that has been explicitly
found. The main advantage of the method is in a relatively simple analytical form
that allows to carry out calculations
in the all interaction orders of the Glauber theory.
Until now the only way to do it
without additional...
We present an analysis of all the known superdeformed (SD) bands in 193Pb using the modified variable moment of inertia (VMI) model to obtain the values of unknown band-head spin (I0) along with the level spin. The band-head spin so estimated is not known experimentally in band-7, 8 and 9. A total of 9 experimentally known SD bands of 193Pb have been analyzed. Quantitatively good results of...
Studies of the cross-sections and yields of photonuclear reactions with production of 12B(T1/2 = 20.2 ms) and 12N(T1/2 = 11.0 ms) are interesting both for development of ideas about nuclear reactions with nuclei-products near the boundaries of stability to nucleon-emission, and for detection of hidden explosives and drugs (see, e.g., [1]) with registration of 12B- and 12N- activities.
In [2,...
This work reports studies of fuel fallouts from bottom sediments of the Chernobyl NPP cooling pond. We took samples to a 30 cm depth at cooling pond different locations for gamma spectrometrical and radiochemical study. The measurement results show that over 80% of the radionuclide activity is located at a depth of 10-20 cm. The Am-241 activity is 6-8% compared to Cs-137, while in usual...
Phase structure of quark matter with chiral and isospin imbalance is considered in the framework of effective models. There has been considered as two color as well as three color QCD. It was shown that chiral imbalance has several rather peculiar properties such as being universal catalyzer, i. e. it catalyzes all the considered symmetry breaking patterns in the system, including the diquark...
In laser plasma, stimulated de-excitation of the 186mRe isomer (T1/2, m = 2.0∙105 y) was observed from the time dependence of the intensity I137 of 137 keV gammas from the decay of the ground state of the 186Re nucleus after laser irradiation of the 186mRe target [1]. The nonmonotonicity of this time dependence made it possible to assume the existence in the 186Re nucleus of a new low-lying...
Exclusive study of Pre-Equilibrium Emission of Alpha Particles in Alpha Induced Reactions at Moderate Excitation Energy
Avinash Agarwal1*, and Manoj Kumar Sharma2
1 Department of Physics, Bareilly College, Bareilly, MJPR University, Bareilly – 243001 INDIA
2 Department of Physics, Shri Varshney College, Aligarh – 202 001 INDIA
* Email:
During the past few decades, the...
PSA method (pulse shaping analyze) widely used in nuclear physics experiments and radiation detection [1]. This method was first proposed in 1963 (S. Barlini), but is still being developed by many scientists. A wide variety of pulse features have been extracted to realize this method. Many ways to implement the PSA method have been proposed, mainly to determine the type of particle (for...
Fragments charge has been measured with the forward hodoscope (FWall) in the HADES experiment for Ag+Ag@1.58AGeV and Au+Au@1.23AGeV. First results on the nuclei fragments description with the framework of the DCM-QGSM-SMM model and comparison with the experimental data will be presented. The description of the fragments within the model is a crucial task to determine the collision centrality...
Potential energy surfaces in $(\beta,\gamma)$ coordinates and equilibrium ground-state deformations of nuclei with $50 \le A \le 240$ are calculated using a simple model based on the Mottelson--Nilsson approach where the potential energy of deformation is taken as a sum of occupied levels in an ellipsoidally deformed one-particle potential well. Parameters of the real part of the global...
In particle physics experiments one of the most important parameter is the large center of mass energy available for the production of new effects. The higher energies achived by accelerators is not the only parameters for new physics but also the number of useful interactions (events) is very important parameter to be measured and it is called luminosity which is...
Experimental measurements of angular and energy distributions of fission neutrons $n(\theta,E)$ per fission event were carried out in [1-4] assuming that $n(\theta,E)=n_{ev}(\theta,E)+n_{sc}(\theta,E)$, where $E$ is asymptotic kinetic energy of a neutron, $\theta$ is angle between the directions of the outgoing neutrons and the light fission fragment, $n_{ev}(\theta,E)$ is number of prompt...
A further development of Monte Carlo model of pp, pA and AA collisions with string fusion [1-3] is made for a more detailed description of the multiple hadron production both in small and large transverse momentum areas.
An effective dipole partonic cascade was implemented, taking into account the Lorenz invariance of the observed values. Thus, a single parameter will remain in the model...
The catalytic properties of zeolites have been known since the late fifties of the twentieth century. Zeolites are crystalline substances with developed porosity. A number of work was devoted to formation and transformation of petroleum hydrocarbons in porous system [1-3]. The theory of the abiogenic deep origin of hydrocarbons recognizes that the petroleum is a primordial material of deep...
In this talk, we will present the first measurement of the neutron skin of cesium and iodine using electroweak probes, coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering and atomic parity violation. This measurement, differently from hadronic probes, is model-independent and suggests a preference for nuclear models which predict large neutron skin values, with implications that range from neutron...
The angular distributions for the emission of deuterons in the 45Sc(3He,d)46Ti reaction were measured; based on the change in the energy of deuterons, we determined the cross sections for population of the ground and excited states of the 46Ti nuclei formed in this reaction at energy 29 MeV of the 3He bombarding particles. The measured angular distributions for the excited states of the 46Ti...
A value of a neutron-neutron scattering length was obtained in different experiments. It can be observed that there is a difference in values of a neutron-neutron scattering length ann (in the range from –16 to –22 fm). In [1] it was suggested that such difference may be explained by influence of 3N-forces. It can be assumed that pp scattering length (or energy of $^{1}$S$_{0}$ virtual...
Crude oil is naturally occurring oil generated by geological and geochemical processes. Each type of crude oil or petroleum product has unique characteristics or properties [1]. These properties influence how petroleum will behave when it is exposed by gamma-rays with and without catalyst. The process of crude oil’s hydrocarbon’s radiolysis is complicated [2]. Over the past decade, it has...
We continue our explorations [1] of the electromagnetic properties of the deuteron with help of the method of unitary clothing transformations (UCT) [2,3]. It is the case, where one has to deal with the matrix elements $\langle \mathbf P', M'| J^{\mu}(0) | \mathbf P, M \rangle$ (to be definite in the lab. frame). Here the operator $J^{\mu}(0)$ is the Nöther current density $J^{\mu}(x)$ at the...
Let us remind that in the one-photon-exchange approximation (OPEA) the elastic e-d scattering amplitude is proportional to the contraction $T(ed \rightarrow e' d') = \varepsilon_\mu (e,e')\langle \mathbf q\, M' | J^\mu(0) | \mathbf 0\, M \rangle$ where we have introduced the notation $\varepsilon_\mu (e,e') = \bar u_{e'}(k') \gamma_\mu u_e(k)$. Here the operator $J^{\mu}(0)$ is the Nöther...
A broad class of theoretical scenarios called “the Higgs-portal models” describes the interaction of dark matter with the “usual” matter only through the Higgs sector. From an experimental point of view, the models provide an interesting intersection of several directions in the search for new physics, namely, the study of non-standard properties of the observed Higgs boson, the search for new...
Fission of neutron-deficient nuclei of sub-lead region unexpectedly showed well-pronounced asymmetric component as well as symmetric one [1]. This regenerated intensive investigations of fission properties of nuclei lying in this area of the nuclide chart.
Mass-energy distributions of fission fragments of neutron-deficient 180, 190Hg and 184,192,202Pb composite systems formed in the...
The modern development of experimental technology makes it possible to create facilities and carry out measurements using the method of labeled atoms (registration of each event). This is especially important when working both on primary beams of heavy ions and on beams of radioactive nuclei. For this reason, it is advisable to use precision position-sensitive detectors that allow extracting...
In modern high energy and elementary particle physic experiments, studies of extreme states of matter play a key role. To investigate of these states in the collider experiments in nucleus–nucleus collisions one can use the modern software and hardware complexes for the charged particle tracking.
This work gives the overview of modern algorithms for the search and reconstruction of charged...
The production of hyperon resonances (Sigma(1385), Xi(1530) and Lambda(1520)) in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC is used to probe the interplay of particle re-scattering and regeneration in the hadronic phase. Moreover, resonances containing strange quarks can also be affected by the so-called `` strangeness enhancement'' phenomenon. The first measurements of the Sigma0+anti-Sigma0...
The first experiment at the upgraded BM@N on the study of particle production in Xe+CsI at 4.0 AGeV collisions is planned at the beginning of 2022. To measure the centrality of nucleus collisions in this reaction the new forward hadron calorimeter FHCal will be used. The performance of new upgraded forward hadron calorimeter with transverse and longitudinal segmentations is shown. Results...
Fission of actinide nuclei produces fast neutrons, mainly “prompt” neutrons (PNs), but also (2%) “delayed” neutrons (DNs with different half-lives T1/2). Usually, for the sake of convenience, DNs are divided into 6–8 groups according to their T1/2-values at approximately 0.2 s < T1/2 < 56 s (see, e.g., [1]). But there are some indications that it is necessary to search for short-lived DNs with...
The nuclear $^4$He + $^2$H system is of great importance to nuclear astrophysics. Radiative capture proceeding in this system is responsible for production of the $^6$Li nuclei during the primordial nucleosynthesis. In this work, the $^4$He + $^2$H radiative capture is considered from the microscopic viewpoint within a developed approach [1, 2] based on clustering aspects of nuclear structure...
Abstract The fracture within the pressurized cooling pipeline of LWR reactors is a catastrophic event leading to the failure. We develop a real-time framework for the accumulation of compressive stress due to both elastic stress from the imposed internal/external pressure and the corrosion stress from the hosting oxygen in the metal matrix. In this regard, we quantify the penetration of the...
We will show a detailed derivation of matrix elements (in momentum space) of the three-nucleon interaction operator [1] built up within the field theoretical approach based on the method of unitary clothing transformations (UCTs) [2,3,4]. As before, we start from the instant form of relativistic dynamics after Dirac with the total field Hamiltonian $H$ for Yukawa-type couplings between $\pi...