Section 1. Experimental and theoretical studies of the properties of atomic nuclei.
- evolution of shells in neutron-rich nuclei;
- nuclei remote from the valley of stability and nucleosynthesis processes;
- giant and pigmy resonances;
- multiphonon and multiquasiparticle states of nuclei;
- high-spin and superdeformed states of nuclei;
- binding energy of nuclei;
- beta decay of nuclei and decay of highly charged ions;
- synthesis of superheavy elements;
- processes on the border of atomic and nuclear physics.
- the nuclear problem of many bodies;
- a microscopic description of collective degrees of freedom and their interaction with single-particle degrees of freedom;
- nonlinear nuclear dynamics;
- meson and quark degrees of freedom in the nuclei, mesic atoms;
- hypernuclei and other exotic systems;
- interaction of the nucleus with the electrons of the atomic shell;
- verification of theories of interaction of elementary particles and conservation laws;
- clusters in nuclei and Bose-Einstein condensation.
Section 2. Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions.
- reactions with radioactive nuclear beams;
- reactions with polarized particles;
- reactions with electrons and gamma rays;
- reactions with heavy ions;
- fusion and fission of nuclei;
- multifragmentation of nuclei;
- the theory of direct nuclear reactions;
- multiple scattering theory;
- statistical theory of nuclear reactions;
- the theory of reactions involving clusters and heavy ions;
- relativistic theory of nuclear collisions;
- the theory of polarization phenomena in nuclear reactions;
- theories of proton, two-proton and cluster radioactivity and fission
cores; - theory of photonuclear reactions.
Section 3. Modern nuclear physics methods and technologies.
- instruments and methods of nuclear physics experiments;
- modeling of a nuclear physics experiment and data analysis;
- nuclear databases;
- detector technologies;
- accelerator technologies in low energy physics;
- radiation technologies in micro- and nanoelectronics to create new materials;
- problems of radiation reliability and radiation resistance of microelectronics products and spacecraft systems;
- radiation materials science;
- nuclear and radiation safety, radioecology;
- problems of nuclear reactors and radioactive waste;
- experience and problems of training specialists in the field of nuclear physics and nuclear energy.
Section 4. Relativistic nuclear physics, elementary particle physics and high-energy physics.
- experimental methods in high energy physics and relativistic nuclear physics;
- theory in elementary particle physics and relativistic nuclear physics;
- computer technology and processing of experimental information in high-energy physics;
- research and development of accelerators and storage rings of charged particles.
Section 5. Neutrino physics and astrophysics.
- cosmology and astrophysics of high energies;
- the theory of astrophysical nucleosynthesis;
- physics of the nucleus and particles as applied to astrophysical objects;
- theoretical and experimental studies in the field of neutrino physics.
Section 6. Plasma physics and thermonuclear fusion.
- experimental and theoretical studies of plasma physics and thermonuclear fusion;
- fundamental problems of thermonuclear energy.
Section 7. Synchrotron and neutron studies and infrastructure for their implementation.
- sources of neutrons and synchrotron radiation;
- reactions with neutrons and ultracold neutrons;
- tasks and prospects of research using synchrotron radiation and neutrons;
- new experimental research methods and new results;
- infrastructure for conducting synchrotron and neutron studies: state and prospects.
Section 8. Nuclear medicine.
- methods of nuclear physics in medicine;
- methods for producing radiopharmaceuticals;
- nuclear-physical aspects of hadron and ion therapy;
- fundamental aspects of gamma therapy;
- fundamental problems of radioinuclide therapy;
- the use of nuclear physical methods for the diagnosis of diseases;
- theranostics: problems and prospects.
Section 9. Nuclear-physical methods in the study of cultural heritage objects.
- historical materials science, modern nuclear physics techniques for conducting research on cultural heritage sites;
- the use of nuclear-physical research methods to obtain new information about museum collections, archaeological and historical monuments;
- neutron physics methods in the study of cultural heritage objects,
- radioisotope dating of artifacts.
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