We study general convergence trends of binding energy calculations in oscillator basis depending on two basis parameters, the oscillator frequency, $\hbar\Omega$, and maximal oscillator quanta, $N$. We propose and test a new method which suggests extending the Hamiltonian matrix by the kinetic energy matrix elements. We study also convergence of calculations with smoothed potential matrix elements [1].
We use the SS-HORSE (single-state harmonic-oscillator representation of scattering equations) approach [2] extended to the case of bound states [3]. Within this method, we extract the $S$ matrix from the results of variational calculations with oscillator basis and locate the $S$-matrix poles associated with bound states. The respective binding energies improve the variational results and provide an extrapolation of the variational binding energies to the infinite basis space. A great advantage of our approach as compared with other extrapolation techniques suggested in current literature [4–6] is that it makes possible to calculate also asymptotic normalization constants.
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