In the framework of the “Energy + Transmutation” [1] project, the experiments have been carried out at the LINAC-200 accelerator of JINR. The 209Bi samples were irradiated in the field of bremsstrahlung radiation by the 180 MeV electrons. The bismuth was used as a converter to obtain the bremsstrahlung radiation, Figure 1.
The gamma spectra of the 209Bi activated samples were studied using HPGe detectors in a range from 40 to 3000 keV on the spectrometric complex at YASNAPP-LNP and LHEP JINR. The identification of the nuclei and their yields obtained in the 209Bi sample as a result of the irradiation and were carried out under the periods of the half-life time and the ratio of the intensities of the gamma rays in the spectra as well as compared the results with literary data on the study of 209Bi (γ, xn) reactions [2].
The yields of the bismuth nuclei obtained in (γ, xn) reactions at the electron energies E = 60 and 180 MeV are shown in Figure 1.
The yield of the isotopes with A = 202 for E = 180 MeV is up to more than ten times compared with the yield at E = 60 MeV, which makes it possible to effectively study the isomers and structure of the bismuth nuclei and lead with masses of A from 199 to 203.
Fig. 1. The relative yields of the (γ, xn) reactions in 209Bi.
1. S.I. Tyutyunnikov, V.I Stegailov et al., // “NUCLEUS-2020”. St-Petersburg, 117-118 (2020).
2. S.S. Belyshev et al., // Eur. Phys. J. A 51, 67 (2015).