Identification of the charged particle tracks using novel pixel detectors

Not scheduled
Poster report Section 3. Modern nuclear physics methods and technologies. Do not paticipate


Alina Rakhmatullina (St Petersburg State University (RU))


In modern high energy and elementary particle physic experiments, studies of extreme states of matter play a key role. To investigate of these states in the collider experiments in nucleus–nucleus collisions one can use the modern software and hardware complexes for the charged particle tracking.
This work gives the overview of modern algorithms for the search and reconstruction of charged particle tracks registered using monolithic active pixel detectors. Also new results for cosmic ray tracking and medium-energy charged particles tracking are presented.
The reported study was supported by RFBR, research project No. 18-02-40075.

Primary author

Alina Rakhmatullina (St Petersburg State University (RU))


Dr Vladimir Zherebchevsky (St Petersburg State University (RU)) Prof. Valeriy Kondratiev (Saint-Peresburg State University) Tatiana Lazareva (St Petersburg State University (RU)) Dr Nicolay Maltsev (Saint-Peresburg State University) Dmitriy Nesterov (St Petersburg State University (RU)) Nikita Prokofiev

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