Characteristics of SiC detectors after neutron irradiation

24 Sept 2021, 17:00
Poster report Section 3. Modern nuclear physics methods and technologies. Poster session


Sergey Evseev (JINR)


The results of an investigation of silicon carbide (SiC) detectors when irradiated with neutrons are presented. SiC detectors were manufactured on the basis of the epitaxial layer of 4H-SiC n-type conductivity [1, 2]. The thickness of n-type epitaxial layer was 25 µm. Schottky barrier contacts with a diameter of 3.0 mm were made by vacuum evaporation of a double layer of Ni and Au 10 and 20 nm thick. The initial energy resolution of detectors was < 25 keV for α-particles (E = 5.5 MeV).
The radiation resistance of SiC detectors was studied experimentally by analyzing their characteristics before and after neutron irradiation with integral fluxes of 5.1 1013 and 5.4 1014 n/cm2 in the energy range of 0.00114 MeV. The irradiation was carried out at the pulse reactor IBR-2M (JINR, Dubna).
The α-source 226Ra (E = 4.8, 5.5, 6.0, 7.7 MeV) that was used for calibration and control of spectrometric characteristics of SiC detectors. It is shown that after neutron irradiation, significant degradation was observed: the reverse current increased by more than two and ten times; the peaks from the alpha particles shifted towards smaller channels and became much wider; the charge collection efficiency (CCE) decreased from 100% to 98%, and 70% (operating voltage 300 V) at the neutron irradiation fluence of 5.1x10^13 and 5.4x10^14 n/cm2, respectively. Although the degradation exists, the SiC detectors successfully survive intense neutron radiation and show better radiation resistance than silicon detectors.

Primary author


Mr Yu. Gurov (NRNU, MEPhI) Mr Yu. Kopylov (JINR) Mr S. Rozov (JINR) Mr V. Sandukovsky (JINR) Ms E. Streletskaya (JINR) Mr N. Zamyatin (JINR) Mr L. Hrubcin (IEE SAS) Mr B. Zat'ko (IEE SAS) Mr P. Bohacek (IEE SAS)

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