Delayed emission of electrons in a photomultiplier.

24 Sept 2021, 17:00
Poster report Section 3. Modern nuclear physics methods and technologies. Poster session


Dr Наталья Морозова (ОИЯИ)


Using an autocorrelation delayed coincidence spectrometer [1], two types of time correlation of noise pulses associated with the photocathode and photomultiplier dynodes have been established. The time distributions of pulses from noise and external light sources in photomultiplier tubes ХР2020, ХР2232В, ХР1021, FEU-85, FEU-87, FEU-93, FEU-130, R7600U-200 have been studied. For some types of photomultipliers, the presence of an exponential time component in the nanosecond range has been established

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