Igor Machulin
(NRC "Kurchatov Institute")
Future liquid-argon DarkSide-20k and ARGO detectors, designed for direct
dark matter search, will be sensitive also to core-collapse supernova
neutrinos, via coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering.
Thanks to the low-energy threshold of ∼0.5~keVnr achievable via the
ionization channel, DarkSide-20k and ARGO have the potential to discover
supernova bursts throughout our galaxy and up to the Small Magellanic
Cloud, with sensitivity also to the neutronization burst.
The accuracies in the reconstruction of the average and total
neutrino energy in the different phases of the supernova burst,
as well as its time profile, taking into account the expected background
and the detector response, are reviewed.
Primary author
Igor Machulin
(NRC "Kurchatov Institute")