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20 Sept 2021, 14:50
Oral report Section 4. Relativistic nuclear physics, elementary particle physics and high-energy physics. Section 4. Relativistic nuclear physics, elementary particle physics and high-energy physics


Yuriy Uzikov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Researches, M.V. Lomonosov State University, Dubna State University)


Short-range correlated (SRC) NN pairs play an important role in structure of atomic nuclei and are studied using mainly electron beams [1]. A new step was done at BM@N in JINR [2] where the reaction $^{12}$C+p→$^{10}$A+pp+N is studied using the $^{12}$C beam at energy of 4 GeV/nucleon in inverse kinematics providing interaction with the hydrogen target to probe the SRC pairs in the $^{12}$C. In theoretical analysis [3] of the SRC effects in this reaction is used a properly modified approach developed earlier (see Ref. [4] and references therein) to describe the quasi-elastic knock-out of fast deuterons from the light nuclei $^{12}$C and $^{7,6}$Li by protons in the reactions (p,pd) and (p,nd) [5]. Elementary sub-processes in the (p,Nd) were the backward quasi-elastic scattering of the proton on the two-nucleon clusters p{pn}→pd and p{nn}→nd at the proton beam energy 670 MeV. As in Ref. [4], the spectroscopic amplitudes for NN-pairs in the ground state of the $^{12}$C nucleus are calculated here within the translation-invariant shell model (TISM) with mixing configurations. Factorization of the two-nucleon momentum distribution over the internal n$_\text{rel}$ (q$_\text{rel}$) and the c.m.s. n$_\text{cm}$ (k$_\text{c.m.}$) momenta is assumed and for n$_\text{rel}$ (q$_\text{rel}$) the squared deuteron (or singlet deuteron) wave function the CD Bonn NN-interaction potential is used. Relativistic effects in the sub-process p+{NN}$\rightarrow$p+N+N of quasi-elastic knockout of nucleon from the SRC pair are taken into account in the light-front dynamics [6]. We found that the c.m. distribution of the deuteron clusters obtained within the TISM and used in [4], [5] to describe the (p,Nd) data [4] has to be modified considerably [6] to describe the kc.m. distribution of the SCR NN pairs measured in the electron data [7]. The ratio of the spin-singlet to spin-triplet pairs {pp}s/{pn}t is calculated and found to be in agreement with existing data. Here the initial and final state interaction effects are estimated within the eikonal approximation using the Glauber model for the N-$^{10}$A scattering. The one-loop approximation with elastic N-$^{10}$A rescatterings is applied and the effect is found to be moderate.
This work is supported in part by the RFBR grant № 18-02-40046.

1. O.Hen et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 89, 045002 (2017) .
2. M. Patsyuk et al., Nature Phys. 17, 693 (2021); arXiv:2102.02626 [nucl-ex].
3. Yu.N. Uzikov, Izv. RAN, Ser. Fiz. 84 , 580 (2020).
4. M.A. Zhusupov, Yu.N. Uzikov, Fiz. El. Chast. At. Yadr. 18, 323 (1987).
5. J. Ero et al., Nucl. Phys. A 372, 317 (1981); D. Albrecht et al., Nucl. Phys. A 322, 512(1979).
6. Yu.N. Uzikov, EPJ Web Conf. 222, 03027 (2019).
7. E.O. Cohen et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 092501 (2018).

Primary author

Yuriy Uzikov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Researches, M.V. Lomonosov State University, Dubna State University)

Presentation materials