CMS Top Results

23 Sept 2021, 16:15
Oral report Section 4. Relativistic nuclear physics, elementary particle physics and high-energy physics. Section 4. Relativistic nuclear physics, elementary particle physics and high-energy physics


Aloke Kumar Das (National Institute of Science Education and Research (IN))


As the heaviest known fundamental particle, the top quark has taken a central role in the study of fundamental interactions. Production of top quarks in pairs provides an important probe of strong interactions. The top quark mass is a key fundamental parameter which places a valuable constraint on the Higgs boson mass and electroweak symmetry breaking. Observations of the relative rates and kinematics of top quark final states constrain potential new physics. Top quarks are involved in many beyond standard model (BSM) physics. Due to comparatively higher statistics than Tevatron, CMS has been able to and continuously doing precise measurements on top-quark properties for thorough scrutiny of standard model (SM) and search for new physics. This talk will be focused on the different measurements done on Top quark on CMS.


Aloke Kumar Das (National Institute of Science Education and Research (IN))

Presentation materials