21 Sept 2021, 13:50
Oral report Section 1. Experimental and theoretical studies of the properties of atomic nuclei. Section 1. Experimental and theoretical studies of the properties of atomic nuclei


Ivan Borzov (NRC KI)


I.N. Borzov 1,2, S.V. Tolokonnikov1,3

1 National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia
2Bogolubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
3 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), Dolgoprudny, Russia

†E-mail:, cc:

Fully self-consistent study of the charge radii in the long chains of the Ar to Sc isotopes is presented. The neutron-deficient and neutron-rich nuclei with pairing in both neutron and proton sectors, as well as the (semi-) magic nuclei around the closed neutron shells at N=20, 28, 32 are treated within the Energy Density Functional (EDF) approach with the Fayans functional DF3-a [1]. A comparison with its new options is done, namely Fy(stand) and more recent Fy(∆r,HFB) [2].
The performance of the DF3-a is analysed in describing both absolute radii and OES effects found in the CERN-ISOLDE experiments for 36-52Ca [3] and 36-52K [4] isotopes (Figs.1,2). In addition to a large-scale parametric fitting of the Fayans EDF suggested in [2], a new physics related to a higher power density gradient terms in its surface and pairing parts is of importance. A self-consistent account for the A-dependent fluctuating contribution due to the quasiparticle-phonon coupling explained strong increase of the radii at N>28 in Ca isotopes [5]. It is expected to be responsible for observed local anomalies in isotopic dependence of the absolute radii [3,4].
Supported by the grant of Russian Scientific Foundation (RSF 21-12-00061).

Fig. 1. The charge radii of K, Ca, Sc isotopes calculated within the DF3-а functional compared to the data [3,4] and calculations[5 ]. For Ca isotopes, the DF3-a calculation with phonon corrections is shown.
Fig. 2. The charge radii of K isotopes calculated within the DF3-a functional with the gradient paring term compared to the data [3,4].

  1. S.V. Tolokonnikov, E.E. Saperstein, Phys. At. Nucl. 74, 1277 (2011).
  2. P.-G. Reinhard, W. Nazarewicz, Phys. Rev. C95, 064328 (2017).
  3. A.J. Miller Nature Physics, vol.15, 432 (2019).
  4. A.Koszorus Nature Physics, (2020).
  5. E.E. Saperstein, I.N. Borzov, S.V. Tolokonnikov, JETP Letters,


Ivan Borzov (NRC KI)

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