Poster session (Relativistic nuclear physics, elementary particle physics and high-energy physics)
- Evgeny Andronov (St Petersburg State University (RU))
Nonlinear field model of extremal space-time film is considered [1-3]. Its space-localized solution in toroidal coordinates with periodic dependence on time is investigated. In particular, we consider the field configuration having a form of the twisted lightlike soliton moving along the singular ring of the coordinate system. The solutions in the form of twisted lightlike solitons was...
The new experimental data on various characteristics of the secondary charged pions produced in n$^{12}$C collisions at 4.2 GeV/c are presented. A comparative analysis of the average multiplicities and various kinematic characteristics of the charged pions produced in n$^{12}$C and p$^{12}$C collisions at 4.2 GeV/c is made. The experimental data are compared systematically with the predictions...
$\bf{A.T. D’yachenko^{1.2}}$
$^{1}$Emperor Alexander I Petersburg State Transport University, St. Petersburg, Russia
$^{2}$ B.P. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Gatchina, Russia
Developing a statistical model of multiple particle production based on [1-3], an algorithm is proposed for finding the transverse momentum distribution...
We study the expansion of early universe using quasi-particle approach. In order to determine the accurate time evolution of the thermodynamic parameters in the early universe of quark gluon plasma (QGP), we solve the Friedmann equation. The calculation results provide us the time variation of the energy density and also the time evolution of temperature in the early universe using finite...
We work on the electromagnetic probes as gamma ray photon using phenomenological model. The model is based on quasi-particles in which finite quark mass is dependent on temperature as well as chemical potential under extreme condition of hot and dense quark matter. The production rate of two photons are found to be enhance with chemical potential with suitable initial conditions at RHIC and...
A new generalization of the multipomeron exchange model [1-7] is proposed that provides a reasonable description of processes of pp, pA, and AA collisions. The main feature of this model is that the effect of string collectivity is accounted for by a given parameter associated with a change in string tension due to the fusion process. In a new approach, special attention is paid to the...
Estimation of centrality is one of the key steps in any analysis sensitive to initial stages of nucleus-nucleus collisions. In fixed target experiments typically one can use forward detectors to measure energy of nucleon spectators as a proxy for centrality estimator. Precision of this determination in limited by the detector resolution and losses of particles on a way from an interaction...
Transport approach [1,2] for nucleus-nucleus collisions description is widely used and underlies many popular Monte Carlo event generators, such as SMASH [3] and UrQMD [4]. Unfortunately, the mechanisms of nucleus fragmentation and coalescence are not taken into account by the transport approach based models. In final states, nucleus fragments (such as spectators or made by coalescence light...
The possibilities of using a monitor system 1 based on semiconductor Si detectors (SCD) for reconstructing the spectra of short-range charged particles in experiments to study the mechanisms of stopped negative pion absorption by nuclei 2 are considered.
The method is based on the possibility of measuring the stopping depth of a pion in a thick ( 100 µg/cm2) target by the amount of...
The spectroscopy of charmonium-like mesons with masses above the 2_mD open charm threshold has been full of surprises and remains poorly understood [1]. The currently most compelling theoretical descriptions of the mysterious XYZ mesons attribute them to hybrid structure with a tightly bound cc\bar diquark [2] or cq(cq)\bar tetraquark core [3 - 5] that strongly couples to S-wave DD\bar...
Production, collision, and decay of matter in space, I think, are responsible for the forming of particle spectra that are measured in cosmic rays and astrophysics. Protons, nuclei, and dark matter are the known form of matter. If we understand how a proton produces protons in the collision with another proton ( or antiproton), we can predict the form of the spectra of secondary elementary...
Radiation technologies are widely used in various fields of science and medicine. Usually, electron accelerators are utilized as radiation sources. It is necessary to control the energy spectrum of the emitted electrons because it significantly affects the result of exposure to the electron beam. Measuring spectra directly is a difficult and non-trivial task that requires specialized...
Recently, event shape observables such as transverse spherocity ($S_{0}$), has been studied successfully in small collision systems at the LHC as a tool to separate jetty and isotropic events. In our work, we have performed an extensive study of charged particles' azimuthal anisotropy in heavy-ion collisions as a function of $S_{0}$ for the first time using a multi-phase transport (AMPT)...
Эффективное действие Липатова, введенное в [1], является хорошо согласованной с экспериментом теорией сильного взаимодействия в пределе Редже. Наш подход формализма эффективного действия представляет вариант квантовой хромодинамики для теории полей Редже. В ней мы строим теорию возмущений, основанную на знании классических решений уравнений движения и петлевого вклада в эффективное действие. В...