TWEPP 2021 Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle PhysicsEvent
Zoom Meeting ID
TWEPP will be held as online event.
Oral presentations: All oral presentations will be broadcasted via Zoom using the following link:
Please mute your microphone and deactivate your camera. If you have questions or comments either write them in the chat window or use the ‘raise hand feature’. Only once called by the session convener activate your microphone and your camera.
Poster presentations: Each poster has its dedicated zoom room allocated. The link is available via the respective indico schedule entry. If there is a password required which is not embedded in the zoom link the authors have been asked to use the same password as for the oral video sessions. For the poster video sessions please activate your microphone and video to take part in the discussion actively.
Please be aware that both poster sessions are identical but indico shows the full schedule only for the Tuesday session. As a result, if you want to attend the Thursday session, please refer to the Tuesday agenda.
Alex Kluge
Alternative hosts
Johan Alme, Christine Guo Hu, Francois Vasey, Salvatore Danzeca, Ken Wyllie, Magnus Hansen, Hucheng Chen, Angela Ricci, Walter Snoeys, Gregory Michiel Iles, Jean-Pierre Cachemiche, Christian Joram
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL