HEASA 2021

from Monday 13 September 2021 (00:00) to Friday 17 September 2021 (16:35)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
13 Sept 2021
14 Sept 2021
15 Sept 2021
16 Sept 2021
17 Sept 2021
Poster Session (until 10:45) ()
09:00 Development of tools for SALT/RSS spectropolarimetry reduction: application to the blazar 3C279 - Justin Cooper (University of the Free State)   ()
09:15 Modelling cosmic-ray transport in jets as a correlated random walk - Patrick Reichherzer (Ruhr-University Bochum)   ()
09:30 Modellling the synchrotron emission of RMHD AGN jet simulations with the PLUTO par- ticle module - Izak van der Westhuizen   ()
09:45 Optical variability modeling of newly identified blazars and blazar candidates behind the Magellanic Clouds - Natalia Zywucka (North-West Uniwersity)   ()
10:00 Spectral analysis of S5 1803+784 in the recent flaring state - Joseph Omojola (University of the Witwatersrand)   ()
10:15 A hadronic synchrotron mirror model for blazars - Application to 3C 279 - Laenita Oberholzer (North West University)   ()
10:30 Results from the O3 observing run of the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration - ROSA POGGIANI   ()
Opening - Markus Boettcher (North-West University) (until 14:15) ()
13:30 Welcome and Introduction - Markus Boettcher (North-West University)   ()
13:40 Technical Introduction - Anna Samara Larmuth (University of Johannesburg)   ()
13:55 Welcome by the Department of Science and Innovation - Mr Takalani Nemaungani (Department of Science and Innovation)   ()
Transients - Markus Boettcher (North-West University) (until 15:30) ()
14:15 The transient high-energy sky seen with H.E.S.S. - Fabian Schüssler (CEA)   ()
14:45 On the origin of very-high-energy gamma-rays from gamma-ray bursts - Xiang-Yu Wang (Nanjing University)   ()
15:15 Results from the SALT e-ROSITA transient followup programme - David A.H. Buckley (SAAO)   ()
15:30 --- Coffee ---
AGN I - Hartmut Winkler (University of Johannesburg) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 First Event Horizon Telescope results and future prospects - Dr Sara Issaoun (Radboud University)   ()
16:30 A roadmap for a compensium of supermassive black hole images - Venkatessh Ramakrishnan   ()
16:45 The M87 ring in polarised light and polarimetryc synthetic data modelling - Iniyan Natarajan   ()
17:00 Active galactic nuclei in the faint radio sky - Jack Radcliffe   ()
17:15 Comprehensive power spectral density analysis of the Fermi-LAT gamma-ray light curves of selected blazars - Natalia Zywucka (North-West Uniwersity)   ()
17:30 Disentangling the emission regions in blazars during flaring / transient states - Joleen Barnard (University of the Free State)   ()
17:45 Modeling the spectral energy distributions and multi-wavelength polarisation of blazars - Hester Schutte   ()
Opening Function (until 20:00) ()
AGN II - Sthabile Kolwa (University of Johannesburg) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 Probing magnetic fields in active galactic nuclei jets - Dr Evgeniya Kravchenko (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)   ()
14:00 MeerKAT observations of radio galaxies - Imogen Whittam (Oxford University)   ()
14:30 RXS J08182+0122 - an AGN with an unusually broad Keplerian rotator line profile - Hartmut Winkler (University of Johannesburg)   ()
14:45 Simulations of stochastic long-term variability in leptonic models for external-Compton and synchrotron self-Compton dominated blazars - Hannes Thiersen (North-West University)   ()
15:00 Simulating AGN light curves of blob injection in RMHD jet simulations - Daniel Kulik (N/A)   ()
15:15 Jets and disc-winds from magnetically driven flows around black holes - Indu Kalpa Dihingia (Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India)   ()
15:30 --- Coffee ---
XRB I - David Buckley (until 17:30) ()
16:00 A decade of black hole X-ray binary transients - Phil Charles (University of Southampton)   ()
16:30 Be X-ray binary 4U 1901+03: Cyclotron resonance scattering feature and its imprint on the pulse profile - aru beri (IISER Mohali, India)   ()
16:45 Determining the orbital parameters of the gamma-ray binary HESS J0632+057 - Natalie Matchett (University of the Free State)   ()
17:00 Gamma-gamma absorption in gamma-ray binaries - Brian van Soelen (University of the Free State)   ()
17:15 On the long-term optical and X-ray behaviour of sibling SMC Be X-ray binaries SXP15.3 and SXP305 - Itumeleng Monageng (University of Cape Town)   ()
AGN III - Andrew Chen (University of the Witwatersrand) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 A study of the lobes of radio galaxy Hydra A using MeerKAT observations - Mika Naidoo (University of the Witwatersrand)   ()
13:45 Geodetic and astrometric VLBI observations to monitor radio source structure in the South - Sayan Basu (University of the Witwatersrand)   ()
14:00 Multi-wavelength study of HBL 1ES 1959+650 during various flares over 6 years of major activities - Dr Sunil Chandra (SAAO)   ()
14:15 The many ages of AGN - Kshitij Thorat   ()
14:30 A shock-in-jet synchrotron mirror model - Markus Boettcher (North-West University)   ()
14:45 ExHaLe-Jet: An extended hadro-leptonic jet model for blazars - Michael Zacharias (Laboratoire Univers et Théories, Observatoire de Paris, Université PSL, CNRS, Université de Paris, 92190 Meudon, France)   ()
15:00 Modeling emissions from secondary electron-positron pairs created by absorption of gamma-rays in the broad-line region of blazars and their contribution to the broadband SED - Mfuphi Ntshatsha   ()
15:15 Radiation from relativistic particles accelerated at shear layers in relativistic jets - Tej Chand (North-West university, Centre for Space Research)   ()
15:30 --- Coffee ---
XRB II & HE Polarimetry - Brian van Soelen (University of the Free State) (until 17:45) ()
16:00 Jets in accreting X-ray binaries - Andrzej Zdziarski   ()
16:30 Hercules X-1 (Her X-1): New results from the past decade of observations - Denis Leahy (University Of Calgary)   ()
16:45 The 2019 outburst of the accreting millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658 - Kelebogile Bonokwane (University of Cape Town)   ()
17:00 X-ray spectropolarimetric observations of black holes and magnetars with IXPE and XL- Calibur - Henric Krawczynski (Washington University)   ()
17:30 Monte-Carlo Applications for Partially Polarized Inverse External-Compton Scattering - Lente Dreyer (North-West University)   ()
Multi-Messenger & Astro-Particle - P.J. Meintjes (University of the Free State) (until 15:15) ()
13:30 Probing AGN jets with high-energy neutrinos - Maria Petropoulou (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens)   ()
14:00 Line of sight neutrinos and gamma-rays from blazars associated with IceCube neutri- nos - Soebur Razzaque (University of Johannesburg)   ()
14:15 Shaken, not stirred: Test particles in binary black hole mergers - Pieter Van der Merwe (North-West University)   ()
14:30 Simulation of the binary black hole merger rate with ultraluminous X-ray source pro- genitors - Lutendo Nyadzani (University of Johannesburg)   ()
14:45 Linking the LHC and astrophysics with anomalies - Geoff Beck (University of the Witwatersrand)   ()
15:00 A new approach to search for binary black holes with Fermi-LAT - Michael Kreter   ()
15:30 --- Coffee ---
Pulsars I - Nukri Komin (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Modeling globular clusters as multi-wavelength emitters - Hambeleleni Davids (University of Namibia, North-West University)   ()
16:25 Constraining the magnetic field geometry of the millisecond pulsar PSR J0030+0451 using NICER and Fermi data - Anu Kundu (NWU)   ()
16:40 Constraining the non-thermal emission site and geometry of AR Sco via optical po- larimetry - Louis Du Plessis (Centre for Space Physics, North-West University)   ()
16:55 Low power pulsed emission at the spin period of the WD in AR Scorpii? - Quinton Kaplan (University of the Free State)   ()
17:10 The detection of pulsed emission at the spin period of the white dwarf in AE Aquarii in MeerKAT and Fermi-LAT data - Spencer Tendai Madzime (University of the Free State)   ()
17:25 Pulsar high-energy emission models - Alice Harding (Los Alamos National Laboratory)   ()
Pulsars II & Other HE Sources & Outreach - Michael Backes (University of Namibia) (until 15:30) ()
13:30 Astronomy for development: The namibian example - Hannah Dalgleish (University of Oxford)   ()
14:00 Leptonic non-thermal emission from supernova remnants evolving in the circumstellar magnetic field - Iurii Sushch (North-West University)   ()
14:15 Probing the nature of the young and energetic nebula Kes 75 via spatio-spectral modelling - Christo Venter (North-West University Potchefstroom Campus)   ()
14:30 Spectral and temporal analysis of GRB 210410A detected by Fermi-LAT - Dimakatso Maheso (University of Johannesburg)   ()
14:45 Fast radio bursts - Current state of the field - Zorawar Wadiasingh (NASA GSFC)   ()
15:00 Phase-resolved spectroscopy of millisecond pulsars in the Third Fermi-LAT pulsar catalogue - Hend Yassin (North-West University)   ()
15:15 Models for Sgr A* flares: from a general analytical to magnetic reconnection model - Anton dmytriiev (Observatoire de Paris)   ()
Coffee (until 16:00) ()
XRB III - Soebur Razzaque (University of Johannesburg) (until 16:35) ()
16:00 Advances with NICER on neutron stars, accreting black holes, and optical transients in nearby galaxies - Ronald Remillard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   ()
16:30 Farewell - Soebur Razzaque (University of Johannesburg) Markus Boettcher (North-West University)   ()