We present equilibrium as well as out-of-equilibrium properties of the strongly interacting QGP medium under extreme conditions of high temperature
Furthermore, out-of equilibrium properties of the QGP medium and in particular, the effect of a
The PHSD covers the full evolution of the system during HICs, including the partonic phase as well as the phase transition between the hadronic and partonic phases, where the microscopic properties of quarks and gluons are described by the DQPM.
The DQPM, which is based on the lQCD data, interprets the EoS in terms of dynamical degrees of freedom and allows evaluating the cross sections of the corresponding elastic and inelastic reactions, which are essential for the transport evolution.
The microscopic properties of partonic quasiparticles and their differential cross sections depend not only on the temperature
We find that bulk observables and flow coefficients for strange hadrons as well as for antiprotons are more sensitive to the properties of the QGP, in particular to the
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