13–17 Jun 2022
Paradise Hotel Busan
Asia/Seoul timezone

Heavy-flavor anisotropic flow at RHIC and LHC energies within a full transport approach

15 Jun 2022, 09:20


Talk Heavy-flavor and Quarkonia PA-Heavy-flavor and Quarkonia


Lucia Oliva (Università di Catania, INFN Catania)


The propagation of heavy quarks (HQs), charm and bottom, in the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) is described by means of a full Boltzmann transport approach. The non-perturbative dynamics and the interaction between HQs and the bulk is taken into account by means of a Quasi-Particle Model. Including the description of the intense electromagnetic and vortical fields, we discuss their impact on the directed flow of neutral D mesons at RHIC and LHC energy, clarifying the powerful role of this observable in giving information on the transport properties of the hot QCD matter generated in ultra-relativistic collisions. Indeed, the v1 magnitude is associated with the HQ diffusion coefficient while the v1 splitting is connected to the electric conductivity of the QGP medium.
We also show our results for the D-meson RAA and vn at RHIC and LHC energies within a coalescence plus fragmentation hadronization scheme and including event-by-event initial state fluctuations. We highlight the role of the latter on the development of v3(pT) and v4(pT). We discuss event-shape selected D-meson spectra and vn as well as correlations between different D-meson flow coefficients at LHC energies in different centrality classes. The centrality selection is performed according to the magnitude of the second-order harmonic reduced flow vector q2. The extracted temperature dependence of the spatial diffusion coefficient Ds is consistent with lattice QCD results within the systematic uncertainties. Furthermore, we present predictions for RAA, v2 and v3 of B mesons and electrons from semi-leptonic B-meson decays at top LHC energies. We find a remarkable suppression al low pT, leading to a determination of Ds that is in agreement with the lattice QCD calculations.
[1] L. Oliva, S. Plumari and V. Greco, JHEP 05, 034 (2021).
[2] S. Plumari, G. Coci, V. Minissale, S.K. Das, Y. Sun and V. Greco, Phys. Lett. B 805, 135460 (2020).
[3] F. Scardina, S.K. Das, V. Minissale, S. Plumari and V. Greco, Phys.Rev. C 96, 044905 (2017).

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Primary authors

Lucia Oliva (Università di Catania, INFN Catania) Salvatore Plumari Vincenzo Greco Vincenzo Minissale Maria Lucia Sambataro (Università degli Studi di Catania)

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