13–17 Jun 2022
Paradise Hotel Busan
Asia/Seoul timezone

Heavy quark transport through viscous quark-gluon plasma

14 Jun 2022, 17:10
1h 50m


Board: HF-13
Poster Heavy-flavor and Quarkonia Poster


Ms Adiba Shaikh (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IN))


Early production of heavy quarks (charm and bottom) in the heavy-ion collisions
and their associated large mass scale renders them as useful probes for studying the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) properties. We study the heavy quark transport coefficients, drag and momentum diffusion, as a function of their initial momentum and QGP temperature for elastic and inelastic processes. The thermal medium interactions are incorporated through the effective fugacity quasiparticle model. The viscous corrections are included up to first and second order in the thermal distribution function of in-medium particles by solving effective Boltzmann equation within relaxation time approximation. The effect of shear and bulk viscous corrections to the heavy-quark transport coefficients have been investigated.

Present via Online


Ms Adiba Shaikh (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IN))


Dr Manu Kurian (McGill University) Prof. Santosh Kumar Das (Indian Institute of Technology Goa) Prof. Vinod Chandra (Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar) Prof. Sadhana Dash (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay) Prof. Basanta Kumar Nandi (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)

Presentation materials