13–17 Jun 2022
Paradise Hotel Busan
Asia/Seoul timezone

In-medium transport of $X$(3872) and $B_c$ at the LHC

14 Jun 2022, 15:00


Talk Heavy-flavor and Quarkonia PA-Heavy-flavor and Quarkonia


Biaogang Wu (Texas A&M University)


We investigate the in-medium kinetics of the X(3872) and $B_c$ particles in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions (URHICs). Our transport approach, previously employed for charmonia and bottomonia, is governed by two transport parameters: the equilibrium limit and inelastic reaction rate. The equilibrium limits of X(3872) and $B_c$ are entirely determined by the particles' masses and the charm-quark and bottom-quark fugacities as determined before. The reaction rate for the X(3872) is evaluated depending on its structure, being "large" for a DD molecule and "small" for a tetraquark (diquark-antidiquark). The reaction rate of the $B_c$ is calculated in the quasi-free approximation as used for charmonia and bottomonia. We assess the sensitivity of the final X(3872) yields and pT spectra on different scenarios for its width and initial conditions. We find that the final yields of the molecule structure are generally smaller than for the tetraquark, by around a factor of two, which is qualitatively different from calculations using instantaneous coalescence models. We also present the centrality and transverse-momentum dependence of the $B_c$ $R_{AA}$ and discuss it in the context of recent CMS experiment data.
This work has been supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under grant no. PHY-1913286, and by the TAMU Cyclotron Institute's Research Development (CIRD) program.

Present via Online


Biaogang Wu (Texas A&M University) Ralf Rapp

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