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13–17 Jun 2022
Paradise Hotel Busan
Asia/Seoul timezone

Production of Pc(4312) state in electron-proton collisions

14 Jun 2022, 17:10
1h 50m


Board: DET-02
Poster Detector upgrades and Future experiments Poster


Inwoo Park


We compute electro-production of P_c(4312) in e^-+p^+→e^-+P_c using Vector Dominance Model assuming four possible spin parity of P_c (4312),J^P=(1/2)^±,(3/2)^±. Electron Ion Collider which is to be built at Brookhaven National Laboratory, we can collide not only unpolarized beam of electron and proton, but also polarized beam so we can investigate more deeply about the angular distribution of P_c (4312). Using high integrated luminosity of Electron Ion Collider, we can predict the yield of P_c (4312) for each spin-parity. We also plot differential scattering cross-section for both unpolarized and polarized beam as a function of pseudorapidity of P_c (4312) in the Lab frame and transverse momentum. Forward to Backward Ratio and Beam Spin Asymmetry helps us to discriminate spin of P_c (4312). Furthermore to specify parity, we study the effect of transverse and longitudinal polarization of J⁄ψ on decay width of P_c→p+J⁄ψ→p+e^-+e^+ channel.

Present via Online


Inwoo Park Su Houng Lee (Yonsei University) Sungtae Cho Yongsun Kim (Sejong University (KR))

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