Community Workshop on Cold Atoms in Space


The purpose of this community workshop is to discuss options for a quantum technology development programme coordinated at the Europe-wide level and to develop a community roadmap and milestones to demonstrate the readiness of cold atom technologies in space, as proposed in the Voyage 2050 recommendations [0], and in synergy with EU programmes.

This event will bring together the cold atom, astrophysics, cosmology, fundamental physics, and earth observation communities to shape this development programme. 

This community workshop will build upon one organised two years ago [1], which also reviewed the cold atom experiment landscape for space. Subsequently, several White Papers were submitted [2-8] in response to the Voyage 2050 call, which outlined possible ultimate goals and reviewed experiments and technical developments underway that could help pave a way towards these goals.

One of the main goals of this workshop is to assemble a Community Roadmap that is supported by the cold atom community and the potential user communities interested in its science goals. This Community Roadmap will outline technological milestones as well as refine interim and long-term scientific goals. 

We encourage participation and input from the European Space Agency and related national space agencies for this event.



[0]Voyage 2050 Senior Committee Recommendations

[1]AEDGE Workshop 2019

[2]White Paper Buchmueller et al.   //  AEDGE Publication

[3]White Paper Wolf et al.  //  Wolf et al. arXiv

[4]White Paper Bassi et al.

[5]White Paper Tartaglia et al.

[6]White Paper Schneider et al.

[7]White Paper Berge et al.

[8]White Paper Berry et al.

Workshop Organisers [Initial list, to be completed]:

Angelo Bassi, University of Trieste, Italy 

Kai Bongs, University of Birmingham, UK 

Philippe Bouyer, CNRS, Institut d’Optique, France 

Oliver Buchmueller, Imperial College London, UK 

Luigi Cacciapuoti, European Space Agency

Marilù Chiofalo, University of Pisa and INFN Pisa, Italy  

Albert De Roeck, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, and University of Antwerp, Belgium 

Michael Doser, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

John Ellis, King’s College London, UK 

Rene Forsberg, DTU Space, Denmark 

Thomas Lévèque, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, France 

Christian LisdatPhysikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany 

Federica Migliaccio, DICA, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Ernst Rasel, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany 

Stephan Schiller, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany 

Christian Schubert, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany 

Carla Signorini, INFN Pisa, Italy 

Guglielmo Tino, Università di Firenze and LENS, Italy

Wolf von Klitzing, IESL-FORTH, Greece

Peter Wolf, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris-PSL, Paris, France 

UPDATE: 22/08/2021 

Adding letter and list of registered co-signatories of the community letter to ESA’s Director of Science, Guenther Hasinger. 

This workshop follows the submission of a community letter, which outlined the intention to organise a community workshop is to discuss options for a quantum technology development programme coordinated at the Europe-wide level.

Link to copy of Community Letter to ESA’s Director of Science, Guenther Hasinger.

Link to registered Co-signatories



